Single traveler deals or packages?


New Member
I'm very sorry, I don't seem to be using the right search terms for this question.

Two of the men in our group are probably going to need to get separate hotel accomodations (and not with each other, either!) because one snores and the other one smokes; the snoring will wake the smoker up frequently, and the smokers' occasional trips out to the smoking area and then back into the room will wake up the snorer. I know that most packages and discounts are probably geared toward a couple with children, of course, but are any on-site deals ever offered for solitary adult visitors?

Where around here would be the best place for me to look for more information on the general topic of individual accomodations? We generally plan on flying to and from Orlando together, and spending every morning and most evenings in the Nine-Human Amoeba Formation, but I don't want my friends to think they're stuck doing whatever the majority have picked out for the week, either.
(Or even my husband, for that matter!)

We're looking at the first full week of October in 2012, if that would matter in either direction.

Thank you very much!


Well-Known Member
Most hotels in the U.S. are priced for double-occupancy. It's the same rate whether you get one or two people in it. Disney is no different.

That being said, with a Disney package reservation, the only part of it that would stay the same whether it's 1 or 2 adults in the room is the hotel portion. If you only have 1 adult on the reservation, you'll only pay for 1 park ticket and 1 Dining Plan (if you purchase the Dining Plan).

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New Member
Original Poster
Thank you kindly! While I'd sort of expected as much regarding the rack rate pricing schedule on hotel rooms, I'm still hoping to find out whether Disney has been known to ever offer a special rate or a discount package of some sort aimed specifically toward solitary adult travellers. Have you personally, for example, ever noticed an advertisement for a deal that would give a childless bachelor(ette) a free week-long meal plan and/or a cut rate on Parkhopper passes, for example, in exchange for paying rack rate at the Pop Century?

Or, alternatively, does Disney put hotel rooms on "room only discounts" during early October? And if they do, do they offer that deal only to a family of two adults and some kids?

I hope I've gotten a little clearer at explaining what I'm wondering! If not, please let me know and I will try again. In the past (and elsewhere) I've been led to believe that typical Disney discounts are only available to parents or grandparents with children in tow.
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Well-Known Member
If you are willing to pay full price (aka "rack rate") for a room at Pop Century AND are going at a time when Free Dining is offered then YES you can get free dining for a week. This applies whether there is one solitary traveler in the room or a family of 4. (ETA -or at least that's my understanding...... am I wrong on this one??)

There are currently some "room only" discounts for the month of October. You can contact one of the Kingdom Konsultant travel agents who sponsor this forum (won't cost you any more and they are AWESOME!) to find out if your travel dates will work with the Room Only or Free Dining dates.

If you want to do all of the work yourself, you can find out all of the dates and "codes" at
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New Member
Original Poster
Fantastic, thank you so much! :cool:

I'm already leaning pretty hard toward contacting Kingdom Konsultants for a lot of this; I'm in the process of marshalling my best persuasive points for the next time we can get the whole group in one room, and lay it out for them. Which might take us a couple of months!
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I have not heard of any discounts specifically geared toward single travelers but as a general rule a room promotion is going to be a better deal than a free dining promotion for a solo traveler. If you have some specific dates in mind feel free to forward them to me and I will be more than happy to get some options and numbers together for you.
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Well-Known Member
Fantastic, thank you so much! :cool:

I'm already leaning pretty hard toward contacting Kingdom Konsultants for a lot of this; I'm in the process of marshalling my best persuasive points for the next time we can get the whole group in one room, and lay it out for them. Which might take us a couple of months!

Perhaps you are misunderstanding their promotions, since the example prices they quote are usually based on a family of four.
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New Member
Original Poster
Perhaps you are misunderstanding their promotions, since the example prices they quote are usually based on a family of four.

That's certainly possible! The more I learn, right now, the more I'm not sure what I'm doing.

I have not heard of any discounts specifically geared toward single travelers but as a general rule a room promotion is going to be a better deal than a free dining promotion for a solo traveler. If you have some specific dates in mind feel free to forward them to me and I will be more than happy to get some options and numbers together for you.

Give me a few days to track down all of our party members and make sure no one has an objection, sir, and then I hope to take you up on that. Is email or PM the best option? Would it be more sensible for me to wait 'til after you return from your upcoming trip?
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
That's certainly possible! The more I learn, right now, the more I'm not sure what I'm doing.

Give me a few days to track down all of our party members and make sure no one has an objection, sir, and then I hope to take you up on that. Is email or PM the best option? Would it be more sensible for me to wait 'til after you return from your upcoming trip?
email is a bit easier for me to keep track of. Send it as soon as you like. I am rarely gone for more than a day or two and frequently check my email when I am in WDW.
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