Well-Known Member
End of discussion.
It might actually NOT be fact... I posted that response a year ago in March 2018.
In May 2018, NPR released a news report that stated that the US birth rate was actually down.
Here's a chart of US birth rates from 1990-2017. In those 27 years, the birth rate dropped from a whopping 16.7 per 1,000 people to 11.8 per 1,000.
Therefore I think it only fair to amend my answer and say that the influx of strollers is less likely because of post-millennium baby boom, but in reality it's because helicopter parents decide to bring a LOT of extra things for their children that the children may not necessarily need.
In short: the strollers are actually Graco-built versions of U-Haul trailers....

And the parents are essentially the neurotic Weimareiner owners from Best In Show.
"It's not in here. You left it at the hotel. You go back and you get her Busy Bee! GO TO THE HOTEL AND GET BUSY BEE!"