Small Stitch Update


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STR8FAN2005 said:
The major difference I see is Stitch and that is more likely to repell me than attract me to the attraction. Alien Encounter was a Walt Disney World original and exclusive. It was fine just the way that it was. I don't even think that Lilo and Stitch was that popular. There are far more popular movies that do not have attractions.

Lilo and Stitch was an extremely popular movie that reached a wide rage of audiences, from preschoolers to grandparents. even high school kids talk about lilo and stitch (i should know, being in high school) so, no offence, but Lilo and Stitch was an EXTREMELY popular movie and I think the ride will be very successful. also, stitch is already known in the general audience, so having his name in an attraction title will bring people to the ride. it name recongination, just like disney has over universal. As good as AE was, i think Stitch was a good move.


Well-Known Member
Chape19714 said:
Lilo and Stitch was an extremely popular movie that reached a wide rage of audiences, from preschoolers to grandparents. even high school kids talk about lilo and stitch (i should know, being in high school) so, no offence, but Lilo and Stitch was an EXTREMELY popular movie and I think the ride will be very successful. also, stitch is already known in the general audience, so having his name in an attraction title will bring people to the ride. it name recongination, just like disney has over universal. As good as AE was, i think Stitch was a good move.

I couldn't have said it better myself!

I can't wait for Stitch...I loved AE...but it did get "old" after a soon as the "shock" factor was gone...the "want" to enter the attraction did too. (For me anyways).


Well-Known Member
Chape19714 said:
Lilo and Stitch was an extremely popular movie that reached a wide rage of audiences, from preschoolers to grandparents. even high school kids talk about lilo and stitch (i should know, being in high school) so, no offence, but Lilo and Stitch was an EXTREMELY popular movie and I think the ride will be very successful. also, stitch is already known in the general audience, so having his name in an attraction title will bring people to the ride. it name recongination, just like disney has over universal. As good as AE was, i think Stitch was a good move.

Well I think that the Stitch character is pretty popular, but the movie wasn't really as big of a hit as it might seem. I personally think the reason it made the type of money it did (A little over $100 million) was because of the release date. Disney was smart and they put it out in the summmer. I believe that if Brother Bear and The Emperor's New Groove were released during the summer months, I think they BOTH would have made more money and would have been more popular than Lilo and Stitch. I'm not saying that L&S was not a hit for Disney, but it was no blockbuster and I think that if it had been released in October/November (like BB and TENG) it would have made about $50-60 million.

With that being said of course SGE will be more popular among regular day guests. And of course they will sell tons of Stitch merchandise. So in that respect of course Disney made the right move in bringing SGE. I just personally wish they would have chosen another location. But I also have to say that if they had chosen another location, I still probably wouldn't had any desire to see it. I hated the L&S movie (Stitch gets on my nerves and I didn't like Lilo at all). But there is no doubt it is a popular character and movie, I just don't think it is EXTREMELY popular. Especially when compared to Nemo, Monster's Inc's Sully, or Simba.

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
I'm really sad to see an original go, but Disney recruits new WDW lovers everyday of every year. It's not a bad move to get some name recognition out there for a ride with a "disney star" as the main character. Little kids who are taking their first trip to WDW will want to ride the attractions that have characters from the movies they know and love probably rather than hitting up an original first (except for things like ToT).

I don't know where I'm going with that, but I guess all I can do is end with "And that's my $0.02..." :wave:


New Member

I am an annual passholder, I got my news letter last week and it says that they are having special preview in september for annual passholders, plus passholders get to purchase special stitch pin. You have to show your annual pass to get on ride and to purchase pin. I can't wait for this attraction to open!!!


Meega, nala kwishta!
dxwwf3 said:
Well I think that the Stitch character is pretty popular, but the movie wasn't really as big of a hit as it might seem. I personally think the reason it made the type of money it did (A little over $100 million) was because of the release date. Disney was smart and they put it out in the summmer. I believe that if Brother Bear and The Emperor's New Groove were released during the summer months, I think they BOTH would have made more money and would have been more popular than Lilo and Stitch. I'm not saying that L&S was not a hit for Disney, but it was no blockbuster and I think that if it had been released in October/November (like BB and TENG) it would have made about $50-60 million.

I'd disagree. I saw all three in the theaters, and the only one I walked away from that had a memoriable Disney character was L&S. And I belive that is why it did better. It had the one thing the other two don't have, and for that matter, what most of the other Disney movies that didn't do huge money at as well. A Disney character that fans, young and old, could connect with.

