Just so everyone knows, I will be arriving at Orlando AP on June 17th around 10:30 AM and we leave around noon on June 24th. Beings I have been to WDW a few times I already know that you need a lot of time to see everything you want to see and I am sure there are lots of new things as well as revamped things since my last trip 9 yrs ago, so I for sure want to hit the ground running. Not only for myself to see whatever I can but thought I was doing the right thing since the rest of my family who is going has never been outside of the Philadelphia/New Jersey area before. I of course will be with my wife as well as 2 daughters one who will be 19 by that time and my other who will be turning 17 the middle of the week we are there.
This trip was costly to say the least which I am sure you are all well aware of cost and if not for my father passing a few months ago and my mom wanting to send us all on this vacation with some of the insurance money, I may have never seen WDW again or at least anytime in the next 20 yrs if lucky. My wife has never flown because of being scared and the only trip she has taken was on a cruise called the Cruise to Nowhere which stays in the area of Philadelphia.
I have explained to her that going to WDW is nothing like going to the Jersey Shore where you rent a crappy motel room and do whatever ya want, whenever ya want because there really isnt ALL that much to do anyway other then beach, boardwalk, ride on a handful of junky rides or maybe go fishing or crabbing. Whereas WDW is such a vast area with a massive assortment of things to do and see, you really need to get out and start seeing some of this "Magic" asap... at least thats how I see it.
My wife is the type of person who if she makes a suggestion and then you make another suggestion ontop of that, she automatically thinks that you are dismissing what she had to say... though to repeat what I said above... she is going into this trip as if she is going someplace like the shore, which WDW is BY FAR nothing to compare to and all I have ben trying to do is explain to her that this isnt your typical trip to the beach type vacation.