Should the refillable mugs be available throughout WDW? Poll

Would I pay for an unlimited refill mug that could be used WDW wide?

  • I think this is a good idea and would participate.

    Votes: 106 82.8%
  • I do not like this idea and would not participate.

    Votes: 22 17.2%

  • Total voters

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
Maybe an area like Club Cool (if it's still called know) Where you just fill up the drink and keep it away from the food area to keep the hungry people flowing through

Oh, I like that idea a lot. Have 2-3 "Mug Stations" in each park, entirely dedicated to this purpose.

Also a fabulous idea from an environmental perspective. I like it, a lot.

One thing to consider, though...would they also do this at table service locations? So, you sit down to dinner, and instead of ordering drinks, a family of four presents the waitress with 4 mugs? Would they include this in the DDP?


Active Member
I would have to vote for bigger mugs if this happened. The ones now I find myself refilling multiple times during lunch/dinner at the food courts because like most people I like ice as well so not much beverage is in there.


New Member
One thing to consider, though...would they also do this at table service locations? So, you sit down to dinner, and instead of ordering drinks, a family of four presents the waitress with 4 mugs? Would they include this in the DDP?

I doubt they would because of sanitation. The same reasons you get a clean plate every time you go up to the buffet.

I voted no becasue I have no desire to carry a sticky mug(s) with me all day long. Nor do I want to be washing mugs to remove the stickiness.:hurl: Anyways you'd have to pay me to drink pop in the heat.
I think it's a great idea. We took our mugs in my back pack when we went out sometimes, and didn't even notice they were there.

The reason we did this was because we nearly always got a drink on the way in and out of the resort so it was alot easier taking them with us than lugging back and forward to our room.


Well-Known Member
I voted yes. I carry my mug anyway, with a repel clip on my bag. I will use it in the morning at the food court and then get water during the day. When I'm not drinking, I clip it on. Simple and convenient enough. If I could get cokes though out the day, I would do that. It's a great deal.


Well-Known Member
It might cut down on trash, but it would make the parks look trashy.
I don't really care to see family after family dragging their mugs around on a quest for more empty calories.

Look at the background of your vacation pictures.:eek:
Do we really want to encourage more obesity at WDW?


Well-Known Member
Do we really want to encourage more obesity at WDW?

About as much as I want to encourage judgmental people vacationing there.

To each his own, and that goes for anyone who wants to drink empty calories. What others eat or drink really has no effect on me, where as things like smoking do. Pick your battles.


Well-Known Member
I voted no, because of the way the question is phrased.

It's a no for me, for two reasons.

1) I do not like to carry things around with me. No backpack, no bag. Just what fits in my pockets. So carrying around a mug is not for me.

2) I don't drink all that much soda. Walking around the parks, the water fountains suit me just fine. With meals, it's unsweetend iced tea. If it's dinner, then either the iced tea again, or beer or wine.

However I do think the idea would have a LOT of people who would participate. I just would not be one of them.

Now if they had a length of stay beer mug or wine glass, thats a different story. I would make an exception to my no carrying things around rule for that one. :)



Well-Known Member
In the Parks
unlimited refills $25.00 for length of stay


I was gonna say $20...but even $30 would probably hold value depending how long you stay! The only thing that would suck is having to carry them around...esp attractions with the no drink rule...But honestly...well not honestly you could walk into the land pavilion and just take as many as you want out of all the strollers sitting there.


Premium Member
They do this at San Diego Zoo and as much as we hate carrying stuff around, we always take advantage of it. I usually have a cold drink in my hands on a hot day anyway. A refillable one would be great.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I was gonna say $20...but even $30 would probably hold value depending how long you stay! The only thing that would suck is having to carry them around...esp attractions with the no drink rule...But honestly...well not honestly you could walk into the land pavilion and just take as many as you want out of all the strollers sitting there.

True, but that goes back to same stealing debate that mug threads always evolve into.


Well-Known Member
I voted, No. I see the potential for abuse. One mug (sharing repeated fillups with an entire family).


New Member
In addition to the abuse where a whole family shares one mug, I can see another problem: It's well-established that people value something more when they pay for it. In an "unlimited mug refill all parks" scenario, I can see people filling-up with their "free soda" when they might only want a little more. Then, where do they dump the excess they don't want, since they have to carry the mug(s) around? Or they're in a ride queue drinking, and then they have to board a ride and their mug(s) are half-filled . . . "dumping stations" at the entrance to each ride?

Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
I voted no because I don't need anything else to have to carry around all day. I have a slot on my tote (not real large) I carry and I slip a bottled water in it. Most days I don't even drink all that.
I think it depends on the type of person you are in regards to your view on this. I drink constantly all day when I'm in Florida, so for me, it'd be a real benefit.


Premium Member
In addition to the abuse where a whole family shares one mug, I can see another problem: It's well-established that people value something more when they pay for it. In an "unlimited mug refill all parks" scenario, I can see people filling-up with their "free soda" when they might only want a little more. Then, where do they dump the excess they don't want, since they have to carry the mug(s) around? Or they're in a ride queue drinking, and then they have to board a ride and their mug(s) are half-filled . . . "dumping stations" at the entrance to each ride?

That's not that big of a deal. A soda refill costs Disney, what, 3 cents or something?

I think any way that Disney can cut down on trash is a good idea.

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