I don't know about you, but I have Stitch stuff at home and at the office, along with Lion King, Aladin, and others. I have nothing from Bear or Groove, even though I liked the movies, there was nothing to "latch onto" like the Stitch character.

And don't get me wrong, even though I love L&S, it still, to me doesn't compair to Lions King for me, but it's still worthy at the attention and a ride.

Just my $0.02. :wave:


Well-Known Member
AkiraRaptor said:
I'd disagree. I saw all three in the theaters, and the only one I walked away from that had a memoriable Disney character was L&S. And I belive that is why it did better. It had the one thing the other two don't have, and for that matter, what most of the other Disney movies that didn't do huge money at as well. A Disney character that fans, young and old, could connect with.

I don't know about you, but I have Stitch stuff at home and at the office, along with Lion King, Aladin, and others. I have nothing from Bear or Groove, even though I liked the movies, there was nothing to "latch onto" like the Stitch character.

And don't get me wrong, even though I love L&S, it still, to me doesn't compair to Lions King for me, but it's still worthy at the attention and a ride.

Just my $0.02. :wave:

I respect that. I'm the exact opposite. Brother Bear and The Emperor's New Groove (Along with Treasure Planet) are my favorite Disney movies since the Lion King. And I think that David Space's Kuzko was the best character of the bunch. I do not own any Stitch stuff, especially the movie. It just didn't do it for me. IMO, the best thing about the whole Stitch character was the teaser trailers for the film that had him invading other Disney films. I liked those alot more than the film itself.


New Member
dxwwf3 said:
I respect that. I'm the exact opposite. Brother Bear and The Emperor's New Groove (Along with Treasure Planet) are my favorite Disney movies since the Lion King. And I think that David Space's Kuzko was the best character of the bunch. I do not own any Stitch stuff, especially the movie. It just didn't do it for me. IMO, the best thing about the whole Stitch character was the teaser trailers for the film that had him invading other Disney films. I liked those alot more than the film itself.
Nothing beats the Lion King. *Would Glare at you making you feel uncomfortable if this wasn't a forum*


New Member
I'm sort of annoyed because I just went to Disney World in June and now Stitch is opening and I won't go again for at least 2 years unless we get to go for the Golden Celebration.


i go every 2 years...andi went in June so i wownt be back until june of 2006...i am excited that ill get to ride 3 new E ticket rides.....but im dissappointed that i wont be able to ride SGE and Soarin until then...but EE wil just be opening so i guess its notTOO gonna try not readig n e spoilers so that i cant have the best possible time on SGE and EE


CubbieMan said:
Well I am also hoping for the chance to check out the new SGE attraction when I am there between October 10th to 17th..but with a November 1st opening...who knows

Perhaps this is wishful thinking...but I love the fact that CoP is scheduled for a rehab. It needs I would think they would not bother with a rehab if it was only on seasonal looks like we may see it open year round..(hoping)

We're going to be down there October 18th through the 22nd...I was sure that would put us in the window of the opening...crum.
Does anyone know if it would be reasonable to expect any soft openings during that time?
Would love to see it!


Well-Known Member
brentley2 said:
We're going to be down there October 18th through the 22nd...I was sure that would put us in the window of the opening...crum.
Does anyone know if it would be reasonable to expect any soft openings during that time?
Would love to see it!

Did I miss something? I thought the Opening ceremonies were Oct. 1-3???


Well-Known Member
WDWFREAK53 said:
Did I miss something? I thought the Opening ceremonies were Oct. 1-3???

Look at Test Track! That alone proves that no date is set in stone. I went 3 times to WDW within the time frame of TT to be openned and it never did until later.


New Member
Did I miss something? I thought the Opening ceremonies were Oct. 1-3???

That is what I thought and was really disappointed to hear of a Nov 1st date. If annual passholders get a preview in September why would it not open until November 1st?

I still hold out hope for soft openings in early October or perhaps during MNSSHP.

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
jcarriv said:
That is what I thought and was really disappointed to hear of a Nov 1st date. If annual passholders get a preview in September why would it not open until November 1st?
They've got to have time to do test groups so that they can determine exactly what merchandise they'll put in the GIFT SHOP (MUAHAHAHAHAHA)!!


New Member
Merchandise is already available. I am deployed to Tomorrowland this week. We have TONS of SGE merch and it is selling like crazy. Since I am not usually over there, I did accidently walk in to SGE while looking for a stock room. Things are coming along but they are not quite done yet. I don't want to give away too many details since I really wasn't supposed to be in there. They did say though at a closing meeting that they hoped to start cast previews at the end of the month.

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