Snow White's Scary Adventures Memories


Original Poster
With the closing of Snow White's Scary Adventures next month, Fantasyland will seem to have a piece missing. Another opening day attraction down the drain. The purpose of this thread is to remember this classic ride. Leave a post with a story of your first ride, or any pictures you have of the ride. Pre-1994 pictures are appreciated, but new photos are still great.


Well-Known Member
I don't have pictures

I remember not wanting to ride it as a young one. I didn't like dark rides, and:eek: was especially scared of the title "scary" and certainly didn't like the "queen". Chicken that I was, I didn't ride Snow White until I was 13!:ROFLOL: Man- I wish Disney would leave the classics alone!:goodnevil


Well-Known Member
My 1st (and last!:hammer: ride was in 2010! I avoided it on my 1st WDW visit in 2008 as I had read it was scary!!! :eek: I found it ok, nothing special, it was slightly ruined by a couple in the seats in front of us who took on their toddler! :eek: she was screaming the whole ride,poor thing.

I wish I had more chances to see it.:(


Original Poster
My 1st (and last!:hammer: ride was in 2010! I avoided it on my 1st WDW visit in 2008 as I had read it was scary!!! :eek: I found it ok, nothing special, it was slightly ruined by a couple in the seats in front of us who took on their toddler! :eek: she was screaming the whole ride,poor thing.

I wish I had more chances to see it.:(
I first went in it when I was five and almost wet my pants
during the transformation scene. LOL


Well-Known Member
SW1K-The Full Story - In which Benjamin goes on his 1,000th ride on Snow White's Scary Adventures, joined by Snow White herself.

Video of the actual ride, shot by WDWMagic members tk421-sw and thimblekisses (I have no idea if they are still around these days).

SW2K-The Whole Story - In which Benjamin goes on his 2,000th ride on Snow White's Scary Adventures, with the amazing assistance of David Storm from the Dream Squad.

I don't have a blog post for SW3K. It was a cold and miserable day, and the cast member who was supposed to arrange something wound up leaving the company shortly before the event and never passed off the task to someone else. I am not bothered by this. Disney has done amazing things for my son, and they certainly did not owe us a big event.

As of yesterday, Ben has ridden SWSA 3,378 times. Every single time he enjoys it just as much as the last. It just never gets old for him.

As for my own personal memories, I can't say just how much I enjoyed (and how much I miss) watching Merlin do his show at the Sword in the Stone as we stood in the line for Snow White. I don't know how many times I saw that show, but it was always fun to watch. The cast member who played Merlin was always excellent.

I also fondly remember one particular cast member (long gone now), who did something very special for Ben just before the ride closed for rehab the last time. She got permission from her manager, and then just after the park closed she walked the entire ride path and took extensive pictures of the whole ride start to finish. She filled a photo album, and then gave it to Ben to look at during the five weeks that the ride was closed. He still carries around those photos today (although most of the pictures have worn, and I really wish I had digital originals).

Mostly, though, I remember the very first time that we went on the ride. It was both Ben and my first visit to Walt Disney World, and even the very first ride we went on. At that time Ben was completely non-vocal (well, I mean, he made a lot of *sounds* but no actual words). He had no idea what he was standing in line for, and was fidgeting quite a bit. Then when we got in the ride vehicle and started moving, he became absolutely rapt with attention. For 3 1/2 minutes he was completely transported. For a kid who is so audio focused, that ride was basically Benjamin Crack. Every single audio element lifted directly from the movie, with all of his favorite clips. That ride, on that day, was the tipping point for his social and language development. I can trace everything right back to that moment.


Original Poster
SW1K-The Full Story - In which Benjamin goes on his 1,000th ride on Snow White's Scary Adventures, joined by Snow White herself.

Video of the actual ride, shot by WDWMagic members tk421-sw and thimblekisses (I have no idea if they are still around these days).

SW2K-The Whole Story - In which Benjamin goes on his 2,000th ride on Snow White's Scary Adventures, with the amazing assistance of David Storm from the Dream Squad.

I don't have a blog post for SW3K. It was a cold and miserable day, and the cast member who was supposed to arrange something wound up leaving the company shortly before the event and never passed off the task to someone else. I am not bothered by this. Disney has done amazing things for my son, and they certainly did not owe us a big event.

As of yesterday, Ben has ridden SWSA 3,378 times. Every single time he enjoys it just as much as the last. It just never gets old for him.

As for my own personal memories, I can't say just how much I enjoyed (and how much I miss) watching Merlin do his show at the Sword in the Stone as we stood in the line for Snow White. I don't know how many times I saw that show, but it was always fun to watch. The cast member who played Merlin was always excellent.

