Smoking in WDW.

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Original Poster
Has anyone els noticed that the smoking areas in the parks are not very well signed? Some that show up on the maps don't even exsist. I still have not been able to find the one in EPCOT that is supposed to be between Mexico and Norway. Even Some CM'S can't tell you where they are. A lot of times smokers can't find an area and just light up.
In the All Star Sports they have three smoking sections to cover all four hotels. At night I had to go down three floors, walk across the pool area to the Touchdown resort to have a smoke. And to tell you the truth, I didn't mind. But I can't tell you how many times I saw people smoking at the elevators or right out side there rooms. Don't get me wrong, I think the smoking policy is VERY GOOD! I know how annoying smoking is to non smokers and I never smoke around them. But I think WDW should do a better job with the policy.
Any thoughts?


New Member
I agree, do you know when I went to the world in april, there were no designated smoking areas in downtown disney.


Well-Known Member
Do you guys remember that movie that the Disney Channel had YEARS and YEARS ago. It was called "Can of Worms"?


Has anyone els noticed that the smoking areas in the parks are not very well signed? Some that show up on the maps don't even exsist. I still have not been able to find the one in EPCOT that is supposed to be between Mexico and Norway. Even Some CM'S can't tell you where they are. A lot of times smokers can't find an area and just light up.
In the All Star Sports they have three smoking sections to cover all four hotels. At night I had to go down three floors, walk across the pool area to the Touchdown resort to have a smoke. And to tell you the truth, I didn't mind. But I can't tell you how many times I saw people smoking at the elevators or right out side there rooms. Don't get me wrong, I think the smoking policy is VERY GOOD! I know how annoying smoking is to non smokers and I never smoke around them. But I think WDW should do a better job with the policy.
Any thoughts?
The smoking section in epcot that you can't find is in front of norway. It is beside a triangular flower bed with trees in it and benches around it. If you have your back to the lake it is on the left of this flower bed. It is right in front of the bathrooms. I agree with the smoking policy. I smoke and I don't like smoking around people who don't. But it makes me mad when someone lights up just anywhere in the parks. :)


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Do you guys remember that movie that the Disney Channel had YEARS and YEARS ago. It was called "Can of Worms"?



Can of worms eh? Well let's see if I can stir it a little. As a non-smoker, I try to avoid the smoke from cigs as much as possible, as it actually will irritate my sinuses for days. So, I have to jump in and agree...WDW does a terrible job in letting ALL guests know where the smoking areas are.

Why does this bother me? I'm certainly not going to smoke. It bugs me because I want to know what areas to avoid. I hate accidentally wandering into a smoking area where a whole bunch of folks are puffing away and making a cloud I now have to go through. When I know where the smoking zones are, I just avoid them. But since WDW can't seem to provide decent signage, I find myself stumbling into the zones. And I probably irritate the smokers who have every right to be smoking there when I cover my nose and mouth and sprint away. Really, it isn't the smokers, it's the smoke. Sorry if I ever offended anyone with my sprint.

Another thing that bugs me is that there really aren't enough areas for smokers. If they had a few more areas, maybe we wouldn't have as many sneaking a smoke out in the open.

I hate the smoke. I wish everyone would stop. But, the reality is that, that won't be happening. So it should be made more fair. More areas, more signage. And THAT, from a non-smoker.


Active Member
Just for the record, I'm a non-smoker........

More smoking areas? In Epcot, there is 1 smoking area for just about every pavilion (FW & WS). At MK, there are 2 in each land except for FL and MTTF. The Studios, for how small it is, has a great smoking area to park size ratio. AK has the least amount of smoking areas because of the animals, that's a given. So more smoking areas isn't going to fix the problem.

Smokers and non-smokers need to be aware of where the smoking areas are located. Some smokers just light up because of simple neglect and laziness, but others are considerate to other guests and smoke in the designated areas. Look in the guide maps for where the smoking areas are or just keep your eyes peeled for a group of people with a cloud of smoke above them so you don't "stumble into those zones".

What kind of signage would you like? A flashing red light and a cm with a bullhorn saying, Lung Cancerous Zone....BEWARE!


Well-Known Member
I hate the smoke. I wish everyone would stop. But, the reality is that, that won't be happening. So it should be made more fair. More areas, more signage. And THAT, from a non-smoker.

