Shut up, hang up and enjoy the experience.

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
Want to hear something crazy, I, as a person in 2012, do not own a cell phone at all...............

My wife has a cell phone and that's good enough for me. She rarely uses it though and you know what when I am out for a day of fun or shopping at the grocery store or even at a restaurant I feel so...................LIBERATED without having one on me and checking it every five minutes. I have a home phone. I have an answering machine. I have email I check daily. If someone wants to get a hold of me they can, but if I am out, I am out and do not want to be bothered until I get home.

Same goes at the parks. Yes we bring a camera because that creates memories right there. We don't go nuts with it, but you can't help but take some candid shots. But we leave our troubles behind. I am not an old man by any means, I am 31, but for the life of me I cannot understand the mentality of texting a friend when you are holding...............a phone. And to all my friends.......I won't be giving you an update when I am on my trip until I get home. Again, liberating!

Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
I feel that it does help a lot to have a phone on you for emergencies, meeting up if you get split up, etc, making reservations, looking something up.

However, I can't stand when people don't even bother to put their phone away when they're on a ride. Many times I've seen someone talk, text, or whatever on their cell phone for an ENTIRE ride they just waited a long time for. Whats the point?

I carry a cell phone but rarely use it. I don't like it when folks stand around yaking on a phone in a store usually in the way not realizing their blocking the isle or the ones that talk real loud. Surely they could find a place out of the way.


Well-Known Member
Want to hear something crazy, I, as a person in 2012, do not own a cell phone at all...............

My wife has a cell phone and that's good enough for me. She rarely uses it though and you know what when I am out for a day of fun or shopping at the grocery store or even at a restaurant I feel so...................LIBERATED without having one on me and checking it every five minutes. I have a home phone. I have an answering machine. I have email I check daily. If someone wants to get a hold of me they can, but if I am out, I am out and do not want to be bothered until I get home.

Same goes at the parks. Yes we bring a camera because that creates memories right there. We don't go nuts with it, but you can't help but take some candid shots. But we leave our troubles behind. I am not an old man by any means, I am 31, but for the life of me I cannot understand the mentality of texting a friend when you are holding...............a phone. And to all my friends.......I won't be giving you an update when I am on my trip until I get home. Again, liberating!

I don't think it's crazy. I'm glad you can do it.

I have a cellphone as my only phone. Got rid of the house phone. Waste of money. My wife has an iphone. If I ever need some information and we're out, I'll just use hers. I have no desire to carry that monstrosity around with me.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I carry a cell phone but rarely use it. I don't like it when folks stand around yaking on a phone in a store usually in the way not realizing their blocking the isle or the ones that talk real loud. Surely they could find a place out of the way.

Just two weeks ago there was a family of five who decided to have a family reunion in the doorway of a shop in Downtown Disney. I waited patiently for the people to realize they could chat elsewhere, but oblivious to those around them they just stood there. Finally, when I could wait no longer for my chocolate square sample, I went up to them, with several others who were standing around, all apparently a part of the phone call that wouldn't wait, and sorta loudly said..."Excuse me, are we in your way?"
On the way out one of them came up to me, asking if I had a problem?
I don't know if it was my 6ft, 250lb frame, the bag of chocolate in my hand, or the deranged look on my face, but I just calmly smiled and said..."Not at all, want a piece of chocolate?"
Situation diffused...idiot still on the phone.


Well-Known Member
I wish I didn't have a phone, as I rarely have it on me & everyone just complains that I never answer my phone. DH has an iphone, and I have no desire for a smart phone ever. They drive me crazy. I don't bring a phone into the parks, but DH brings his in case we need it - we own a small business so we have to have a phone for emergencies. It's rare that we use it in Disney though.


Well-Known Member
Family emergencies, roadside emergencies, splitting up in the parks, line times. These are just a few of the reasons we carry our phones at all times. Especially after a family that we know had a tragedy occur on their way home from Florida.


Well-Known Member
Family emergencies, roadside emergencies, splitting up in the parks, line times. These are just a few of the reasons we carry our phones at all times. Especially after a family that we know had a tragedy occur on their way home from Florida.

That brings up a great point. Yes a lot of people have pointed out that they we can plan ahead and don't need a phone, but what if something terrible happens outside of your group in Disney??? It would be pretty rough if there was an emergency and no one could get a hold of you. AKA a death in the family, someone injured, house burned down or burglarized, issues with a pet. Too many variables. I think it is important to at least have some option for people to get a hold of you if need be. I don't support people who are being disruptive on their phones in DW by any means. I just think it's important to have some line of communication.


I actually have to *gasp* work sometimes while at Disney. Even when I am in my happy spot I am still on call for my office. I have actually had a telephonic conference sitting on a quiet little bench in the MK. It does not happen often but does happen. I've also had to leave my wife at DTD to go back to the resort for a phone conference...btw I do not suggest this as it ended up costing me dearly leavign the Mrs. alone in WOD :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
That brings up a great point. Yes a lot of people have pointed out that they we can plan ahead and don't need a phone, but what if something terrible happens outside of your group in Disney??? It would be pretty rough if there was an emergency and no one could get a hold of you. AKA a death in the family, someone injured, house burned down or burglarized, issues with a pet. Too many variables. I think it is important to at least have some option for people to get a hold of you if need be. I don't support people who are being disruptive on their phones in DW by any means. I just think it's important to have some line of communication.

