

Original Poster
Are there any smells that remind you of WDW. Personally, the smell of Jergens soap reminds me of the soap in most Disney Resorts, and therefore reminds me of WDW. Am I alone of this?


Account Suspended
It's not a pleasant smell by any means.....but whenever I'm in a mall or store and someone passes by who obviously hasn't used deodorant, it makes me think of the smell on the Disney monorails and the instances when people like that were on line with me for some attraction. Blechhhh.

X Zoe X

New Member
My old perfume reminds me of getting ready in the morning and going to the parks. And cinemon ( excuse the spelling) The Christmas shop


Originally posted by grizzlyhall
There is a candle that smells justlike the old JII....I can't find it though! I should have bought it... :(

Grizz, do you happen to know what the name/name of the scent of that candle is?
Or where you saw it?


I know its not a smell but everytime at WDW I usually snatch the pens they keep in the rooms at the resorts and everytime I use one of them it reminds me of WDW.

Also not a smell but whenever I shut my cable box off at night the sounds it makes is like when your on a Disney bus and the driver hits the turn signals its the same exact sound as my cable box.

General Grizz

New Member
I saw it at a ... uh... what's that dang store....uh... that ... dang it... I'll tell you when I remember.

The color of the candle was light blue or purple...Sorry, I forget the name...


Well-Known Member
Some soap that we keep in the houe reminds me of the hotel soap... Also, this is kinda freaky, but one bathroom in a salon smells like the PoC, dont ask, it just does! One of my favorite smells has to be when you first walk into your hotel room; its just so....... i dunno... DISNEY!! :lol: :p
Ok this is a weird one but it is true. I think of Disney whenever I smell the exhaust fumes from any bus!:lol: It just makes me think of waiting at the bus stops there to go to a park!


New Member
there was this smell that I LOVE that reminds me of WDW SO MUCH I always used to smell it in Universe of Energy by the dinosaurs.


New Member
Those of us in cooler climates might relate to this:
The smell immediately following a tropical downpour on a hot summer day/night takes me right back there.


New Member
I work at a place that sells traveler's checks. And this couple must have been saving for years to buy them. The handed me 1000 dollars in 10 dollar bills and 100 in 1 dollar bills. Why am I telling you this, you ask...

There money was soooo old and musty that it smelled like the haunted mansion!!! lol It's kind of gross but It made me smile because I can't wait to go back in September!!!

Sometimes I'll just smell the wilderness lodge. Also my friend sometimes smells like the hotel room at the All-Stars. Not sure what it is but I love any disney smell.:)

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