I agree with your entire post. If smoking is to be allowed but in designated areas, make it clearly marked so those of us that do NOT smoke can avoid the areas. Another problem is that all of the CMs I see around smokers in non-designated areas do not say anything to the smokers and don't direct them to the permitted areas. Policy is policy.

There are a lot of courteous smokers out there who will look for the areas, so to those of you who qualify, a round of thanks to you!! :sohappy: My wife and I do not smoke and both myself and my 2 year old have sinus issues in the Florida humidity, so the smoke is a really bad thing for us.

For those of you who think you have the right to smoke anywhere (there are fewer, but I've seen some on property)...I'll just say your taking a vacation at the wrong place. Young children cannot determine the impact of what they inhale nor can they protect themselves from it. They should be protected by everyone as a community effort until they are of legal age to make that decision themselves.

WDW - We all need better signage so we can co-exist happily. THX


New Member
Just for the record, I'm a non-smoker........

More smoking areas? In Epcot, there is 1 smoking area for just about every pavilion (FW & WS). At MK, there are 2 in each land except for FL and MTTF. The Studios, for how small it is, has a great smoking area to park size ratio. AK has the least amount of smoking areas because of the animals, that's a given. So more smoking areas isn't going to fix the problem.

Smokers and non-smokers need to be aware of where the smoking areas are located. Some smokers just light up because of simple neglect and laziness, but others are considerate to other guests and smoke in the designated areas. Look in the guide maps for where the smoking areas are or just keep your eyes peeled for a group of people with a cloud of smoke above them so you don't "stumble into those zones".

What kind of signage would you like? A flashing red light and a cm with a bullhorn saying, Lung Cancerous Zone....BEWARE!

Did you know that being a smart a$$ is also bad for your health...... for a number of reasons, one of the many is choric headaches from people who don't like smart a$$ people pounding on your head. Not to mention it's bad for your stress levels and we all know where that leads: HEART ATTACK ZONE!Honestly get a life!


New Member
I'm a cigar smoker and never really never thought about it, but is there a designated smoking area at West Side or Pleasure Island? I usually buy a cigar at Sosas and smoke away as I walk to PI. Being one who usually abides by the rules, I hope I'm not doing anything wrong here. I never really thought there were smoking areas at these places.


As a non smoking CM I can say that I have directed people who ask and just light up in the middle of main street to the two closest smoking areas. Ok once I was at the cart across from the tipboard near the ice cream shop and let a lady walk past me because I didn't know where the closest was from there. But I pulled out a map and found it. Yes more CMs should point out the nearest area but also a smoker can approach us to ask where it is. I know you shouldn't have to ask but really its our job and you can almost always find a CM close by.


Just for the record, I'm a non-smoker........

More smoking areas? In Epcot, there is 1 smoking area for just about every pavilion (FW & WS). At MK, there are 2 in each land except for FL and MTTF. The Studios, for how small it is, has a great smoking area to park size ratio. AK has the least amount of smoking areas because of the animals, that's a given. So more smoking areas isn't going to fix the problem.

Smokers and non-smokers need to be aware of where the smoking areas are located. Some smokers just light up because of simple neglect and laziness, but others are considerate to other guests and smoke in the designated areas. Look in the guide maps for where the smoking areas are or just keep your eyes peeled for a group of people with a cloud of smoke above them so you don't "stumble into those zones".

What kind of signage would you like? A flashing red light and a cm with a bullhorn saying, Lung Cancerous Zone....BEWARE!

Wow. I had no idea there were so many zones in EPCOT. And that right there illustrates the problem. I do look out for signs. I just haven't seen them.

And while the flashing light cast member with a bull horn would certainly work, I'd settle for a more obvious sign. To be honest I don't even know what the current signs look like.

I do find it rare that a smoker just lights up anywhere, I have to say. But I have politely requested that someone put out there cigarette while in line and received a couple rude comments back. I've never had to get a cast members help, as most of the rest of the line will jump into the debate pretty quickly. But as I said, WDW smokers tend to be ultra courteous.

Larry Mondello

Well-Known Member
For all of you who think that you will die if you breath in more than two whiffs of smoke as you pass a smoker out doors I have good news for you. I grew up in a time when everybody smoked everywhere. My father smoked, my mother smoked and my wifes parents smoked (indoors and in the car). Yet neither me or my wife or any of my freinds or relatives have ever had any ever had any disease associated with smoking.


