So...Can I get at least ONE Fastpass?

Should it be one Fastpass per person?

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Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The time:

Your vacation.

The place:

Any ride with a Fastpass machine.

The situation:

Its a hot Florida day, you just enter The Land to pick up a Fastpass for Soarin' after you notice the 120 minute wait. After the sudden burst of quality air conditioning, your spirit lifts and the Disney mood fills your heart with good, clean, wholesome goodness.

Then you get in line for your Fastpass, wait patiently and lo and behold, the person right in front of you opens their pack and produces 7 or eight park tickets and begins putting them in and getting Fastpasses for their entire party. But, this person has a hard time doing it and continues to make constant mistakes, reusing the same park hoppers over and over because they don't separate them, and before you know it...ALL THE FASTPASSES ARE GONE FOR THE DAY!

Now, chances are this has happened to you, not the Fastpasses running out, for I'm sure you would get on if you were in line, but people getting 4-5 Fastpasses at a time. Now the question is, is that proper etiquette and do you find it allowable? Or, should it be people get one Fastpass per person?

What are your thoughts and feelings?

* On a side note, my insanely popular poll's will now be cut down to one a week, as starting Monday, ( Time permitting of course ), I shall begin the Jimmy Thick Dining Experience. What is that, well you will just have to wait my friends.

I never disappoint.


Well-Known Member
More people means more congestion. I can't imagine having my kids with me at those machines. It's easier for eith DH or myself get them and the other wait with the kids.


Well-Known Member
We usually do this. Why have 4 or 5 people take up space in an already long line just to do the same thing one person can do, just as quick. Especially with Soarin. Last March when we were down there, the fast passes were usually all gone by early morning, so we had to go back to Epcot earlier one day and I made a mad dash back to Soarin as soon as the park opened and grabbed 6 fast passes for my family. I know it sounds extreme, but during Canadian Spring Break week in March, fast passes run out quickly. Plus, my mother-in-law has bad legs, so didn't like always having to make her rush to keep up with us. This way me or my wife could let her sit with the kids while we got our fast passes.:shrug:


Active Member
I do not have a problem with someone getting fastpasses for everyone in their family. The area around the fast pass machines can be very congested, and it just does not make sense for my whole family to stand there in line when my husband can get do it for us. It is actually probably quicker for one person to get four or five fast passes then it would be for all five people in the party to stand there and do each one themselves. If you have a dad in line in front of you getting fast passes for his family of five, his family is going to get 5 fast passes regardless of whether he does it for them or each one of them does their own, because chances are they would all stand in line they would all be in front of you anyway. But I do get frustrated when somone in front of me is having problems....either because they are making a mistake, or the machine is not amazes me how many people will just stand there trying over and over without asking for help. Now I DO have a problem with the tour guides trying to get passes for their HUGE groups.


New Member
personally, last trip I experianced the worse time at multiple fast pass distribution areas. I was at Dinosaur and got behind a tour leader who had 30 tickets! I'm sorry but there should be a limit. Maybe 7-10 depending on how long the line is... This tour leader kept breaking the machiene, putting in repeat tickets, and calling the cast member over. By the time I got my fast pass, it did not match my friends. Another time i was at everest, and a family of 5, kept sticking their room key in when they were holding their pass in their hand. Before fast passes came out, the lines for rides were shorter, the line moved quicker, and more rides could be accomplished. Granted i have been to disney alot, fastpasses are probably the worst thing that they came up with.

In your situation, you waited in line, got stuck behind a family, and if people entered the distribtion area the same time as you, then you do deserve it.

Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Honestly, I find the people waiting for their Fastpass time to arrive more of a pain...

Er, um, carry on...


Well-Known Member
Definately not, the addional people will just slow things down too much and the line for the fast pass machines will be almost as long as the line for the rides them selves.


Well-Known Member
I dont mind people getting 4 or 5 at a time, even a few more if its just for their family but I get a little annoyed when you see one person collecting 30 for their whole tour group (I've seen it happen).

I suppose it's no different to 30 individuals coming up and getting their passes but it seems a little more annoying....


