

New Member
Original Poster
Looking back through the DLP threads I know that the subject of smoking has been mentioned before, but I wondered if it is ever likely to be ristricted in the Parks. As a non smoker, it was the most negative aspect of my recent visit.
I can't help thinking that if I contacted Disney and asked if I could walk around their parks with a burning stick, which I would hold at about waist high (therefore head height on a child) and periodically waft carsogenic fumes into the faces of visitors, they would consider me a madman and ban me from every park on the planet. But whats the difference?
The park maps mention the smoking areas which should be used, but these seem to be completly ignored and there seems no attempt to enforce the use of them.
Is it time DLP bit the bullet and made it's parks smoke free. Or should we just accept that we have to put up with it?

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I'm guessing it might be the local culture? If smoking openly is more acceptable in France, then Disney would know it's fighting an uphill battle (and probably costing itself business from locals) to try and change that inside the park. The debacle that occurred when they opened the park without serving alcohol might have taught them not to try and fight local norms.

But like I said, it's just a guess.


I just returned from DLP about a week ago and was very disturbed by the smoking and the lack of respect by the visitors. My husband and I also saw that there were "designated" smoking areas on the maps, but they were definitely NOT used and people smoked wherever they pleased...including line queues! It was very frustrating. Don't get me wrong...I loved the park...but was very disturbed by this. On another note...I also felt there was a lack of cleanliness. By the end of the day the parks seemed trashed (overflowing trash cans...trash in line queues...track floating in the ponds...ugh).


Well-Known Member
I just returned from DLP about a week ago and was very disturbed by the smoking and the lack of respect by the visitors. My husband and I also saw that there were "designated" smoking areas on the maps, but they were definitely NOT used and people smoked wherever they pleased...including line queues! It was very frustrating. Don't get me wrong...I loved the park...but was very disturbed by this. On another note...I also felt there was a lack of cleanliness. By the end of the day the parks seemed trashed (overflowing trash cans...trash in line queues...track floating in the ponds...ugh).

100% agree on all counts. My wife and I were there Monday and Tuesday this week (I know, the busiest time!) and will likely never return again unless they change this. And I don't see that happening. As others mentioned, its the norm and the culture. I don't see them shooting themselves in the foot again after finally catching up to where they wanted to be. It was dirty, smelled everywhere, trash everywhere, and smokers everywhere. Even in cramped queues. I got ash in my eyes 2 times when the wind blew while in line and was bumped into by a cigerette one time as well which left a nice spot on my shirt. That was enough for us.

I don't expect them to change it just for us obviously but it is something that needs to be noted for other unsuspecting non-smokers.:)


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
The only thing worse than smoking in line is a self righteous non-smoker and their posts whining about it on the internet.

When in Rome...


Well-Known Member
The only thing worse than smoking in line is a self righteous non-smoker and their posts whining about it on the internet.

When in Rome...

Of all the things that are whined and complained about on the internet, and this forum, I think being poisoned and burned in public is one of the more justifiable complaints.


Well-Known Member
The only thing worse than smoking in line is a self righteous non-smoker and their posts whining about it on the internet.

When in Rome...

Nice. Real nice. No whining here. Just stating the facts. If I'm somehow whining about having smoke blown in my face while waiting 45 minutes in a cramped queue or whining about having ash shoved into my shirt and leaving a burn stain then I don't know what to tell you. I'm just stating the facts. I didn't tell anybody else not to go. It's up to each and every one of us to make that choice. However, it is worth finding this out BEFORE going by using this thing called the internet to educate people about what to expect in case they also happened to not like being around the smoke. Forums are great at sharing information like this.

And for the record, I really don't care. I'm not whining about it. We just won't go back. There is a policy that nobody listened to. Fine. However, this policy wasn't enforced either so I don't blame them for smoking! Being a former smoker though, I would NEVER smoke in a closed in space like that around famlies and children. That is just plain rude!

If I were whining it would be something more like, I hated coming back to the hotel each night smelling like I was at a bar. Our clothing even smelled like smoke. But I didn't. That would be whining :wave:.

I guess this is why my post count is so low even though I've been a member since 2002 :).

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
I've quit smoking two weeks ago! :sohappy:

Even back when I did smoke I was surprised at the number of people that would smoke outside of the designated areas. I thought this was a bit rude, especially considering that DLP is quite generous with assigning plenty of smoking areas.

I did see one CM insist that some guy in the RNRC line extinguish his cigarette.

I guess this is why my post count is so low even though I've been a member since 2002 :).
Don't be too put off. This forum is mostly an incredible rude place, but it is full of nice people too.

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