Stitch will still feature periods of complete darkness, loud noises, breathing on your neck, spit, shoulder harnasses jumping up and down. It will still be scary, just much more family friendly--because Stitch isn't scary.
As for the swear word on RnRC, I'm guessing Disney figured a couple things:
A. Most people don't listen closely enough to hear it
B. Most guests meeting the 48" height requirement will have already heard that word (not all, admittedly, but most people who would be listening closely enough to hear the lyrics and not screaming their heads off are Aerosmith fans--generally, little kids would not be Aerosmith fans)
I'm sure if they had gotten any complaints from parents about it, they would bleep it out. Technically, that word is still PG (it's used in Shrek 2, even if it is referring to Donkey, it is said in such a way that you know it's a swear word).