Well-Known Member
No, but often times I find myself wishing for an express line. Something like, no more than 2 per person.
BUT, that would be to hard to enforce, and some guests just wouldn't care anyway.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Honestly, I find the people waiting for their Fastpass time to arrive more of a pain...

Er, um, carry on...

Especially at Sorin'. Jeeze, that Fastpass return area is a nightmare. :hammer::brick::hammer:

People blocking the fastpass entrance... waiting for their time to hit. CM's keep telling them to move to the side... or out of the way.. and the guests dont. Ugh. Its like you almost have to shove your way up to the CM.... to show him your fastpass.


New Member
No, but often times I find myself wishing for an express line. Something like, no more than 2 per person.
BUT, that would be to hard to enforce, and some guests just wouldn't care anyway.
I was going to say the exact same thing. One or two machines devoted to an "express lane" where each person can only get one or two FPs. I usually go to the parks by myself or with one or two other friends, so it gets very inconvenient trying to find a machine with a short line and then come up behind someone with 7 tickets, and while I understand that's a good way to keep the area congestion-free (or congestion-reduced) it gets misleading as you think getting your ONE FP will be easy as pie.

It has its good and bad points. I really don't mind people getting more than 2 FPs or so, but if it's a high number like 8 or 10, have more than one person in the same family go so it doesn't seem like just one person is taking forever to get FPs! :)


New Member
Hand your passes to one person and let them get the fastpass tickets one after another. It lowers the chances of your group being split up during time slots. It makes perfect sense as to how they do it.

I do not see the real problem with this? There are usually multiple machines; in the case that you do see a tour group leader pull out a sufficient amount of passes, feel free to move to another machine. Problems can arise with this, I assume. Many times you cannot clearly see how many tickets the one person in front of you could be holding or not.

I could easily understand as to how it could get to be a hassle, but never a large enough hassle to label it as a problem.


i'm not sure how a 'one per person' would be accomplished. i suppose there would have to be cm(s) there all the time. just not sure the cost is worth the bene


New Member
i got all the fastpasses for my family.They were there with me or on line for another ride.nothing wrong with that.In general,there werent to many people getting more than a family full of fast passes.I do remember one time when a man in front of me was getting like 15 fast passes.I just slid over to the next machine and got biggie.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
I just remember when I was getting a fastpass for Everest this past DEC:

Two or three of the machines were down... and the machine I happened to get in line for, the lady in front of me had a stack of various ticket media (must of been for a tour group). I am guessing she had AT LEAST 20 tickets she was getting fastpasses for. She kept fumbling around... and the machince broke. She did not speak english... so the CM was having a hard time helping her out. I told the CM that one of her park tickets was stuck in the machine... and I moved onto another machine.

I guess there should be a limit... but within reason. If you are getting 10 or more fastpasses... it would be nice if there were a dedicated machine (especially during peak times), with a CM standing nearby to help/monitor things. :):shrug:


Active Member
Now I DO have a problem with the tour guides trying to get passes for their HUGE groups.

OMG! I know what you mean! I was standing in line to get a fast pass for Soarin' and was wondering why the lady in front of me is taking so long so I looked over to see if she needed help. Then to my surprise, she had a huge stack of cards and was inserting each one by one! Aaaaaaahh!

Now imagine 3 of these Fast Pass machines being occupied by these tour guides... :brick:


Active Member
Especially at Sorin'. Jeeze, that Fastpass return area is a nightmare. :hammer::brick::hammer:

People blocking the fastpass entrance... waiting for their time to hit. CM's keep telling them to move to the side... or out of the way.. and the guests dont. Ugh. Its like you almost have to shove your way up to the CM.... to show him your fastpass.
The worst was when my family went up to get in the FP line at Soarin (our Fast Passes had been active for 30 minutes), and there was a massive line of people waiting for their time to start. They were trying to tell us how we were cutting the line by going to the CM to show him our Fast Passes and that they were there first. One guy even went as far as to attempt to call a CM over because we were "cutting in line". Wow, they should create some benches or an "Airline Waiting Area" about 50-100 feet away from the FP Return and tell people like this to "Wait for your flight time in the waiting area over there." That would help put an end to the bottleneck of people at the return area.

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