Soarin's Single Flyers Line


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
But I don't think this is abuse. Now if they expect some of them to ride together and they get upset if they don't, then that's tough luck and they have no right to complain. But my family of 4 always uses the SRL at Test Track because we don't care if we ride together or not. If there is some rule saying that groups of 2 or less were the only ones allowed to use the SRL then that might change things, but that would be absolutely ridiclious to try and say that.

But the concept behind the single rider line is that it is supposed to be for people that for one reason or another are going to be the only rider from their group. Most people do want to ride together with their group, but lets say there is a group of four. Doesn't have to be a family, but we'll say it is for the sake of this example. So of the family there are two adults, two children. Child 1 doesn't want to ride, child 2 is too short to ride. Adult 1 doesn't care either way, adult 2 wants to ride. Adult 2 can utilize the single rider line, instead of waiting for over an hour, and instead wait 15 minutes and be back with the rest of the family quickly. If there wasn't that group of 12 that decided to go into single rider, maybe it would have been 5 minutes. Some people are single that go to Disney and don't have anyone else that is going to ride with them. I have known many that have done that. There have been days I have gone to a park on my own. What if that single person was behind 6 groups that ranged in size from 5 up to a tour group of 50 that decided they wouldn't all be able to ride together, so who cares if they all go individually? If it got to a point where over half of the "Single Rider" queue was groups, then they might as well not bother with it and have everyone wait in the regular Stand-By queue at that point.


Well-Known Member
Number_6 said:
But the concept behind the single rider line is that it is supposed to be for people that for one reason or another are going to be the only rider from their group.

That may be the reason they were put into place, but I think that's not right. Anyone should be able to use that line if they desire. The problem comes in when those people expect to ride together. But if they know what the SRL is and how it operates, I don't see how anyone can be upset with ANYONE using it.

I thought the concept of the SRL was to create a way to shorten lines for some people by not leaving any seats empty. There is nothing worse than seeing a huge line for an attraction and seeing empty seats on some vehicles. I often use the SRL when I'm in the parks by myself and I have no problem with groups using them. Most groups do not use them though and that's one of the reasons why the SRL works so well. But if more people started using the SRL's, then that would just make the standby line shorter. I think it works great at Test Track and Mission Space right now and I don't see any need to change it.


New Member
Number_6 said:
But the concept behind the single rider line is that it is supposed to be for people that for one reason or another are going to be the only rider from their group.

Actually, more than once I've heard it billed as being something that groups can also use, provided that they understand that each person will be a group of 1 for the ride. I remember that back in 2003, each single rider on Test Track was even given a card upon entering the line. The card, which was turned-in right before boarding, reminded riders that they were in the Single Riders line and that all groups would be split-up.


New Member
I went on Soarin' a couple of weeks after it opened, and the single riders' line was not operating. The main problem that the line seems to have occurs when the whole queue is separated into theaters A and B. Don't all the riders converge into one of two lines at this point? If so, it would be difficult for the CMs to separate the Single Riders from the Stand-by lines. Maybe if they handed our singles tickets the line would work.

Miss Bell

New Member
When I went last week, the CMs were pulling groups of two or three from the lines to fill up the all the seats. I got the impression that they were doing that now because the crowds were so immense. I think if and when the chaos over there dies down, they may open the single-rider line. But seriously people were waiting 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours to ride this last week. Adding the single rider element would have only added wait time to those in stand-by. My advice is to use a Fastpass, even on EMH. (The ride is awesome, by the way--maybe not worth a 2 hour wait in line, but definitely worth going on.)


Well-Known Member
luckyeye13 said:
Actually, more than once I've heard it billed as being something that groups can also use, provided that they understand that each person will be a group of 1 for the ride. I remember that back in 2003, each single rider on Test Track was even given a card upon entering the line. The card, which was turned-in right before boarding, reminded riders that they were in the Single Riders line and that all groups would be split-up.

Riders are still given a card reminding them they are a single rider at California Screamin, Grizzly River Run, and Soarin' over California. Single Rider Lines exist at many attractions although they are not labeled, and you HAVE to ask a CM where to go for Single Riders (because in many cases, they are well hidden.)


New Member
OmegaKnight said:
It hasn't ever opened, which makes no sense to me. You would figure that during construction, they can figure out if the single rider queue would be able to work in a ride like this one. Personally, I think it could. Every time I have been on this ride, there are always empty seats everywhere.

umm yeah it has, i don't know past Passholder previews but i used it then.


New Member
se8472 said:
the reason that Soarin' has such a long line is mostly due to the fact that it can't move as many people as M:S. TT is in the same boat.

m:s moves so many people because there are like 3 preshow ares, the little lines they put you in, the movie and the chicken movie. soarin' has one and it takes along time although inside there are probably more seats than M:S.


