SIGNS attraction


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Disney needs a truly HORRIFYING experience...and I believe that this could easily be done with one of their HIT movies... SIGNS.

The queue could start out in a corn field and you walk through the actual "SIGNS" (Alien animatronics could very quickly run through the paths in the cornfields so you see the briefly...ONLY if you're looking for them...or catch them out of the corner of your eye. The station wagon is parked outside of the house...and the baby moniter is on top of the car...transmitting those eerie sounds. No sounds...the radio in the car is playing the news broadcast of the "ships" The dog is barking outside.

You enter the farmhouse (the actual attraction)... and the television is playing the notice that all the windows and doors are boarded up...The dog's barking outside...then you hear his gruesome SHRIEK as the barking stops.

You creep down the basement stairs...and THIS is where it all takes place...(so you think)...

Dead silence...the lights go out...there are things walking outside...the basement door handle jiggles...and the CM is holding the door shut for you (the hero)...arms reach out of the walls (the chimney)... Other frightening effects will happen down here. Everything goes quiet...again...the lights flicker back on...the radio, although transmitting a lot of static, is on the news station and informing people that the aliens have left...

The CM opens up the basement all go back up the you enter the living room...The CM stops you...and asks everyone if they are ok and as she says this...the alien steps around the corner behind her... (yes...the Louisville Slugger is hanging on the wall...but it's not used for safety reasons). Water is everywhere...

Ok...I have this much so far...HOW do we complete this off??? (I was thinking...the alien footage could be done the same way that they did the Aerosmith footage in RnR...

Plus...what does everyone think so far???


New Member
It sounds like a neat attraction for MGM but isn't Disney trying to stay awy from rides like this? Alien Encounter is fun too but I thought they were wanting to make attractions more family freindly. I'm not sure. Anyone else have thoughts?:veryconfu


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Originally posted by mocfan
It sounds like a neat attraction for MGM but isn't Disney trying to stay awy from rides like this? Alien Encounter is fun too but I thought they were wanting to make attractions more family freindly. I'm not sure. Anyone else have thoughts?:veryconfu

Well, I thought about that...and MGM would be the place for it...possibly AK (new animal??? :lol: )

I think they want to stay away from AE type attractions at the MK (because it's all for the kids)
This sounds like a neat attraction but I am not sure how much of a permeant expereince this would fit with Disney's stature...

What I have always thought woudl be cool is if Disney tried to put together a less gorry but equally frightening Halloween after park expereince at the Studios to rival (and beat) HHN at USF. This attraction could certaintly fit as part of this event, and although it would make it only seasonal, I think it would fit better that way. Disney owns Demension Films so right there they have a nice selction of other moveis to pull from, I think your attraction with a few others would make a very unique and awsome seasonal expereince for the older group of guests that visit WDW but feel MNSSHP is under them.


Well-Known Member

some good ideas but only one comment. could you make it more of a sitting down attraction? its just that once guests were standing in the que for hours i don't think they would be too happy standing all the way through the attraction...

its very "twister" like. we were shoked at how you had to walk through and stand all the way through that attraction.


New Member
I think that this would make an excellent attraction. I would love it. Disney should think about doing something like this because the only thing that remotely comes close to being scary at WDW is The Haunted Mansion, and that isn't scary at all. They need this!:hammer:


New Member
I don't think people visit Disney so that they can be scared. Now if you suggest this for a Halloween seasonal attraction, I might buy into it some, but still only if it were at the Studios I think. I dunno, I tend to think Disney's big draw is on family oriented fun that can be shared by all, and even Alien Encounter is acceptable to a large age group, but it is propably as scary as Disney parks need to go.


a seasonal thing would be great cause Disney as the rights to the Scary Movies. If an attraction based on that doesn't get teenages what would?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hold up...I like the idea of the seasonal thing...

What about closing down Pleasure Island and instead of "clubs" have it be just for FRIGHTS...(It's 18+ now...just lower it for the Halloween nights...PLUS...unlike Universal...they'd have ALL DAY to transform it...instead of a couple of hours)

That way, they'd definitely take the crowds from HHN because people wouldn't need to leave Disney property at night to go get scared...and...they could STILL have the Not so scary party at the MK for the kiddies.


New Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Hold up...I like the idea of the seasonal thing...

What about closing down Pleasure Island and instead of "clubs" have it be just for FRIGHTS...(It's 18+ now...just lower it for the Halloween nights...PLUS...unlike Universal...they'd have ALL DAY to transform it...instead of a couple of hours)

That way, they'd definitely take the crowds from HHN because people wouldn't need to leave Disney property at night to go get scared...and...they could STILL have the Not so scary party at the MK for the kiddies.

Your merit cup overfloweth. :lol:

Pleasure Island is a perfect spot for a creepier Halloween venture each year. I like it alot.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Hold up...I like the idea of the seasonal thing...

What about closing down Pleasure Island and instead of "clubs" have it be just for FRIGHTS...(It's 18+ now...just lower it for the Halloween nights...PLUS...unlike Universal...they'd have ALL DAY to transform it...instead of a couple of hours)

That way, they'd definitely take the crowds from HHN because people wouldn't need to leave Disney property at night to go get scared...and...they could STILL have the Not so scary party at the MK for the kiddies.

But would they run them on the same night?

Surely a lot of prople might want to experience both?
PI woudl work very well, the only club that might be hard to transform though would be the Adventure's Club, but acutally I am thinking you could simply make a scary halloween verion of it and let it run as normal, say re-name The Haunted Outpost and run it's special seasonal operation of scary ghost stories, triabl lore, a chillingy bizzare cusine, and scary surprises. The rest of the clubs could each be re-made into differnt themed haunted houses. The whole transformtaion could be called Terror Island ( terror sounds kinda like pleasure) I think it should be as equally frightening as HHN but alot less gorry and grosume to stick with Disney values, you can surely be scared out of your wits without seeing some one elctrified in an electric chair.


