Something silly I've always wondered


New Member
Originally posted by tigsmom
Those salads aren't so bad, I actually like them (rated fourth behind Subway, Wendy's and Burger King).

You sould see the Movie "Super Size Me" B4 putting anything at MickeyDs in a good light. I love Mc-everything but after seeing that movie (that was very funny by the way) I've started to rethink what and where I Mc-eat.

Originally posted by tigsmom
Ozzy Osborne, my anti drug.
That's Mc-Funny.


New Member
"BTW, Does Anyone Else Traditionally Screams Along In The Streaching Hall.. I Do, Every Time!"

Sorry, but that has to be one of the most annoying things that people do at WDW. There are alway some comedians that have to try to scare everone in the stretch room. I have seen a little kid in tears after some guy screamed at the top of his lungs trying to impress the girl he was with(spring of '97). He thought it was hilarious, but the poor kid didn't.:(


Naturally Grumpy
Originally posted by Laura22
You know the CMs on the haunted mansion that "magically" lower the handle bar? How long do they have to walk along the moving sidewalk before they get a break? I was just curious if they are stuck there for hours at a time. It must be really disorienting stepping off that thing after being on it for so long.

The ghosts "automatically" lower the bar as it leaves the flat part of the loading area and begins to go up the hill. No CM needs to help.


Well-Known Member
I was in the HM late one night, no line at all. Se went strait into the stretching room, missing the fower intro, which i love!, but when the lights went out, the CM (well there were two) saw no small children were in there and decided to scare the living he** out of everyone! He screamed extremely loud and scared me to DEATH! lol, that's what u call ironic. Anyway, at the platform, There were 2 cm's at the point where they tell you to wait until the car is on the platform, then go in, one of them jumped in the car and sat down, then left quitely just before the bar came down. Scared me, but he never said a word, i still remember that when riding to this day, then again, it happened last week!


New Member
Originally posted by MartyMouse
You sould see the Movie "Super Size Me" B4 putting anything at MickeyDs in a good light. I love Mc-everything but after seeing that movie (that was very funny by the way) I've started to rethink what and where I Mc-eat.

That's Mc-Funny.

that movie was dumb as who knows what. the guy did it for a puiblicity stunt. i never saw no but i don't care to see it. guy was moronic and well just plain dumb. let me torture my body to prove a point that has already be proven.

kinda like when the government released a study where poeple were paid for to say that alcohol caused drunkeness:rolleyes:

anyway, never been scared by the CM's though one followed me with his eyes ocne. that was cool.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by TheDisneyQueen
what was your hours of work a day from what time to what time?
Also what is your favorite job to do in Space Mountain? Giving out fast passes loading ride or somthing else? Lastly which ride in Tomorrowland do u enjoy handling the most? did u have to go to a program to become a cast member or what did you do to get your CM job? Was it hard to get that job?


wow lol where did this come from? :lol:
I like to work more in the evenings/closing since that is when all the cool people are working. Some of the people that open are just not nice. As of right now I don't really close becuase of these stupid e-ride nights that would have me working till freaken 3am...meaning I get home at 4!?!?!!? not cool at all.
My favorite position at space would have to be tower I think. Its just fun running the place I don't know.
The Loads and Unloads are cool as well since that is where most of the "drama" take place.

In terms of what you mean by handling in tomorrowland, I take it you mean running the other rides...I am only trained space mt right now but hope to get trained outside of it sooner or later.

But getting a job there...I am former CP so it wasn't hard...just lucked out with getting my work location


New Member
Originally posted by mandib
Once I was just walking, first out from the room, and I was just minding my own business. Well I make the turn around so I'm walking towards the doom buggys and this guy plops down on the rail or whatever its called. OMG I freaked out so bad. My family sure got a kick out of it. I also hear about it everytime we go on HM.

LOL:lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
I've never had a CM try to scare me or do anything like hiding behind one of the doombuggies....I want that to happen to me :cry: . Maybe if I ask them they will, but of course that would take the fun out of it. I guess all I can do is wait and see if they do it this time when I'm down there. I love the ride so much, and that would just add to it!


New Member
CM's rotate every 30 mins or so. When I was working at Splash and Thunder, we had a computer program that handed out rotation and breaks. Sometimes we got stuck in the same spot for about an hour to an hour and a half, and thats when it became not fun. :brick:


Original Poster
The ghosts "automatically" lower the bar as it leaves the flat part of the loading area and begins to go up the hill. No CM needs to help.