I also fondly remember one particular cast member (long gone now), who did something very special for Ben just before the ride closed for rehab the last time. She got permission from her manager, and then just after the park closed she walked the entire ride path and took extensive pictures of the whole ride start to finish. She filled a photo album, and then gave it to Ben to look at during the five weeks that the ride was closed. He still carries around those photos today (although most of the pictures have worn, and I really wish I had digital originals).

Mostly, though, I remember the very first time that we went on the ride. It was both Ben and my first visit to Walt Disney World, and even the very first ride we went on. At that time Ben was completely non-vocal (well, I mean, he made a lot of *sounds* but no actual words). He had no idea what he was standing in line for, and was fidgeting quite a bit. Then when we got in the ride vehicle and started moving, he became absolutely rapt with attention. For 3 1/2 minutes he was completely transported. For a kid who is so audio focused, that ride was basically Benjamin Crack. Every single audio element lifted directly from the movie, with all of his favorite clips. That ride, on that day, was the tipping point for his social and language development. I can trace everything right back to that moment.
Your son is truly inspiring to both children and Disney fans alike! Thanks for sharing his great memories of this ride!


Well-Known Member
And please.... No flash photography!

OMG, the last time I went on this the guy in front of me was taking flash photos of everything. I assumed he was some Disney nut documenting history, but it was still kind of annoying that my last ride on this happened this way. :brick:

"Step out to your left please!"

I remember waiting in Fantasyland for CMs to check out the immediate castle area after Wishes and hearing this line reapeated endlessly. Still not as annoying as "Please stand up before exiting. Buh Bye!" ;)


Well-Known Member
1st ride I went on EVER back in '86 when I was 4 years old. It scared the living daylights out of me!!! I didn't want to go on anything else, it had scarred me. My 3 year old sister, she LOVED it.

It holds a special place because it was my first ride, and now I am a huge Disney fan! I will miss it.

I got over it, after 7 rounds of it's a small world, and now we have incredible memories of that first time on Snow White. We always ride it, and get a picture of us someplace in that area, my favorite being the one next to the "WARNING" sign as a teenager.

Such great memories of Snow White. I rode for my last time this past March.:) Glad I was able to.
I was six years old when I first went on this ride. The thing that scared me? The skeleton. Everything else, I was spazztastic. The skeleton scared me. I just wanted to see the dwarfs.

"Mommy. Daddy. The seven dwarfs have a ride?"

"Yes sweetie."

"They have...their beds. THEIR NAMES! We get to ride in those? Oh I need to be in Doc's. I have to be in Doc's. We need to be in Doc's."

I was relentless. No, we needed to be in my favorite dwarf's and I wouldn't take no for an answer. I kept chattering as I skipped (as little girls are want to do) in line and as we got up to the was Bashful. I stared.

"Mommy this isn't fair. Can we wait for Doc? I'll wait. I'm patient."

"NO! NO NO!"


I never got Doc. This year I got Bashful again and Grumpy twice. At least Grumpy's acceptable. Yep, I rode it three times like the lunatic I am because I wanted to see it again. First was because I wanted to remember being six years old and compare my memories. Second was because it was my birthday and I got to pick the rides. Third was the last day and come on, it was closing. I wanted to say I rode it as my last ride for my Disney '12 trip.

For the Doc-o-holic/Snow White junkie that I am, I carried that memory with me. I rode the Snow White ride. My room is still covered with Snow White stuff and I'm always happily redecorating with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in mind.

My last ride was my counting how many times I could hear the Doc voice over and how many Doc figures there was on the ride. Am I a nerd? Oh yeah, but I break for that dwarf something sick.


Original Poster
I was six years old when I first went on this ride. The thing that scared me? The skeleton. Everything else, I was spazztastic. The skeleton scared me. I just wanted to see the dwarfs.

"Mommy. Daddy. The seven dwarfs have a ride?"

"Yes sweetie."

"They have...their beds. THEIR NAMES! We get to ride in those? Oh I need to be in Doc's. I have to be in Doc's. We need to be in Doc's."

I was relentless. No, we needed to be in my favorite dwarf's and I wouldn't take no for an answer. I kept chattering as I skipped (as little girls are want to do) in line and as we got up to the was Bashful. I stared.

"Mommy this isn't fair. Can we wait for Doc? I'll wait. I'm patient."

"NO! NO NO!"


