OK, then I will ask this in a different way. Obviously since they were removed they can no longer be shown, however, that doesn't answer the question as to why it was ever removed to begin with. It can't be cost because other then the occasional dusting there was no "Disney is cheap" incentive for their removal. Was it an artistic move, did they think that it enhanced the experience to get rid of the distractions (which is my personal belief). Or was there some other sinister motivation. In my mind things are not simply better because that's the way it was originally. Change can be for the better. I like the entertainment portion of the current descent, others do not. Neither is certifiably right or wrong, just personal observations and opinions. After the cityscape scene, the original descent, to me, was an anti-climatic experience. I did, however, really like the city scene. In the earth scene... less is more is the operative design.