Actually happened to us a few years ago. A friend from church died while we were in a park. Family could not reach us until we got back to the room, where they had left a message. We got the message that night.
Friend was still dead so nothing really changed when they could not contact us immediately. :(


Well-Known Member
Want to hear something crazy, I, as a person in 2012, do not own a cell phone at all...............

Not crazy at all. I got my first cell phone 3 months ago. I won it in a contest along with 2 years free call and texting plan. It was 3 weeks before I bothered to take it out of the box. It has never been charged because I don't use it enough. 3 people have my phone number - none of them are relatives.

It has been shut off for 4 days - just turned it, no messages. :D

Once the 2 year plan is up and I have to actually pay for it I may just get rid of it.


Well-Known Member
I have owned a cell phone for 18 years now, and I cannot imagine what it would be like without one now. :( I know, I know.... much easier huh? Not for me. I am too far into tech. My house is filled with tech, and my car is filled with tech. I realize that when SkyNet takes over my house and car will likely try to kill me first, but I just love having the newest tech items around. Or at least the ones that do not require a mortgage on my house. :) And to be honest, I really enjoy the look on peoples faces when they see me texting, or using the cell phone in public. They wrinkle their nose up like they just smelled something offensive. LOL The way I see it, I am not hurting anyone by using my devices in public, and if they do not like it.... don't look. I do not use them while driving since my vehicle is fully automated (I wish it could drive itself! :( Soon.....) and I do not walk while texting since that is just asking for trouble. :eek:


Well-Known Member
Actually happened to us a few years ago. A friend from church died while we were in a park. Family could not reach us until we got back to the room, where they had left a message. We got the message that night.
Friend was still dead so nothing really changed when they could not contact us immediately. :(

2 each his own. I was referring to close family members or someone from the inner circle and wasn't specifically talking about just death either. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say, if someone was dying or something terrible was happening or my house burned down or was robbed... I want to be accessible. Like I said though... everyone is different and has different ways of doing things. I see nothing wrong with having a phone accessible to keep in contact. I do NOT however condone people acting irresponsibly and ruining things for everyone else by misusing their cell phones. That I cannot tolerate.


Well-Known Member
I assume you're more discrete, but many people carry on loud phone conversations even about highly personal issues in public, imposing their business on other people.

It's also very rude to walk around without looking where you're going, because you're looking down at your phone instead.

I hardly ever talk on my phone in Disney and if I do, I step away to the side, away from other people. There's no need for everyone to hear my phone call. People who talk so loudly everyone can hear them are just plain rude and inconsiderate.

I only use my phone if I'm sitting down or waiting in line. I am not that cooridnated to walk and text at the same time :lol:


Well-Known Member
We always go "old school" while at the park. The cell phone stays in the room for emergencies. If we need to meet up, we pick a place and time, just like when I was a kid and went with my family. Get split up by accident? Have an agreed upon place in each park to meet up.

To be honest, encouraging more people to have phones with them in the parks for wait times, emails on discounts from Disney while on the trip--just don't get it. :shrug: And now with your xfp schedule, I foresee even more people staring at their little screen phones.


Well-Known Member
When we split up, it's because my son and I don't do thrill rides and it wouldn't make sense for us to just sit there and wait. We hardly use our phones and when we do it's for wait times and texting our locations only. We don't make calls until we're out of the parks.


Well-Known Member
I have owned a cell phone for 18 years now, and I cannot imagine what it would be like without one now. :( I know, I know.... much easier huh? Not for me. I am too far into tech. :eek:

Oddly I am not into cell phones (as indicated in a previous post) but I am into tech in my home. I am the one people call when they need to set up their home theatres. I live in an apartment (well, top floor of a house) that used to have a long dining room - it is now a home theatre - rear screen projection, 7.1 surround sound, Lazy-boy theatre chairs, remote controlled beer fridge (it's on wheels so I can yell at my BF to fill it up in the kitchen then "drive" it into the theatre) - and I set everything up myself

But try and watch me text - I look like monkey :lol:

I think for me - when I'm social I like to be social and not attached to a cell phone but I enjoy having my "no-Man Cave" at home. Part of it, honestly, is that I worry that once I get too into a cell phone I will turn into the people I hate who text during dinner, in the middle of conversations and check their messages every 2 minutes.


Well-Known Member
I hardly ever talk on my phone in Disney and if I do, I step away to the side, away from other people. There's no need for everyone to hear my phone call. People who talk so loudly everyone can hear them are just plain rude and inconsiderate.
I only use my phone if I'm sitting down or waiting in line. I am not that cooridnated to walk and text at the same time :lol:

I agree there. I use my phone all the time while in Disney. Although, to be honest, I rarely use it while in line. I may check the camera's at my house to make sure everything is okay, or even play a game while waiting in line, but I rarely talk on it while in line. I don't need to have everyone hearing my conversation. Heck, they don't want to hear what I am saying anyway. LOL

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