I was exiting space mountain standing on the belt when some kid head butted me in the back. I was kind of bothered that he was running and glad he wasn't hurt. It didn't really bug me and said to my self he's just a kid until 2 seconds later. They knocked over an elderly lady, they just looked back, laughed and kept on running. Now you should of seen how upset her grand children were, they were toddlers under 3 feet tall. I raced to help her up and luckily she was didn't get seriously hurt but it did knock the wind out of her and no doubt she didn't feel that the next morning. My main point of this thread is next tine you decide to run down the ramp, your kids do or even if you see other kids doing that remember this story and dont be afraid to say something. I approached the kids parents and told them what their kids did and all they said was Chill out... S*** happens, that lade shouldn't be here if she cant handle it. Maybe it wasn't my place but I really felt the need to tell them. I felt a normal parent would take what I said and address it to their kids.