Should we go in October or go in December?


New Member
I am looking for some advice as to what is really the best time to go to WDW. More like settle a debate between my husband and me (the kids do not care when they go, as long as they go)

I have two choices the third week in October or the second week in December this year. Our family has been both of these times in the past (we went in October 1990 and December 2002). The debate in my house is in October it is hurricane season in FL, but in December, being from Connecticut, we stand a chance to be snowed in…
So I am looking for some advice from others: Should we go in October or go in December?


Well-Known Member
The only bad part about DEC is all the extra packing. You have to Double pack for both warm and cold weather. So expect double suitcases. Besides that, do you want xmas lights or Food and Wine fest w/concerts.
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We both agree that we like Oct. better. We have been during both seasons and Oct. is our pick. We enjoyed MNSSHP over MVMCP. Just an opinion though! October is our next trip! Have fun, whatever you decide.
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Active Member
I've gone at both times and both have equal amounts to offer. It comes down to whether you want to do Halloween stuff (yummy candy) or xmas stuff (yummy cookies).
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New Member
Hi neighbor (RI'er here). I'd vote for December - the chances of getting snowed in are not that great here in December - most of our snow lately has come after Christmas.

I agree... We did Oct last year and will this year mostly due to school schedules but if I had my choice, the first or second week in Dec is perfect. Great holiday atmosphere. Cool nights. Smaller crowds. Better chance to escape New England snow... :D
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