Spaceship Earth Burning Rome Scene


Well-Known Member
I believe Fitz was working in Theme Park Productions at the time and had little if anything to do with the Imagination debacle, the Producer on that project was Orin Shivley I believe. BTW, How do you know there was a plan for the descent other than internet speculation? It would seem to me if they really wanted to keep your attention on the screen they would not plan to distract you from it with actual active scenery. All in all Bob Zalk and company did a wonderful job tearing the heart out of what was probably the greatest ride I had ever been on and turning it into a pale shadow of it's former greatness.

Martin described it once.


Active Member
I think the burning rome smell is still there...we rode it about 3 weeks ago and it smelled like campfire wood with a musty tangy smell to it. Seems to me what it smelled like a few years ago with the old sets.

I don't know if its a tragedy what they have done, didn't enhance anything other than to throw steve jobs into the ride. The interactive screen made my son very happy and without it i don't think he would have even asked to ride it again so that was a plus. But the ending scene of the old one gave you goose bumps because you felt like it was living art...and moving. Now it seems like a high tech jr high class.

The thing i hate the most is the opening scene with the wooley can still hardly even see that thing...why not use some better projectors..someone old or with even remotely poor vision would have no clue what they were looking at.

I think a woman's voice makes it soft and less convincing...since (no offense women) most of the great achievments that they showed were all things men had discovered or invented....and why does it always have to be british they seem smarter? how about tom hanks? how about robert redford...and if you need a woman how about julia roberts.

Whatever its not going to change for at least 15 to 20 years so for some of us it will be the last version we see so i guess you have to live with it.


Well-Known Member
Walter Cronkite was American.

And you want to see peoples heads explode, put Julia Roberts in there.

No one's voice is like Jeremy Irons, I don't care where you're from. It's like silk.

And I don't have a problem with Dench, it's more the stupid script she's reading.


Well-Known Member
Minus-censoring Renaissance sculpture to protect young eyes, Who cares about historical accuracy
Minus-Apparently in the 70s Scientists working on mainframe computers came to work dressed like strippers .

:lol: Good point.

What speed bumps are you talking about?

Once you get past the initial ascent there are a some pretty good bumps that jar you in the Omnimover. I have to assume that there are excessive gaps between sections of track. Maybe put there on purpose to keep guests awake.:rolleyes:
Do we really have to wait 15-20 years, though?

Version 1 was from 82 to 86.

Version 2 was 86 to 94 (Tomorrow's Child with Walter Cronkite).

Version 3 was 94 to 07 (Jeremy Irons).

We can hope that if Disney and Seimens get inspired, we could potentially see a "finished" descent and maybe some other minor revisions/fixes within the next 5 years. Not likely given the current way WDW operates, but we may not have to suffer *too* long. Heck, maybe they'd bring back the "smoke"


Active Member
I'm glad to hear the smokey smell is working again. That's my favorite part.

On the other topic I can say that I miss Walter dearly, and I miss Jeremy even more. The Dench version is terrible in so many ways it's hard to even count them.

They need to:

Fix the maintenance issues.

Either remove or re-do the monitors to make them work with a much better descent.

Write a better script (or just bring back Jeremy's and tweak it to the new scenes).

Get a decent narrator, James Earl Jones, Patrick Stewart or Morgan Freeman would do nicely. Or as a nice nod to the past, get the lady that narrated the old pre-ride movie from The Living Seas (I think it was Kathleen Turner :confused:).

It's not much to ask for Disney, when you're done you can get to work on removing the Nemo crap from TLS. Oh and fix JII too. Thanks. ;)

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
I don't think Judi Dench is a bad narrator, its just that they gave her a lousy, dumbed down, and condescending script and either told her to read it "whimsically", or she didn't get the memo that its supposed to be a more serious attraction. Of course, a more serious narration would only clash even further with the flash cartoon ending.


Well-Known Member
I don't think Judi Dench is a bad narrator, its just that they gave her a lousy, dumbed down, and condescending script and either told her to read it "whimsically", or she didn't get the memo that its supposed to be a more serious attraction. Of course, a more serious narration would only clash even further with the flash cartoon ending.

I think the difference in tone between the tone of the 07 Spaceship Earth can be seen in the final lines
For example
94-Since the dawn of recorded time, communication has revolutionized our lives and changed our world. We now have the ability and the responsibility to build new bridges of acceptance and co-operation between us; to create a better world for ourselves and our children as we continue our amazing journey aboard Spaceship Earth.
07-Well I think your future looks promising don't you? So heres to the next 30,000 years on Spaceship Earth. While no one knows for sure what we'll see or do, I do know it will be quite an adventure. an adventure we will take and make together, See you in the future.

It's night and day really.
Honestly, I'm sure that Judy was told to read it lightheartedly and the new script was written to make the ride less "serious" and more "fun" .... Because the average guest no doubt found EPCOT "boring" and not "Disney". That's partly why we have Nemo, princesses in Norway, and thrill rides without any real message or educational content.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I'm sure that Judy was told to read it lightheartedly and the new script was written to make the ride less "serious" and more "fun" .... Because the average guest no doubt found EPCOT "boring" and not "Disney". That's partly why we have Nemo, princesses in Norway, and thrill rides without any real message or educational content.

Thats probably why we have some annoying teenager narrating TTA too.

I personally enjoy Judi Dench's version - not to say that I didn't enjoy Irons but since I've heard/rode/experienced Dench's version so many more times (as I only went 3 times as a kid) just hearing it takes me back to current SSE (yes - the ending and all!) haha
I have nothing against Judy as a narrator. It's whoever wrote the script I blame, even though I have to admit that "thanking the Phoneticians" has become a sort of quirky inside joke. Frankly, I'll live with the current descent until some new blood comes in and decides to either change it again or finish it to the way original plans called for. It's the details like the burning of Rome (which isn't really the same without the "smoke" but at least the scent has returned) and elements that aren't working (steam press, anyone?) that annoy me. I never understood why they turned the paperboy to the wall, either... but it could be worse, he could've been removed completely.

Once those little details are addressed, I'd rather they move to fixing JII and updating UoE. Then doing something to restore the old WoL pavilion--either to something completely new or an update/plus to the health theme. It's clear the descent of SSE isn't going to be touched for a while; unless Seimens steps in.


Well-Known Member
I need to get a life

Over 270 posts about a disney world smell gone missing, and I read them all. Seriously, I need to get a life, or at least treatment for my addiction.

George Lucas on a Bench

Well-Known Member
The trash is the most apparent right after the video ends so the show that was programmed for me was over. I wasn't looking for garbage, but once the programmed show exposed the ending screen I looked upwards. Since the cars are tilted so that the passengers look upward, the intended or programmed show became the ceiling. At that time I happend to notice some things on the ceiling/wiring that looked like crumpled up fast food bags lying along the structure. I certainly wasn't looking up there thinking "I wonder if I can find garbage on the ceiling." In fact, the ceiling is the last place that I would expect or think to be searching when or if I were searching for garbage. Instead it stuck out like a sore thumb, and I was happy to see that a fellow poster noticed it also.
This is still there along with this cobweb like substance dangling below.

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