I might as well leak the plans:
The building behind SSE will be replaced. This is where the new entrance and exit will be. Adding to the ride length.
The beginning is a brief introduction to the new theme: storytelling. Then we move up, as always. To the origins of storytelling: a family gathered around the fire to share story time together. Then the ride follows familiar scenes: the Egyptians wrote down their stories, papyrus and hieroglyphs. Phoenician alphabet, Roman spread of civilisation, burning of Alexandria, etc. Then the explosion of new storytelling media from the modern period: movies to families gathered around the fire, erm tv, as storytelling brings them together. The rider learns that Disney is the culmination of this: storytelling that brings your family together. That unites people, from your family to the entire world. This is the theme of the 180 top, images of earth, Disney stories, and people united by them.
Basically history culminates in Disney+.