Space Mountain Rehab?


New Member
Original Poster
With the whole Space Mountain Mission 2 thing in Paris and the Space Mountain rehab in Disneyland, do you think that we could be getting a big rehab like them? I think were in need of one.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
riguitargod said:
I hope not, I love it how it is!

maybe just redo the track and some of the effects. but keep the layout and single file riding formation. wow, that sounds like a condition.......

he has a bad case of "Single File Riding Formation"

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I honestly don’t think we are going to see any major refurbs until the 50th celebration is over. After that who knows. It seems PoTC and HM might be getting a refurb on the level of IASW. As for SM I would love to see that ride gutted and have a state of the art coaster put in its place. After that my guess is that EPCOT will get some much needed TLC.


New Member
I think it's great just the way it is, I don't go to WDW for coasters, if I wanted that I would just go to Cedar Point.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
StitchCrazy626 said:
I really don't care about the seating, but I would like to see some new effects and make it smoother.
the reason i like the seating is that it makes it more intense to have both side of your body exposed to openness of the attraction. i think it also makes it easier to have a long ride time since you obviously have more room since the track is a single and not a double width.

ahhh, everybody has there preference.


Well-Known Member
You know, I used to agree with you guys, but Lee kinda turned my opinion round.

Space Mountain in it's current form is a waste of an oppertunity. Look at Space Mountain at DLP (version 2 looks amazing.... ), a classic concept, just less 70's-like.


As I feel the need to say periodically:


As of July 15, Magic Kingdom will officially have the weakest, most craptacular Space Mountain of them all...sad. Give it the Disneyland treatment, at the very least.


Well-Known Member
I vote for the queue to be redone and maybe some updating to the launche and lift. Other then that a change to the music would be nice. Other then that, I would like for the ride to remain the same for the most part, including the tracks themselves.


Well-Known Member
I agree that Space Mt at WDW needs to be gutted and rebuilt. WDW has gentle coasters like Thunder and Primeval Whirl. But Space Mt should be WDW's version a real thrill coaster. It's never gonna be a mega 6 Flags coaster, and that's a good thing. But it could use a good rebuild. There is so much room in that building. The DLP track could easily fit inside.

And if/when a SM rebuild ever happens one of the main things they need to do is ENCLOSE the load station. It's open top allows too much light out into the ride.

That said, a new ride needs to go in the old 20K site and Pirates and Mansion need an upgrade before any money is spent to recreate Space Mt.


Well-Known Member
Disneyland's version is more intense of a ride, something I don't actually prefer. Also, DL layout is very boring to me, constant right turns over and over and over. How about some change of directions and drops?

That's what I love about our Space Mountain. I'm not looking for a big fast intense roller coaster while in the Magic Kingdom. I'm looking for a FUN ride with turns and drops, which is exactly what it delivers. The single seating is also different and a nice touch.

I'm all in favor in sprucing up the queue and decorating the track with quality theming, but don't change the layout.

The single WORST thing they could do is add LOOPS. Loops are the equivalent of ruining a ride. Loops means you have run out of ideas and are simply trying to get a quick fix and appease the masses for the short term.

A quality roller coaster does not need LOOPS, if anything it detracts from the overall experience. More people will ride without loops.

Generally speaking, the best roller coasters in the world do NOT have any loops (whether they be steel or wood):

Millenium Force
Super Ride of Steel
The Beast
The Legend
The Raven
Boulder Dash
Expedition G-Force

If someone wants loops, go ride Clone-N-Roller Coaster (standard Vekoma headbanger) over at MGM.

Thankfully Everest will deliver exactly what a quality coaster ride should: speed, drops and turns, no stinkin' loops.

Serman over :D :D :D


New Member
Don't mess with perfection!

Space Mountain is the orginial and it is a classic. A nice spruce up and cleaning, but that's it. Don't change any of the ride. Add special effects, music, sounds, but don't change the track layout.

I like the feel of the '70s Space Mountain. It makes me feel like I am at Disney back in 1970s. I wasn't born then, but I can dream.


Well-Known Member
Space Mountain is like a classic slice of pizza. No reason to change the recipe and add BBQ chicken or some other junk on it, if what you have works and delights people.

If you want a DIFFERENT roller coaster go build one from scratch :D


Active Member
I hope they dont change the ride at all. I am not a roller coaster person so this is one of the few out there that I really like and will ride. Even little kids can ride. If they make it to intense there goes another ride that the family can enjoy together.


Adventurer's just a matter of taste. :rolleyes:

WDW's was OK in the 70's, I guess.....but Paris...that's what a Space Mountain should be. (When it's running smooth, that is.)

C'mon Kevin...loops RUIN a ride? I think not. The ones on your list are good, I've ridden a few of them, but Hulk is top notch as are:
Riddler's Revenge
Batman Knight Flight
and yes, Rock n Roller Coaster.

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