Should we go in October or go in December?


New Member
I am looking for some advice as to what is really the best time to go to WDW. More like settle a debate between my husband and me (the kids do not care when they go, as long as they go)

I have two choices the third week in October or the second week in December this year. Our family has been both of these times in the past (we went in October 1990 and December 2002). The debate in my house is in October it is hurricane season in FL, but in December, being from Connecticut, we stand a chance to be snowed in…
So I am looking for some advice from others: Should we go in October or go in December?


Active Member
Hello. It is nice to see someone from the great state of CT. The best time to go is in October. The kids will probly miss school. But the hurricane season is almost over durring that time. You will probly have a lot of pros and cons for when you will go but I say flip a coin or see when it is creaper to go fly out where you leave from. I think it is not that much to fly out Bradly during those two weeks.
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New Member
Hello. It is nice to see someone from the great state of CT. The best time to go is in October. The kids will probly miss school. But the hurricane season is almost over durring that time. You will probly have a lot of pros and cons for when you will go but I say flip a coin or see when it is creaper to go fly out where you leave from. I think it is not that much to fly out Bradly during those two weeks.

As a former Connecticut resident who moved to the WDW area 6 years ago, December is the best time to go...specifically the first 2 weeks (after Thanksgiving and before Christmas). The parks are less crowded and the Christmas decorations and special events are in full swing.

October is nice, but December is better. And, the chances of snow in December in Connecticut are about the same as a hurricane in Florida in October...neither are very likely. August/September is the big hurricane months in FL, while February/March were the big snow months when I lived in CT.
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Well-Known Member

You just can't plan your time (anyone for that matter) around the possibility of a hurricane. I have lived in central FL for over 25 years... and as scary as the media makes it out to be... in all actuality, even the cat 1 storms that come within 150 miles of us are nothing more than a typical afternoon Florida thunderstorm.

So... unless you have never experienced an afternoon thunderstorm in FL... :lol:

Seriously, though... I would suggest October. Crowds are lower... because it is NOT sandwiched between the holidays, most are 'still in school'...
and if you are thinking about MNSSHP vs. MVMCP, I personally believe you get more for your buck w/ MNSSHP. The candy alone is worth the price you paid for admission! Seriously. You can't BUY that much for that price!
Plus the park is 'transformed'. I know that it's decorated for Christmas, too... but it's NOT what you would expect. AND the side-show is GREAT!!!!! (ie: other guests! :lol: )
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New Member
I am moving near UCF. I am attending college Valencia college east campus. My family is staying up here.

Awesome...I went to both Valencia and UCF when I moved down here. I worked at WDW while in college. It was great, but I have since graduated and moved on to a much better paying job...but still keep my annual pass and go 2-3 times a week!

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Active Member
I'm partial to October, even though last October my friend and I got acquainted with Wilma while we were there. But after Katrina and Rita, Wilma was nothing! :D It hasn't stopped us and we'll be there again this October. Have fun!
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New Member
Original Poster
So far, October is winning… Although I am personally partial to December… I love the lights, and the Christmas decorations… The weather seems perfect not too warm and not too cold…

October is still on the humid side… I am not a sweets person, so the Trick or treating is no big deal for me (the kids on the other hand would love it, so would their dentist).
Many of the forums state that October is getting busy with the food and wine festival… Has anyone attended this? <O:p></O:p>
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New Member
December is a great time to go, see all the decorations and yet the crowds are not too bad.

I have been in Sept, November, December (2 times), and March
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Well-Known Member
Hi neighbor (RI'er here). I'd vote for December - the chances of getting snowed in are not that great here in December - most of our snow lately has come after Christmas.
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Trophy Husband
We left in the middle of a snowstorm last year, and it worked out for the better. My son's school was cancelled, so we got a 9 hour head start.

It was slow going for the first few hours, but there's no amount of snow that could keep me from going.
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New Member
For me, it is an easy one. October baby! I live 4 hours away so we come all the time. As pretty as it is during Xmas time, it is really crowded and can be quite cold at night. October has great weather and much less crowded. In fact, as often as we go to WDW, October is when we take our long annual trip to WDW. It is the only time of year when I stay a whole week here. The rest of the time, I prefer not to stay more than 3 days. Just my humble opinion. Have fun whenever you decide to come! :wave:
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I'd go in October - the Food and Wine Festival is awesome! We've been going every October for the last few years - lower crowds and the Food and Wine Festival. It takes us at least two trips to EPCOT to "eat our way around the World" - there are different country kiosks all along the World Showcase that offer food (and wine) samplings. They're perfect to share - each get a few bites. Plus lots of fun stuff to look at and they have "Eat to the Beat" concert series which is a free concert - great entertainment. We also make a point to go to MNSSHP - we don't "trick or treat" and collect candy. We go for the parade, fireworks and watching the other people, along with having a lot of the rides almost to yourself (especially later in the evening).

As much as I'd love to see the holiday decorations, I love the lower crowds, food and wine festival and MNSSHP.
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Active Member
We prefer December. :xmas: Christmas decorations and activities, most attractions are open for the holidays with refurbs done, special events, etc, cooler temps and no hurricane warnings!
Plus if you go the 3 weeks prior to Christmas, crowds are low.
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Naturally Grumpy
I don't think you can loose with either choice.
October (late) has very slight chance of hurricanes, weather is somewhat cooler and the offerings at Food and Wine and MNSSHP are great fun.

I have to say however that going in early December is just magical. All the event, decorations and light crowds make it just perfect. What better time to escape possible snow at go to Fla. and enjoy "snow" while in the mid 70's. :xmas:
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