Soarin is coming to WDW


New Member
Sorry, I forgot to add something to my last reply. I think that Japan does not have any room for this unless they get rid of the exhibit.


New Member
There's a great deal of space in the Japan building to work with. Take a look at the aerial pics posted earlier in this thread. In particular, compare the Japan building to the American Adventure. Not much of a difference! And we know how big AA's theater is.

The Japan castle is essentially an empty warehouse, with the exhibit only occupying a very small part of the structure. It was built with the intention of housing a show, similar to the Carousel of Progress. According to the "Epcot Center" book by Harry Abrams (1982), a show called "Meet the World" "will afford an unparallel overview of Japanese history." “Inside the castle, the audience is seated in a rotating carrousel theater, which will revolve in front of four stages, each presenting a chapter of the story of Japan.”

Something happened after the building was built, but before the attraction was constructed that led to the project being canned. You can kind of tell something isn’t right when you go into the castle. Here’s this immense, towering structure, and what could possibly lurk inside? Oh, a cramped gift shop. Heh.

Anyhow, any big fan of Epcot should find a copy of “Epcot Center” on ebay. I think there are 2 versions of the book available – look for the longer 239 page version. You should be able to find a copy for less than $50. So there’s my first post – yes – I am an Epcot dork. :) - epc0t


New Member
The current building for Japan is not big enough to house the 2 Omnimax screens necessary for a Soarin' attraction...Remember, in order to get the OHRC up they had to install 2 identical ride systems @ California Adventure... This does not mean that Soarin' will not be in Japan, just that new construction would be necessary...


New Member
I have no idea if they could fit an IMAX screen in there - I'm just saying there is a LOT of room back there to work with. Is there an absolute standard size of IMAX screens? Couldn't they adapt the screen size to fit the structure if neccesary? I would imagine screen size is flexible as long as the film itself is filmed to match the screen size of choice. But I don't know much about IMAX - so it's all speculation.

I grabbed some aerial photos from MapQuest of DCA and Epcot. Now, we have to assume that the scale is the same here - and it appears as though it is since automobiles in both images are about the same size. I cut out the Soarin building from DCA (outlined in red) and placed 2 of them around the Japan castle (outlined in yellow) in order to compare size. We're leaving height out of the equation right now, but you can see that there isn't a huge difference in structure size.

Again - I have no idea if they can squeeze 2 IMAX screens in there, but it may be a possibility. I'd like to say "we'll see!", but we have to remember this is still all speculation. peace - epc0t

(my pic didn't attach - I'm working on a solution)


New Member
Here's the pic...


  • japan.jpg
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New Member
The existing show building certainly COULD host two omnimax screens, with modifications.

Remember that HORIZONS had two of these screens, and the entire structure was not all that large, and there was an awful lot of THAT space devoted to sets and so forth.

It's all in the placement; it takes up a little more space than a standard IMAX screen, because of the bowl-curvature, but not too terribly much. Then there's mechanical equipment, but the whole thing at DCA is relatively compact. They might have to knock out the back wall, maybe build higher, but as far as AREA goes, they're pretty much there. Compare the space in the show building for Japan with say, a third of the MISSION:SPACE area, and that should give you a pretty good idea...


New Member
Sorry Im Lost again!

bah, sorry about this guys but im confused, One minute i thought we were talking about Epcot & Now is it Japan? :confused:

If thats japan were talking about, I dont think thats going to be soarin over Japan or watever. From what i hear it needs a large building to structure that....

Sorry i got off i was getting confused here. :brick:

:veryconfu :veryconfu :veryconfu


New Member
Well, it took a long time and some high school math, but I did comparisons of the sizes of the empty show building in Japan's pavillion, and the layout (a buddy of mine was an architect with WDI on DCA, and gave me maps) of SOARIN's building...

Japan's show building is perfect for two omnimax theater spaces, IF they were essentially mirroring each other. In other words, where SOARIN's show building puts them side by side, in a 250 foot long building, Japan's could do them essentially facing each other, with a separating wall and entrances for each.

So yes, Japan is a good fit, though what I don't know is how tall the show building is. If anyone knows THAT, then there's your answer, but there is definitely enough square footage.

They would probably have to modify the accompanying museum space to accomodate a queue, though.


New Member
I should add that SOARIN's Hanger Enclosure design includes a good bit of wasted square footage, so the space in the Japan pavillion wouldn't really make it a tight fit... they would be just fine.


New Member
Good detective work arstogas! I thought the same thing when I saw the Soarin building - there has to be some wasted space. Getting a height on the Japan castle is going to be tough without some backstage pics. The best I could dig up was from:

The best I can guess is maybe 30-40 feet tall? The facade is obviously pretty tall, and it's a published fact that the pagoda out front is 83ft tall. But the building itself is a bit shorter. They were looking at putting a rotating theater in Japan, and with theaters, come the need for space above the stage for lighting, below the stage for animatronic mechanics, etc. So I would say 30-40 feet would be a low estimate. Here's a blown up pic - sorry about the quality...



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New Member
I think your guess of 30-40 feet is probably right, and that would have afforded plenty of flyspace to any kind of "floor-based" show, theater or dark ride. However, if that's the total height, then they probably WILL have to tear out that structure if they were to build a facility for a SOARIN' type attraction. Only a CM or someone else who's been inside can tell us if the building goes down into the ground at all. My guess would be, not at all or not very much...

The land around WS lagoon was slightly built up with the landfill, but not so much that it would provoke them to dig DOWN very much for basement space.

Boy, that takes me back... I remember standing in EPCOT Center when it was just a construction site filled with earth moving equipment, shell structures and people running around all over the place. The lagoon was a deep hole with those islands on it, barren and scrubby. Spaceship Earth was covered in tar paper... I was so exhilarated with the possibilities of what was to come.

Those were the days when Disney's reach went so far...

Big Pooh

New Member
I don't care where they put it, as long as they put it somewhere and then start working on AK. That place needs more attractions. I like the concept of Soarin' and can't wait to ride it, but it'll have to be in Fla. I don't see a trip to Cal happening anytime soon.:lol:


hey....I'm in double digits...Woohoo!!!:hammer:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
>>>However, if that's the total height, then they probably WILL have to tear out that structure if they were to build a facility for a SOARIN' type attraction.<<<

Absolutely. Horizons', sorry, Soarin's omnimax screens are 80 feet high. Maybe Disney will have the decency to make the fortress facade taller.

>>>Those were the days when Disney's reach went so far...<<<

Those days were something, won't they?

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