So, just what is it then that makes us oldies BUT Goodies keep comimn back??


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Original Poster
Well I knew there was plenty others out there my age 50-60 that have this luv thing with Disney. But what is it exactly that keeps a 56 year man wanting to keep coming back to Disney year after year when there are so many other places Ive(we've) never been? My DW occassionally bring up the idea of going to italy or france etc and keep telling her we can visit them all in Epcot! But just what is IT !??..The memories? For me its the knowledge that my 3 kids actually GREW UP in Disney...Hec all our pictures of them through the years are pictures of them in Disney with Mickey,Goofy etc. If we didn't go it would be like not going home. It would be so empty....MAN I GOT IT BAD!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Senility, no memory of visiting before

You know the old saying:


Well-Known Member
i'd vote for nostalgia as well but there's also the fact that you can sooooo customize your vacation to wdw. you can go go go or sleep in and relax at the resort plus the atmosphere/service etc... are always top notch. it's hard to walk away from that.


Well-Known Member
We've taken several other vacations too, and totally enjoyed them, but we always come back to WDW. Maybe it's nostalgia, maybe senility, or maybe it's our way of just not growing up. Whatever it is, we love it.
I am 61, with 2 grown daughters and there is nowhere I would rather go on vacation that Disney World! It just makes me happy.
DH asked once if I would rather just he & I go to Europe or take the girls back to WDW and I picked DW! Yes, I would love to go to Europe again some day (Florence & Tiscany for our upcoming 40th anniversary to be exact), but for right now, I want to go back to Disney World with our girls. And we are. In May. Six adults. Our DDs and their BFs. Back for a 4th time to the Polynesian. We took the girls when they were children and had a wonderful time, but doing Disney as adults is wonderful, too! No one gets cranky (for the most part), no one needs naps (for the most part), you can stay as late as you want, you can eat anywhere you want not worrying if they serve hamburgers, hot dogs or chicken fingers and you can DRINK! So count me in as a senior who cannot resist the magic of Disney World. And I'm proud to admit it!


New Member
Thank goodness it isn't just me! Each year I keep saying, "we really need to go somewhere else this year. There is so much we have yet to see." Well, the hubby, at least. After 20 years in the Army, I have seen pretty much everywhere. But, each year I ask him if he wants to go to the World or Yosemite or Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon or overseas or even back to visit his family in the Philippines. He always picks the World ... and I don't mind one little bit. :ROFLOL:And where are we going in May? You will never guess! :sohappy:
Thank goodness it isn't just me! Each year I keep saying, "we really need to go somewhere else this year. There is so much we have yet to see." Well, the hubby, at least. After 20 years in the Army, I have seen pretty much everywhere. But, each year I ask him if he wants to go to the World or Yosemite or Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon or overseas or even back to visit his family in the Philippines. He always picks the World ... and I don't mind one little bit. :ROFLOL:And where are we going in May? You will never guess! :sohappy:
And we'll finally get to meet in person then, "Sarge". :wave:


Well-Known Member
i always take my granddaughter, now 7, at least once a year but i will admit that i as much if not more fun when i go on our annual sister's only trip after thanksgiving...and yes the ability to skip riding dumbo, eat well, and yes drink make it a trip i look forward to all year. our annual trip has been dubbed by our family as the evil sister's only annual reunion :shrug:.


Well-Known Member
I just love the place!

Have been other places too, but there is just something about WDW. I know when my daughter was a teen, and even now in her 20's, it is the one place we can go and have a great time together, and still have something to do at night. When we go to LA, or anywhere else, night time becomes a problem Kid just doesn't want to go to a club with her mom, and vice versa. lol. You can only go to so many movies at night. Disney has so much more we can do together!

And, we can bring my 78 year old mother, and there is still something for all of us to do and have fun.


Active Member
My husband and I are in our 40s, no kids, and have been to WDW three times since we met 7 years ago. It's a great winter vacation for us. We go in the down times when we can get a good resort hotel rate and cheap flights (we're on the East Coast). It's a short trip and gives us several days of warmth and sunshine. He's from South America so had never been as a child, and we just have so much FUN each time! We do the parks, swim and spa at the hotel, eat great meals, and relax. At any other place we'd have to worry about what to do, where to eat, etc. We do travel to plenty of other locations, it's just that WDW is our favorite winter break.

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