Stop reading if you've heard this one, or you don't want to know ...
A section in the new Kingdom Keepers book (III - Disney in Shadow)reveals imagineers testing a new film for Soarin'. What makes it believable are the great details included.
Below is a transcript from the book by Ridley Pearson:
"Willa looked up: New York City, not California as she had expected. She and Jess were flying over the skyscrapers and diving down into the avenues. They banked steeply left, then sharply right, and the air smelled of bagels as they reached a bridge. A seagull squawked and Willa had to keep her hand over her mouth to keep her squeal from being heard.
They were changing the location of the flight. Rachel and the man were troubleshooting the timing and effects. Suddenly the air smelled of hot dogs and mustard. Far in the distance Willa could see a long beach with crowded with families in swimsuits. The water was frothing white from thousands more out swimming."
The narrative goes on to describe the smell of hot dogs over Coney Island, a windsurfer causing a spray of water and the smell of popcorn over Yankee Stadium as Derek Jeter hits a home run.
So, is it artistic license or a deliberate plant by the publisher, Disney Hyperion Books?
A section in the new Kingdom Keepers book (III - Disney in Shadow)reveals imagineers testing a new film for Soarin'. What makes it believable are the great details included.
Below is a transcript from the book by Ridley Pearson:
"Willa looked up: New York City, not California as she had expected. She and Jess were flying over the skyscrapers and diving down into the avenues. They banked steeply left, then sharply right, and the air smelled of bagels as they reached a bridge. A seagull squawked and Willa had to keep her hand over her mouth to keep her squeal from being heard.
They were changing the location of the flight. Rachel and the man were troubleshooting the timing and effects. Suddenly the air smelled of hot dogs and mustard. Far in the distance Willa could see a long beach with crowded with families in swimsuits. The water was frothing white from thousands more out swimming."
The narrative goes on to describe the smell of hot dogs over Coney Island, a windsurfer causing a spray of water and the smell of popcorn over Yankee Stadium as Derek Jeter hits a home run.
So, is it artistic license or a deliberate plant by the publisher, Disney Hyperion Books?