Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Tramp
I wish you guys would stop!
Disney stock is plummeting today on the news that a footlight toppled over at Epcot into a pathway exposing thousands of guests to possible electrocution. Cast maintenance personnel are scrambling, not to remedy the situation, but to sell their shares of Disney stock in their 401Ks.
A source close to the area said that the real danger is from hundreds of guests photographing the damaged light using blinding flash units which may cause unsuspecting guests to stumble into the exposed, high voltage wires.
Several Florida US Congressmen have called for hearings on the matter to determine the cause of the malfunction and what, if anything, can be done to prevent a reoccurrence. Specifically, they want to find out "who knew what and when did they know it, and did anyone call a cast member?"
(God help us)
After much consideration, members of a political party have expressed an intrest in the matter; specifically, the potential for mis-representation in the actual photograph. A re-count is likely after further review showed a "dangling" light fixture, prompting debate from disinfranchised theme-parks that do not have access to such lights.
State legislature has responded by setting aside millions of dollars to re-vamp the "pathway lighting" so it will be more user friendly, with less mistakes of the like causing chaos on local messageboards.