Yes I know that. That's why I said the CM "magically" lowers the handle bar. Whenever I've ridden there has been a CM standing in the spot where the ghosts lower the bar and the CM always make a gesture at the same time so it looks like they are doing it magically.

But anyway, it's disorienting to me just riding a moving sidewalk for 10 seconds and then stepping off onto solid ground. I can't imagine doing it for 45 mins at a time and then having to step off! I'd probably fall on my face.


Well-Known Member
If I was able to pick a job at WDW - it would be a CM at the HM. This was decided after being right in front of the door (the next group to enter) and the CM opened the door with a great big smile in his face, then he looked down at us and said 'Oh, it's you!" with the meanest look on his face. We got a huge kick out of that. I could do that. I would also like to walk on the moving during loads and unloads - that way I'd get my walking in during work rather than hitting the treadmill every night after work.

Oh, and a CM scared us so bad one time that the bag I was holding flew out of the Doombuggy.


Originally posted by TheDisneyQueen
what was your hours of work a day from what time to what time?
Also what is your favorite job to do in Space Mountain? Giving out fast passes loading ride or somthing else? Lastly which ride in Tomorrowland do u enjoy handling the most? did u have to go to a program to become a cast member or what did you do to get your CM job? Was it hard to get that job?


When I worked at TTA you got to walk for usually atleast 45 minutes at the Load position, THEN you get to go to Unload and do continue walking. I tried to figure out the distance I walked in a shift before, as sometimes you would spend hours a day up there, but all I remember was thinking it was atleast 3 miles in a typical day. Also, Unload at Buzz Lightyear is the same way, except in addition to the walking you got to listen to "You've got a friend in me" for 45 minutes at a time. I think the best attractions to work at as a CM in Tomorrowland would have to be COP and Alien. You are able to be more original in your spiels and what not. Also, no continous walking, weather problems or black lights. :)
Has anyone ever tried to scare a CM at HM???? That would be funny since the CM definetly wouldn't expect it but they would probably really get you back


Active Member
Originally posted by drjny
I heard the moving walkways on the rides move at 1 mile per hour so in an 8 hour day they've walked 8 miles.

Considering I can walk 5-6 miles in a 90 minute period (and that's walking with an average stride), that wouldn't be right. Plus you have to take breaks/lunch into account.

I'm thinking the average person can walk maybe 3 or 4 miles within an hour's timeframe. Multiply that by an 8 hour shift, and you got a CM who could be walking approximately 25-30 miles within the course of their shift. That's ALOT of walking! But that's only taking into consideration this is all they do during said shift. Someone perviously posted that during the course of the day, CM's rotate to various positions within the attraction.
Originally posted by aimster
Considering I can walk 5-6 miles in a 90 minute period (and that's walking with an average stride), that wouldn't be right. Plus you have to take breaks/lunch into account.

I'm thinking the average person can walk maybe 3 or 4 miles within an hour's timeframe. Multiply that by an 8 hour shift, and you got a CM who could be walking approximately 25-30 miles within the course of their shift. That's ALOT of walking! But that's only taking into consideration this is all they do during said shift. Someone perviously posted that during the course of the day, CM's rotate to various positions within the attraction.

people in Disney world i guess don't realize how much exercise they are getting, i do not me the Cm i mean the actual people loading the rides... i guess that the disney fans are having so much fun it doesn't feel like your in gym class running the mile to get to frontierlands in time.... Only disney can make running OK

By the way aimster your sig. is awesome i can see we have a friends fan over here!!! I am obsessed too with Friends



New Member
Originally posted by TheDisneyGirl02
I think the bars lower on their own! LOL

I've had CM's walk to the end of the moving platform and scare the living daylights out of me by sticking their head around the doombuggy! Did this happen to anybody else?


All of the time!:lol:


New Member
Originally posted by HMGhost13
that movie was dumb as who knows what. the guy did it for a puiblicity stunt. i never saw no but i don't care to see it. guy was moronic and well just plain dumb. let me torture my body to prove a point that has already be proven.


Never comment on a movie you have NOT seen. That is simply a juvenile thing to do. The movie is has received some great reviews, not to mention that it points out a great epidemic that is haunting our nation. In other words, critique something only if you have the knowledge to back up your opinions.

* continue *:)

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