Active Member
Good morning.
Had a semi bad day yesterday, with a majorly great ending.
My grandma fell yesterday over a rug when I brought her home from lunch. She hurt her hip (Which has been broken before) and so I called the ambulance. The EMT guys came over, but grandma could move the leg and everything. She could even put pressure on it. So, they left.
Later my grandma went into shock...although my mom thought she could have been dying on us...so she called the ambulance again and did everything she could to keep my grandma awake.
They took her to the hospital at around 6 that night. They were thinking broken hip, because her leg swelled up and it didn't look right, at all now...even though hours earlier, it had looked fine.
Turns out, after x-rays, she didn't break it at all. Rather she had a hemotoma (HUGE bruise that swelled) on her hip.
So, she stayed in the hospital overnight last night, to help with the pain and she's getting physical therapy today to make sure she's alright. She will probably come home tomorrow if all is well.
Oh goodness! I am so thankful it wasn't broken and they found out what was going on! ((Hugs)) for all of you. :kiss::kiss: