So Torn on Changing Things...


Original Poster
Bear with me..I know you can't really answer my questions or concerns, ultimately i am the only one that knows what my kids can handle..but I just needed to put it "out there"..hubby and Dad are NO's my problem..

We are going Sunday thru it stands now we are doing AKL on Monday, Epcot Tuesday with a nap in the afternoon after lunch at Akershaus at 1:00, then MNSSHP Tuesday night, and then MK on Wednesday with an appointment at the barber shop FIRST thing in the morning...Here is where I am torn..

MNSSHP is almost a guranntee of a 1:00 am bedtime, then to be back at MK by 8:45 the next morning is gonna be hard on a 5 year old and 18 month old

If we switch AK on Monday for AK on Wednesday and do MK on Monday we can have an early night on Wednesday, mid week..our plans for Monday dinner are ADRs at the of yesterday our other ADR (Cinderella) is available at almost the same time on Monday as we would have resort dinner on Wednesday, maybe a little pool time and an early night before we head out the rest of the week..

Thurs. is DHS, which there are some things for them there, but not a huge amount and Friday is Downtown Disney and back to it's almost like..Monday thru Wednesday is all about them and then it's "just hang out" with us while we have fun...

I KNOW there is a lots to do at both DHS and Epcot for them, but I am soo now that I have gone on and on and on..

Early night Wednesday
Can sleep in if needed on Wednesday after MNSSHP
Kids can maybe have some pool time (I still hear how she didnt' get to have any pool time last year)

We ALWAYS start off at AK
I feel that puts the "Big" thing first (Cinderella) and then the rest is ehhhh
MK is gonna be the highlight of the trip for her (I think) and I would hate for it to be over shadowed by other stuff
Listening to hubby whine bcuz we are doing stuff
My over- type A personality issues dealing with the fact we ARE doing it in a different order..ha ha ha..


Well-Known Member
:)I totally understand your concerns. I always have my kids level of exhaustion in mind when planning our trip itineraries. We actually did the MNSSHP on our last trip and because the kids are little, DD5, DS3 and DD7months, we got there for the start and stayed until right after the first fireworks show. This got us back to the resort around 10:30. In a way it was a bummer not to take advantage of the late evening hours that you get with the party ticket but I just could not wrap my head around keeping them out until 1AM. They had an absolute blast, we got to see the first parade and fireworks, walked around for a lot of the trick or treating, hit one of the stage/character dance parties. So I definitely felt like we got our money's worth on the overall experience.

Just wanted to share my experience, hope it helps a little. I think you definitely have a good plan taking it easy the next afternoon. I always put in extra rest time when we know the day prior was a bit too much for the little guys. Good luck to you, it will all work out! You are a step ahead for having the consideration on your mind.


Well-Known Member
MNSSHP is almost a guarantee of a 1:00 am bedtime, then to be back at MK by 8:45 the next morning is gonna be hard on a 5 year old and 18 month old

My 5yo could never do a 1am, he could barely make the 9pm or 10pm fireworks.

My advice is don't push your kids too far out of their comfort zone....especially when it comes to sleep!


Well-Known Member
:)I totally understand your concerns. I always have my kids level of exhaustion in mind when planning our trip itineraries. We actually did the MNSSHP on our last trip and because the kids are little, DD5, DS3 and DD7months, we got there for the start and stayed until right after the first fireworks show. This got us back to the resort around 10:30. In a way it was a bummer not to take advantage of the late evening hours that you get with the party ticket but I just could not wrap my head around keeping them out until 1AM. They had an absolute blast, we got to see the first parade and fireworks, walked around for a lot of the trick or treating, hit one of the stage/character dance parties. So I definitely felt like we got our money's worth on the over overall experience.

Perfectly put.


Liker of Things
In general, I like to have a schedule that interchanges long high activity days with more relaxing ones. My kids are getting old enough where it's not so much of a concern, but we've done roughly a dozen trips in the last 7 or 8 years and we've only had two really bad moments. Both of those were caused my a kid being overly tired.


Well-Known Member
Concerning the switch of AK from Mon to Weds.

Not to sound terse, but who's going to get over their "issues" better if you make the switch. If you burn out the kids right away, they will be miserable. It's Disney...the rest after MK won't be "ehhh" will be great. They will get the "pool time" they's their vacation too.
If you make the switch, you have done things out of "order"...honestly, NO big deal! It's not made it up anyways. Your trip will be easier if the kids get the mid week rest. That's what is important. Not some imaginary made up order.

Again, not trying to be a jerk about it, but thinking through it logically.

Whatever you do, just enjoy the trip!!


New Member
I know my kids would never make it to 1 am. They have once made it to the 10 pm fireworks. I think it might be pushing them too much. And my daughter who is so easy going and never complains about a thing even had a mild breakdown at Disney last time because she was tired.

Tired, cranky kids are no fun!!


New Member
We were just discussing the MNSSHP. My kids will be 2 1/2 and 4 1/2 when we take our next trip. We have never done the MNSSHP even though we've been there for it the last few years because they would never last. Last year my oldest fell asleep in the stroller a couple of nights around 8:30. He refuses to nap and has for a while and he's an early rise so it makes late night things difficult (last night I wanted to go to a fireworks show that is minutes from our house and since he woke up at 6:15 am and wouldn't nap we couldn't go since it started around 9:30 and he was asleep at 8).

