I was just thinking about how incredibly advanced many of the animatronics are now at WDW (Dwarfs Mine Train, Under the Sea, etc), and yet how many are still extremely out-dated in a number of attractions (Jungle Cruise, Peter Pan, Universe of Energy, Maelstrom, etc). With the advancements they've made, shouldn't they go back and see what they can do to update the old animatronics and kind of breathe new life into some of those attractions?
For instance, in AK's Dinosaur ride, those are some advanced dinos there, yet in the Universe of Energy they're still clunky, jerky, and slow. Why not improve those?
For instance, in AK's Dinosaur ride, those are some advanced dinos there, yet in the Universe of Energy they're still clunky, jerky, and slow. Why not improve those?