I never got Doc. This year I got Bashful again and Grumpy twice. At least Grumpy's acceptable. Yep, I rode it three times like the lunatic I am because I wanted to see it again. First was because I wanted to remember being six years old and compare my memories. Second was because it was my birthday and I got to pick the rides. Third was the last day and come on, it was closing. I wanted to say I rode it as my last ride for my Disney '12 trip.

For the Doc-o-holic/Snow White junkie that I am, I carried that memory with me. I rode the Snow White ride. My room is still covered with Snow White stuff and I'm always happily redecorating with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in mind.

My last ride was my counting how many times I could hear the Doc voice over and how many Doc figures there was on the ride. Am I a nerd? Oh yeah, but I break for that dwarf something sick.

I sadly didn't get a last ride recently. My last ride was last spring.


Active Member
I didn't ride it pre 1994 so you'll have to accept more recent photos.
My daughter was the youngest one I have personally taken on this, when she was still shy of 4. She wasn't at all afraid....I have never understood why little ones are afraid of any ride at WDW (they are all very tame IMO).
The last few trips it was her favorite...every trip I allow her to pick the first and last rides we'll do on our trip (we always start and finish at MK) and for the past couple trips it's been this one. And she always wants to end the trip with the same one she started with! She is very sad about this closure.



So what becomes of the things that make up the ride once it's torn down? Where will snow white and Dopey end up...and how bout that scary hag?

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
When I last visited the World back in December, I made sure I rode on SWSA one last time, because I knew it would soon be no more.

No offense to those here who love the ride, but to me, while it had a sort of cornball charm, it was due for a major upgrade at the very least. While I shed no tears at its passing (because the new Mine Train ride sounds so awesome that it just might be the ride Snow White deserves), I respect its legacy. :)

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I didn't ride it pre 1994 so you'll have to accept more recent photos.
My daughter was the youngest one I have personally taken on this, when she was still shy of 4. She wasn't at all afraid....I have never understood why little ones are afraid of any ride at WDW (they are all very tame IMO).
The last few trips it was her favorite...every trip I allow her to pick the first and last rides we'll do on our trip (we always start and finish at MK) and for the past couple trips it's been this one. And she always wants to end the trip with the same one she started with! She is very sad about this closure.



So what becomes of the things that make up the ride once it's torn down? Where will snow white and Dopey end up...and how bout that scary hag?

Geez, wash your ears, Dopey! :lol:

Yes, good question about the figures. The Snow White one that's sitting on the steps is lovely. Will TDO trash them, preserve them, reuse them?


Original Poster
I didn't ride it pre 1994 so you'll have to accept more recent photos.
My daughter was the youngest one I have personally taken on this, when she was still shy of 4. She wasn't at all afraid....I have never understood why little ones are afraid of any ride at WDW (they are all very tame IMO).
The last few trips it was her favorite...every trip I allow her to pick the first and last rides we'll do on our trip (we always start and finish at MK) and for the past couple trips it's been this one. And she always wants to end the trip with the same one she started with! She is very sad about this closure.



So what becomes of the things that make up the ride once it's torn down? Where will snow white and Dopey end up...and how bout that scary hag?

Some of the figures will be relocated to the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train coaster. I'm not sure which ones though.


Well-Known Member
I was a young child when I rode the original version where you were supposed to take the role of Snow White.... and it ended with a rock dropping on you. It scared me to no end.

The version that actually had the word 'Scary' put into the ride name I always found enjoyable. I love the old school type rides in FL and hate to see one go. Though they can totally feel free to turn it into Mr. Toads Wild Ride... just throwing that out there if they are scrapping Snow White anyway.
I'll do anything for my Snow White fix. I just have my limits. My limits tend to be gentle rides that aren't teacups. With my head problems, I'll walk into walls after Barnstormer. Pleasant little surprise when my then-boyfriend took me by the wrist and had to gently lead me to the sidewalk!

Mine Train will be wonderful. I just will probably be seeing a lot of swirling dwarfs and diamonds around my head for a while. I'll deal. I'll have to sit down a while after, but heck. Things we'll do, right?

You can call it SWSA silly or corny all you want. For me, it was nice. I could relax and not worry about getting a headache. I'm a pretty young kid and if Barnstormer can make me dizzy, I've got limited options. SWSA was a nice way to enjoy my favorite movie as a ride without getting a headache. It was a nice detox ride.

As for those figures, I'll buy the Doc at the end. I'll have to really clean those clothes (I can imagine the dust), but I have the perfect spot in my room, right under my Snow White litho and the postcard from WDW they sent me for writing the Dwarfs fanmail when I was four. I'm stepping over the line to fanatic range.

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