Well-Known Member
wdwishes2005 said:
m:s moves so many people because there are like 3 preshow ares, the little lines they put you in, the movie and the chicken movie. soarin' has one and it takes along time although inside there are probably more seats than M:S.

Pre-shows don't really impact throughput.

All seats in Soarin: A (28) + B (33) + C (28) = 89. With 2 theaters, that makes 178.

All seats in M:S: 10 capsules with 4 people each = 40. With 4 centrifuges, that makes 160.

I think the real difference in throughput comes from how long it takes to load -> run -> unload Soarin versus the time on M:S. That being said, I don't believe the throughput on Soarin is anywhere near as bad as on TT.


New Member
I wish they had a "skip the 2 preshows line" i go during the off- seasons and it literally takes longer too go through the preshows than to get off and get to the preshows again.


Well-Known Member
I didn't read this elsewhere, but when I went today, the "Single Flyers" sign was gone:



Premium Member
TimeTrip said:
I didn't read this elsewhere, but when I went today, the "Single Flyers" sign was gone:


I was there yesterday and saw the same thing. When I asked about the Single Rider line I was told it was gone and will never return. The cast member made a strong point of it not ever returning.


Well-Known Member
donsullivan said:
I was there yesterday and saw the same thing. When I asked about the Single Rider line I was told it was gone and will never return. The cast member made a strong point of it not ever returning.

This makes me sad :(


Well-Known Member
You know what really makes me scream

When parties get into the singles line and think they'll slip a fast one on the CM's.

It just makes the wait longer for those of us who are actually singles.

I waited 55 min in the singles line at TT the other day because of this ridiculousness


Please tell me if you also get angry about this.



Well-Known Member
If the parties expect to be split up and they are fine with that, there is nothing wrong with them going in the SRL. But if they are expecting to sit together, then that's a problem.


New Member
Anyone is allowed to use the Singles queue, as long as they understand that there is a strong possibility that they will be separated from their group. My dad and I have used the Singles line on TT, and ended up in the same car a few times. If you are in the Singles line, and refuse to separate from your party, you will be asked to leave the Singles queue and reenter the attraction from the Standby queue, no matter what the wait time may be. You don't want to wait, that's your problem, there's FP (if they haven't been distributed for the day) or you can separate like you're supposed to.

M:S OHRC is higher than Coaster' wouldn't think so considering the number of people that can fit in Studio C, and in the alley, and that go through front and back grouper (some valets fit 3 parties in each row) and the 24 people that can fit in each limo.
That's because they have those 4 briefing rooms, each with a capacity of 40 people, and then the load platform which can hold another 40 people, and then the centrifuges themselves, which is another 40, so at any given time, there can be 240 people experiencing different parts of the ride at one time.

And each time I've been on Soarin', the Singles line has been closed, and I've seen at least one empty seat in each row each time I've been on it. It probably CAN be done, maybe they figure that with the insanely large queue, people see others walking by, and think, "HEY! That lines moving and this one isn't! Lemme get in the moving line!" and hop the railings, cutting people, and causing huge problems. That's the only reason I can see, because there really shouldn't be any problem with merging the Singles into the load platform.


Well-Known Member
Again, given the layout of Soarin', there really isn't the kind of "fit" for single riders that car-based rides like coasters and and Test Track have. There really is going to be only a single or two per theater, where there is potential for a single or two per car on a coaster or Test Track.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Haven't been on Soarin' yet. Never been to DCA. I am guessing that, while a lot of families vacation in California and that Disney is a primo vacation destination, there is probably a lower vacationer-to-local ratio at DCA then at Epcot. So everything I'm saying is my own opinion based on my life, my experiences, and extrapolating that data to form my own hypotheses...

People suck.

Groups were abusing the singles line because the regular line was just too darn long, and Fastpasses were running out, so WDW took it away.

When I say "abusing," I KNOW, anyone is allowed to use the singles line, even large groups, as long as they understand that they will almost assuredly be split up and not even ride at the same time, let alone to each other.

But I also know that, as I hypothesized before, people suck. I'd bet a shiny red apple that families and large groups were getting on the singles line knowing what it was designed for and not caring. They'd assume if they feigned ignorance when they got up front, the CMs, who are expected to make everything "magical," would get them to ride together ("You mean...this is the SINGLES line? And we can't all ride together? But...but...we're a FAMILY...aww look, you made my little Bobby cry, he'll absolutely Fuh-REAK if he can't ride with his mommy...and his daddy...and his brother...and cousins...and Uncle Jack...and his lady-friend WILL?...oh, thank you thank you so much, let's all keep together as a group, guys, we're all riding Soarin TOGETHER...thank you again...sucker").

Now, hopefully the CMs would've seen through this and instructed them to wait in the right line, the way they're supposed to, to the cheers and admiration of everyone who followed Disney's rules like good boys and girls. Buuuut, chances are those dilholes still made such a ridiculous stink about having to do what everyone else does, the suits finally decided "OK, that's it, no singles line anymore."

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