Something I don't get about Cinderella's PS


New Member
Today, I called WDW DINING at 7:00am Eastern Time; at 7:02am I asked a CM for a dinner at Cinderella's on August, 20th, and he told me that the only available hours were 5:00pm and 5:30pm...

I don't get it. It's the first day you can call in order to book a PS for August, 20th, and, at 7:02am, there is no way you can book your PS for a "normal" hour (let's say 7pm or 8pm...).

Is it SO HARD to get a PS for dinner at Cinderella's Royal Table???
Please help me, 'cos I want this PS so haaaard!



New Member

...Tell me you took one of the two avail PS slots they had, right? Else, I'm afraid you'll be out of luck, for that particular day anyway.

Not sure what normal hour for dinner is across the ocean there, but 5:30 p.m. doesn't seem all that abnormal. Might be a small sacrifice to make in order to get the PS on the date you originally wanted (20Aug).
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Well-Known Member
Hey LEO! :wave:

Sorry to hear about your PS situation.

It's all so silly to me, the way people book this stuff. Gimme a break...2 months early and you can't get a table at the time you choose?!?!?! That's CRAZY! :hammer:

It's quite obvious that Disney needs to offer more of what their public is demanding -- dinner with the fireworks. I propose they build a big 4 story deck off the back of the castle and serve nothing but potato chips and pretzels. There would probably be people lining up 2 months in advance to pay $20 a head for that too! :lol:

Am I the only one who doesn't want my meal getting cold while I strain to see out the window to "OOOOH!" and "AHHH!" ? :lookaroun

Don't feel bad, though...there is STILL hope! :sohappy:

As I mentioned before, many people book these things because they DREAM they will be able to make it to WDW for dinner some day. Then... reality sets in and they have to cancel, etc....

Take the PS time you can get for now, then call back when it gets closer to your trip to see if there have been cancelations. Then, check at the front desk when you get there. Then, if you are staying in Concierge service, they can try their magic. Finally, when you get to the park that day, you can check directly with the Castle Hostess and the possibility of walking in and getting seated.

Hey - It's happened before! :)

Good Luck!
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Hope's back!

Thanks everyone!!!
Indeed, it DOES seem crazy the way it's booked...
Know that, here in France, people DON'T eat before 7:00pm; moreover, if I pay for their expensive meals at CRT, I want the evening to be perfect (meaning: I want to see the fireworks :D ).

But I also think that the harder it is to book, the happier you feel when you got your PS! This difficulty makes this kind of experience even more magic I think!

I'll try to call back... especially on June, 24th, 'cos I also have August, 23rd as a back up for this ***** PS thing!

Thanks again!

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New Member
Re: Hope's back!

Originally posted by Léo
...Know that, here in France, people DON'T eat before 7:00pm...
...I figured that was the case.

From what I understand, it's more or less the same on U.S. east coast. Here in the midwest however, 5:00 - 7:00 is normal range of dinner.

Good luck!
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New Member
Originally posted by Léo
Today, I called WDW DINING at 7:00am Eastern Time; at 7:02am I asked a CM for a dinner at Cinderella's on August, 20th, and he told me that the only available hours were 5:00pm and 5:30pm...

I don't get it. It's the first day you can call in order to book a PS for August, 20th, and, at 7:02am, there is no way you can book your PS for a "normal" hour (let's say 7pm or 8pm...).

Is it SO HARD to get a PS for dinner at Cinderella's Royal Table???
Please help me, 'cos I want this PS so haaaard!


I called this morning for the same thing and when I asked why the only available times were so early the CM explained to me that the latest that they are seving dinner for that evening is 5:45. She explained with all the things that go on around the castle that they do not serve dinner later than that. She said It varries with park hours and events. Thats all I can offer to help. I took the 5:15 time slot and am trying to make the best of it.
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New Member
Original Poster
Oh, really?

So, you mean that if 5 and 5:30 were the only available slots, that's not because everything was booked, but rather because they don't serve dinner after 6pm or somtehing like that...

That means I still got a chance for a dinner on August, 23rd!!!

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New Member
so how far in advance can you call and make a PS for cindys???

i should know this...but i havent really looked it up yet....we will be at WDW the week of 10\13....and ive yet to make any PS's at all....i have this eerie feeling that im way behind schedule already :brick: :brick:

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The Mom

Premium Member
It's possible that the park is closing early that day. (esp if it's an E-night) They usually start at 7or 8PM, so they would want regular guests to exit the park by that time.
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New Member
Originally posted by Stefffe
so how far in advance can you call and make a PS for cindys???

i should know this...but i havent really looked it up yet....we will be at WDW the week of 10\13....and ive yet to make any PS's at all....i have this eerie feeling that im way behind schedule already :brick: :brick:


60 days for Cindys.

Leo- Best of luck with trying to get the time you want. i am not sure how much it will vary each day. Hope you get a time you are looking for.
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E-ride nights etc...

E-ride nights
8/1, 8/5, 8/8, 8/12, 8/15

So, now E-ride night on August, 20th... It's getting weirder and weirder...

Anyway.. Kellylynn322, thanks for the nice words. Hope I'll be luckier with August, 23rd (I hope they'll serve dinner later than 5:45pm...).

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Cinderella's Castle Reservations

I've also heard that they reserve tables for VIP's for that place. That is why you can never get breakfast reservations either. We've tried every year for a lot of years and never can get in. We call first thing on the morning of that day and we NEVER got reservations. I couldn't understand it. Then I was told that the concierge can usually get you reservations for the castle and that tables are held for them. So that's probably why!
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New Member
I dont get it either the same thing happend to me with Liberty Tree Tavern. I was like hello. I asked a CM why and she said she didnt understand why. My idea is that either its because the park closes so early that there not having fire works or they give it to people booking an all inclusive package and then we ge whats left. Maybe there closing restaurants early to save money on employees. Hvee fun and just take what u can get.
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It's impossible. We tried for 7 trips and have finally quit and settled with the Norway breakfest. I have eaten dinner there. Ordered dessert just so we could watch the fireworks. We had a window seat. Ok so it was luck but that sure won't happen again. I'm happy with the Crystal Palace breakfest now.
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As soon as you are allowed to call, call! You would be safer to do it that way. If you want to cancel than cancel but get it in so if you are able to go, you can.
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New Member
Original Poster
Thanks everyone!

Wish me luck, tomorrow's the big day, I'll have to book my Cindy's dinner... Hope it'll work... That'll be such a suprise for the woman I love!

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New Member
Re: Thanks everyone!

Originally posted by Léo
Wish me luck, tomorrow's the big day, I'll have to book my Cindy's dinner... Hope it'll work... That'll be such a suprise for the woman I love!


Good luck.

No matter what time you get I am sure that she will love it.
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New Member
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Of course!

Oh yeah, of course I'm sure she will love it. But it'll be soooooooo much better if we could see the fireworks from the restaurant...

Thanks for the nice words.

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