I drive the spinning Hippo unit.
I have a pic of the the drive unit for the Whilry Balls, but i dont know how to attach it to here.
The driver levels work like this:
You start as a level 1 driver and you do that for 6 months, then you upgrade to level 2 and do that for 6 months, then you upgrade to level 3 and do that for 6 months, then you graduate to level 4 which is the highest level.
Level 1 drive the Whirly Balls, Whirly Fish, and Ursala
Level 2 drive the spinning hippo unit, the fountain unit, and the opening unit with the trumpet players, and the giant fish.
Level 3 drive the Mickey Unit, the Title Unit, the three Garden Units, the Chernabog Unit, the three little fish which are attached together
Level 4 drive the Music Unit, the Flying Horses Unit, and the two finale Units, Carousel Unit, and all the units for DDCTP which we call "Big Daddies".
I hope this helps you out.