I really really want to do it this year and I think they would have a blast (last year they saw kids in their costumes), but I'm really worried about spending the money on the tickets to get in and them not lasting to enjoy any of it.

My thought process was to skip the park that day and relax by the pool, maybe go to Downtown Disney or other things that are more low key and not as "tiring". I believe last year people were able to get into the park at 4 if they were only going to the MNSSHP, but I'm not 100% sure on that. I guess from 4 until whenever they last (and I would hope for later than 8:30) wouldn't be that bad if we didn't pay park admission that day, but then I have the flip side that says what if they only last until 8 or so and they barely even get to go trick or treating, see the special shows, etc.

I even wonder if I'd be doing it more for myself than for them.

It's so hard to make a decision like this because every day is so different with kids and then especially kids so young.


I have to agree with the earlier advice. Last year you could enter the park at 4pm with MNSSHP tickets. I am sure they will have similar rules this year. I like the idea of having a pool/DTD day the same day as the party. We went last year and as adults, we were tired after being at the park all and all night. And then there was the bus ride back to our resort. (I might have been a little cranky to my hubby.)

Good luck! And I know no matter what day pick for the "right" park you and your family will have a great time! :)


Well-Known Member
I have a son and daughter who are 5 years apart (grown now) as well as a 7 y/o granddaughter. I've been going to wdw since the first anniversary of wdw so we all grew up doing disney. If there's one thing I learned over the years its that stretching a little past normal sleep patterns is one thing, stretching so far that it snaps and you have an over stimulated over tired screaming and/or crying uncooperative child on your hands. If I had to deal with a husband complaining about changing which day I went to animal kingdom vs dealing with over tired kids, I'd let the hubby know right now he can get over it...if he can't put him on time out until he's ready to act like a big boy and get with the program. In short, space your trip to get the best balance for the little ones and everyone will have a better time in the long run.
My 8-year old can handle the parties, but the little ones (4-year old twins) can't, and even my older child can only make it to 9 or 10. We tried it a few times and eventually agreed it just didn't work. Ironically, they never slept in the next morning anyway, so they were mostly just crabby the next day.

We usually make that a date night: Hire a sitter and spend a few hours in the MK riding the rides the kids don't want to go on. We usually go out to dinner at Citricos or the California Grill beforehand so we can get into the MK easily. It's a nice middle of the trip break for us. We use Kids Nite Out and by the time we get back the sitter always has them sleeping.


New Member
My 8-year old can handle the parties, but the little ones (4-year old twins) can't, and even my older child can only make it to 9 or 10. We tried it a few times and eventually agreed it just didn't work. Ironically, they never slept in the next morning anyway, so they were mostly just crabby the next day.

We usually make that a date night: Hire a sitter and spend a few hours in the MK riding the rides the kids don't want to go on. We usually go out to dinner at Citricos or the California Grill beforehand so we can get into the MK easily. It's a nice middle of the trip break for us. We use Kids Nite Out and by the time we get back the sitter always has them sleeping.

My kids have never been put to bed by anyone other than us. I would love to have a date night and be able to ride all the rides they can't, but I'm really nervous as to how they would do with such changes and us going to have some fun in the park without them. I was thinking about maybe doing it one night when the park was open late and getting them to bed at their "regular" time and "sneaking out" (once they are asleep at home we don't go to them so I wouldn't think it would be a problem when we left). The only thing is that KNO requires 4 hours, I think and that's an impossible with what time they go to sleep and what time the park is open until (I wouldn't go to the MNSSHP without the kids because that just seems mean since they are the ones who would enjoy dressing up). Oooh, I think I just thought of a solution as I was typing this. Hire KNO to come and meet the boys, play with them, etc and then have them leave for a little bit (go grab a drink, snack, etc.) while we put them to bed. Then have them come back and if for some reason the boys (either or both) do wake up the person in the room wouldn't be a complete stranger. Hmmm, now I really need to think about this.

Also, my kids never sleep in the next day. In fact, my 4 year old wakes up even earlier when he goes to sleep later which is really annoying!

Dads 2 Boys

Well-Known Member
As someone with OCD (a mild diagnosis), I can certainly understand your concern over "changing" routine however......

When my kids were younger in 2007, we definitely became aware of what pushing their limits can do when they both had a "meltdown" in Epcot @ 8:00pm after being there all day. This followed a MK Monday where we were there til 11 (but left midday for 3 hrs to rest at the resort). We missed Illuminations and made Wednesday @ AK a little more stressful that we would have liked. We had Thursday as an off day but really wished we thought a little better about it.

IF (and I know how hard it will be) you can change MK to Monday, I would do that. If your kids are tired and miserable, so will you. Your husband will have to get over himself and deal with the change. :lol:

My kids are 13 & 10 and we have an off day scheduled for mid-week for our upcoming 8 day trip in October. Everyone needs an off day IMO and we planned it specifically that way so everyone can stay fresh.


Well-Known Member
7 ish hours of sleep is brutal and thusly will likely ruin that next day. Why not park hop? Also, I don't think doing MK 1st makes the rest of the trip eehhhh. Coversely the 5 year old may just be overlooking the other parks in anticipation of the MK,

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