Some new thoughts on SGE


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So, the video I had first seen for SGE was a little low in quality and didn't give me a very good platform on which to make any real judgements on the ride.

And I still withold final judgement until I see it in person.

But I found a new video online today that I hadn't seen before, and watched the main show.

Here's my opinion:

Stitch's arrival is amazing. Very well written, well executed, and impressive. Not scary, and more funny than anything else. I heard no screaming kids during this sequence. If the entire show was as good as the opening sequence, I think we'd see far more positive reviews.

It's at the "escape" that things begin to go downhill.

At first the script is okay enough...Stitch joking around. But they drag it out way too long. The cell phone sequence is okay...the chili-dog thing is an eye-roller. About this time kids start crying because of the darkness.

Gantu returns....the dialog at first is okay, but...forgetting "emergency power...oh YEAH!" is kinda weak.

"You can't catch me" dialog is funny the first time.

Then we get almost the equivalent of dead air with the gantu dialog as he chases stitch. "Missed me, now you gotta kiss me" comment from Stitch is lame.

At this point, the story is really dragging, as the robotic arms are once again shorted out. You're left waiting for something interesting to happen.

Finally, something does. Stitch activates the teleportation pod, and I don't mind him calling himself Stitch.

Then he's beamed and now it's exciting and interesting again. But then they botch it! The ending is WAY too short!

See, we were essentially provided with info that SUGGESTED we'd see Stitch doing a lot more things in Tomorrowland...i.e. we'd see him on far more rides, and this might go on for a minute and a half or so. Just long enough to leave a happy good impression.

But instead, we only see Stitch in the MK for about 20 seconds, TOPS, before it cuts back to Gantu and his assistant there saying that a theme park might be a good place to leave him. Bad. Bad ending.


1. Re-write the dialog during the dark sequence. This was really the only MAJOR flaw in the ride. The dark sequence drags on, very little is said to accompany the effects in the seats. Guests can feel things but the dialog being so sparse and silly doesn't make the attraction "impressive."

2. If you can't come up with a good idea for dialog in the dark sequence, then shorten the dark sequence so that the guests aren't left wondering "Are we there yet?"

3. I cannot restate this enough: Re-write the dark sequence. It's good for the first half, but then it drags on at the points outlined above. Come up with some better, more impressive ideas. And make Stitch say something to ease the kids' nerves...something silly and cute yet making us realize that Stitch isn't scary. Keep it in the spirit of the movie! It CAN be done!

4. Change the ending. After the dark sequence ends and Stitch teleports, the ride is impressive once more. But then it's botched by the hurried ending. LENGTHEN THE ENDING. Change the dialog of the character at the end about leaving Stitch in a theme park. Make it more exciting! TELL the recruits that they need to continue to be on the lookout for Stitch, or something! We were recruited to capture him, and we're located in the same place as him, so hey, let's make us feel a little important, eh? Don't tell us to "capture" him because I can just see some little kids grabbing the Stitch mascot saying "I got him!"....just tell us to be on the watch for him! Make it silly! Make a joke out of it. But make it more in-depth than what it is right now.

5. Lengthen the video sequence of Stitch riding attractions. It is way, way, way too short. The shirt itself shows him riding much more than the expand on that. Have Stitch ride more rides in tomorrowland. Lenghten it to a minimum of 30-40 seconds, and a maximum of 1:30. Don't drag it on but don't leave us hanging either.

That's it! You change those things, and you have a winner. Improve the dialog for the last 1/2 of the dark sequence, and lenghten and improve the ending. Voila. Instant hit. :sohappy:

Your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I totally agree with you. Your complaints were the main ones that I had (even though I wouldn't dare post them or anything ;) ) and even though I don't like the Stitch character, I think that he deserves a better attraction that what is currently in place.

I agree that the Stitch entrance is pretty good and the score really sells the laugh. And after that the rest of the attraction seems rushed together. Your suggestions would really help that out, but I doubt that they will make any changes. And I also don't mind him calling himself Stitch. If this were an adult attraction, then I would worry about that plot hole, but it's not.

And I have to agree with you about the ending. It's alot like ROTM's ending. It's just way too short and abrupt.

I also only have the new video to go by. I've seen two different video versions. Hopefully some changes will be made in the future and they will help make this an attractions Stitch fans can be proud of.


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I wouldn't know. The only time I went to Universal was in 2000 at the california park. I was bored there. No interest in going to the florida park anytime soon.


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Universal in Orlando has a lot more to do than USH, obviously since it has two parks. And UO has better rides. But it's still not as good as the Disney parks. Trust me on that one.

I hope to see Stitch in June, but of course by then everyone will be posting Soarin reviews, so maybe I can sneak both in one post. Hope they make those changes, I'd really like to see Stitch in a great attraction.


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NemoRocks78 said:
I beg to differ....but that's another post for another topic. ;)

You brought up some good points there, Stitchfan712.... :)
"Though I may not agree with what you say, I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

-Another useful Family Guy quote :wave:


Well-Known Member
hmmm... has eisner seen it yet?? remember AE.... (sure it grand opened.. but is it running on Microsoft technology... It has a computer error.. got to take it down for a month to fix it... Adds in changes and reopens as Stitch XP.. LOL)


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Figment1986 said:
hmmm... has eisner seen it yet?? remember AE.... (sure it grand opened.. but is it running on Microsoft technology... It has a computer error.. got to take it down for a month to fix it... Adds in changes and reopens as Stitch XP.. LOL)



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And then all around the theater appear the words "Press any Key to Continue." And the entire audience goes into hysterics, pressing cell phone keys out of sheer desperation.


New Member
I went in late october but didn't get to rehearse stitch. Hope fully soon I'll go back. We are shooting for december so we can do MVMCP. Hopefully it is as good as MNSSHP was.

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