New Member
For all of you who think that you will die if you breath in more than two whiffs of smoke as you pass a smoker out doors I have good news for you. I grew up in a time when everybody smoked everywhere. My father smoked, my mother smoked and my wifes parents smoked (indoors and in the car). Yet neither me or my wife or any of my freinds or relatives have ever had any ever had any disease associated with smoking.
While you are quite correct IMHO, I don't honestly think the complaint by most non-smokers is NOT lasting health issues. I think the issue is the fact that most non-smokers don't like the odor put off by said smokers, and problems with minor health issues, such as asthma and sinus troubles. As a smoker I believe I have a right to smoke, I also believe that people who don't smoke have a right to breathe clean air. It makes sense to put smoking areas away from the masses. Also long term cancer may not occur from a little second hand smoke, but those with asthma could have immediate complications. I love to smoke, I also know the health risks involved(you would have to be completely ignorant not to these days. This is why I get aggrevated when people start talking about LUNG CANCEROUS ZONES!), and will probably die a slow very uncomfortable death because of it one day.


New Member
While I think smoking is a disgusting habit. I agree that smokers should have somewhere to partake in. Disney needs to put these areas in better places. We just returned from VWL and every time we walked to the villas we were forced to walk through the waves of smoke. That is unacceptable. It was almost better when they could smoke in their rooms, we were then not forced to deal with it.
Also I think that some smokers don't give a **** about anyone around them. We were seeking shelter under the porch at Gherrillidi (sp) and this woman came in, sat in the middle of everyone and lit one up. As people scattered to escape the smoke, she looked at everyone as if we were intruding on her territory. Just plain rude!


New Member
For all of you who think that you will die if you breath in more than two whiffs of smoke as you pass a smoker out doors I have good news for you. I grew up in a time when everybody smoked everywhere. My father smoked, my mother smoked and my wifes parents smoked (indoors and in the car). Yet neither me or my wife or any of my freinds or relatives have ever had any ever had any disease associated with smoking.

Well now that the can of worms is opened...
Obviously not -every- person who smokes is going to get lung cancer.
But for a simple statistic i encounter everyday...
I work for an organ donation organization. 90% of the people I deal with who die and donate are between the ages of 40 and 60, and about 90% of them die from heart attacks... and 95% of them smoked reguarly. Most of them are also overweight also, but not all.

So this tells me that while smoking may or may not give every smoker cancer, it's obviously contributing to overall bad health...

Not official statistics, but this is what I see every single day...
Apply salt as you see fit.

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
As a smoker I believe I have a right to smoke, I also believe that people who don't smoke have a right to breathe clean air. .
Your right, people do have a right to breath clean air, but since when do people have a right to smoke? I never knew it was a right. But, not wanting to get caught in a dogpile of head shots, I used to smoke, haven't since 1995. Back then I didn't know it was a right either. And for some people it has no effect, and for others it is intense, like my nephew.


New Member
While I think smoking is a disgusting habit. I agree that smokers should have somewhere to partake in. Disney needs to put these areas in better places. We just returned from VWL and every time we walked to the villas we were forced to walk through the waves of smoke. That is unacceptable. It was almost better when they could smoke in their rooms, we were then not forced to deal with it.
Also I think that some smokers don't give a **** about anyone around them. We were seeking shelter under the porch at Gherrillidi (sp) and this woman came in, sat in the middle of everyone and lit one up. As people scattered to escape the smoke, she looked at everyone as if we were intruding on her territory. Just plain rude!
Even though I completely agree with most of you post, you must understand that smoking is only restricted at WDW because it is private property. This is how Disney deems it to run their show. I personally think MY RIGHTS allow me to smoke anywhere I want(that is public property) with or without non-smokers consent(do I regulate where you drink beer in WDW(aside from MK)?) I might not want to smell your nasty beer breath(strictly using this as an example, I really like my beer) in line for Soarin'. Do I have a say? Why hell no! You can't tell me just because something bugs you I can't do it. Hell, Oprah gives me explosive diarrhea can I get her taken off the airwaves because it is hazardous to my health, not thinking so. I don't smoke in areas populated with non-smoking people as a courtesy, I would like to recieve some in return!
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