True, but I have always loved the entire expanse of WDW, not just a few. There was a time when you could walk around an see everything, not just a few and, yes, there were lines, but they kept moving and the level of frustration was well below sea level. We saw everything, we didn't have to have a Fastpass to see the special ones, because they all were special. All were fun, just like they are now, but, by your own words you are now depriving yourself of the "rest" of WDW just to get to a few specials. That is probably OK for you, but it is not with me. FP has ruined the overall experience since the first day it was introduced. It caused anger in the lines and the need to jump all over the forsaken place to see the ones that you could get to. It created the need to schedule everything, It caused the need for making reservations just to eat and sit at that same time. It made you schedule your meals around your FP's instead of when you were hungry and even able to choose what you wanted to eat when you were hungry, not months in advance. Take it from someone that has experienced extensively, life without FP or FP+, it was so much more enjoyable before that pass existed.