New Member
Originally posted by FigmentDream
PI woudl work very well, the only club that might be hard to transform though would be the Adventure's Club, but acutally I am thinking you could simply make a scary halloween verion of it and let it run as normal, say re-name The Haunted Outpost and run it's special seasonal operation of scary ghost stories, triabl lore, a chillingy bizzare cusine, and scary surprises. The rest of the clubs could each be re-made into differnt themed haunted houses. The whole transformtaion could be called Terror Island ( terror sounds kinda like pleasure) I think it should be as equally frightening as HHN but alot less gorry and grosume to stick with Disney values, you can surely be scared out of your wits without seeing some one elctrified in an electric chair.

How does seeing someone in an electric chair frighten someone anyway? I've never understood this and whenever I see it I'm like "Look another guy in an electric chair. How original."


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by mocfan
How does seeing someone in an electric chair frighten someone anyway? I've never understood this and whenever I see it I'm like "Look another guy in an electric chair. How original."

:lol: :lol: see THAT everday :lol: :lol:
I like the idea of the adventurer's club too...that would put a new twist on the way, I have only been to it once, does it change everytime or is it the same thing over and over?

you could even turn the comedy club into a freak show of funny horrific monsters or something...and the main stage at the end could be a people covering things like the Monster Mash and stuff.

But yes, all of the clubs should turn into horrifying haunted houses... and they could have evil street performers like at HHN.
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
by the way, I have only been to it once, does it change everytime or is it the same thing over and over?

Well, seeing how I have only been there once myself, I am not much help on that, I belive though that details of the show change, but the general formate is the same.

I like the idea about changing the Comedy Warehouse into a humours monster side show, perhapse you could call it Dr. Frakenstein's Side Show of Freakish Feats(yes I know Universal has the Frakenstine movies but this would be based directly off of the book by Mary Shelly) Basiclaly Dr. Victor Frakenstine would welcome you to his show of his latest monster creations, then the rest of the show is him presenting his different mosters and demonstrating their freakeshly abnormal ablities, again this would be twistedly funny and perhapse humourlsy gross, but nothing gorry or grousme. The oustside of the bulding could be made to look like a evil circus tent too.


New Member
Well, for this thread to have started the way it did, we sure did find a Gem of an idea. Disney owns rights to many different types of Scary movies. We could see an Aliens attraction, the guy from Scream would be very easy. The Boogie Man could have a walk thru with Halloween town people in a not as scary haunted house. Even Hellraiser is under a Disney license, so maybe pinhead could walk around, although I agree that the gross out can stay out, and be a tad more party like atmosphere. Watcher in the Woods, Signs of course. Monsters Inc. The Dark Cauldron. Possibly a Labrinyth attraction if connections with the muppets get better. Hmmm... this sounds very promising. Lots of different avenues that Disney could explore. Of course, a mock up House of Villians. Lots of potential.
Propose Transformation

Here is an intial proposal for the venue by venue Transformation of Pleasure Island into Terror Island:


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Attraction Desciption

Signs Experience: A more haunted house-esc or at least temporary version of the walkthrough proposed by WDWFREAK53.

Haunted Outpost: Previously described

Dr. Frankenstein’s Side Show of Freakish Feats: Previously described

Scream Shack: A dilapidated shack filled with the Scream Stalker roaming it's halls.

Michael Myers' House of Horrors: Michael Myers has taken up residence in this abounded house and is waiting to share all of it's ghoulish horrors that lay inside.

The Bloody Bat Bar: This bar is a bit out of the ordinary being staffed completely by Vampires from the movie From Dusk till Dawn.

Hellraiser: Crypt of Curses: A gothic crypt is the perfect place for Pinhead and all his menacing pals to call home.

The Others' Mansion of Misery: This mansion has more spooky surprises then meets the eye, journey through dim lit passage ways to discover the mansions horrifying secrets. (based of the movie the Others)

Devil’s Delicatessen: Fire and Brimstone are the decor of this 5-pitchfork restaurant. Dine on a demonically delicious delicacies and enjoy service so suburb you think you'd sold your soul to the devil himself, mwahahahahahahaha

Sinister Sweets: This mausoleum proves to be a rather quite tasty tomb indeed, in side enjoy your favorites from D-zerts with a Halloween twist.

Mad Butcher’s Meat Shack: This ramshackle structure may appear to be the home of a grave robber judging by all of the empty caskets laying around outside, but venture closer and you'll find a delightfully mad butcher selling his meaty wears, but don't ask him how he acquires his meat, it's a family secret.........

Dungeon of Despair: This dark and dank realm contains many creepy surprises and unearthly frights for those brave enough to venture inside. ( this venue is made up of DTV and Mouse House and a temporary pavilion in front providing as an entrance and connecting the two buildings)

Chernabog’s Lair: A unique opportunity to find a Halloween line of Villain merchandise, inside Chernabog’s mountain top keep.

Hollywood Horror-Flick Festival: An abandoned sound stage set's the scene for you to rummage through a seasonal selection of movie memorabilia from Dimension films as well as other scary movies from other companies such as Miramax and Touchstone.

Maleficent ‘s Wardrobe: The malevolent one herself has been so gracious to let you enter her boudoir of darkness, here you can find costumes of all your favorite Disney Villains.

Shriek Studios: A twisted and ghoulish recording studio provides you with the chance to audioly or visually record your self in selected scenes from you favorite horror movies.

Ferry of Fear: This dark and mysterious river boat ferry has become home to sinister spooks and some of the undead have journey aboard out of their underwater graves.

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