Short People Got No Reason To Live!


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Original Poster
As I'm sure the CM's know, various rides in the Disney parks have minimum height requirements. If you don't "measure up" you can't go on the ride. Most rides have a minimum height requirement of 40 inches, however, some only require 38 inches while the TIS requirement is 54 inches if you are riding by yourself. On those rides that have minimum height requirements, there is always a CM with an "L" shaped stick that checks people of diminished stature. I heard today on ABC radio that Disney is going to install ultrasonic height measuring machines to check all small people near the various park entrances. The people would then be issued a colored wrist band which would, of course, be code for the CM's as to the person's height to determine which rides the short people would be eligible to ride. Ya know, Randy Newman has been doing a lot of work for Disney of late with the Toy Story movies and others, I just wonder if he had anything to do with this? After all, he did write the song, "Short People (got no reason to live)".


Well-Known Member
That seems like it would be a superior waste of cash..I dont think the "L" shaped stick is ineffective or time consuming...geez..

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
I highly doubt thats going to happen, besides those ultrasonic sensory machines wouldn't be very accurate. Even if they were, the kids could just take off their wristband.

All parks have height requirements. Generally, if a ride has a height requirement, its for a good reason.


New Member
I haven't heard anything about a new "measurement" method. Since this info directly effects my job and that just sunday I was talking to someone in a very high MGM postion about Height requirements and they mentioned nothing about it.

If you'll notice Star Tours doesn't have a L measure because about 2 years ago a CP nearly hit a guest when he was playing around with it, so the mangers took it way. Now we just have to use our signs.


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Let's Go For The Big Picture

Perhaps you misunderstood my original post. The idea is that the wristband would be part of the entrance procedure. Therefore, if a person (let's not just assume children here) removed the wristband then they don't ride! Think...think...think and you'll get the big picture way down the line. Have you ever walked out of Wal-Mart with a DVD that was not properly scanned? Personally, I'm all for the idea because it will speed things up! I could wear a wristband at WDW without objection. It's the next step in the fastpass program. The little people are just being used as "test subjects". Just "imagine" that with a wave of your hand (with your wristband) you could book your room, use the transportation system, enter the parks, buy your meals, buy your favorite CD or DVD, etc. I think you get the idea. As just one example, just think of the security aspect this provides! Just one more thing. I've seen many complaints about how slow the lines move upon entrance to the various WDW parks either due to finger scans or other delays. Just "imagine" the wristband procedure. You wave your hand and you're in the park! Think about it!


Well-Known Member
But is it really that much of a slowdown if they have to measure the kids before they enter? if would be more of an annoaynce to be on a SEPERATE line with a child to get the wristband in the first place.

Just my opninion...I dont see it working...


Premium Member
It seems to me that the "height checkers" usually have other duties to perform as well, so the wristband idea wouldn't really get rid of them. That being the case, is it really worth it?


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
i'm all for the wristbands.. from what I've been told by DLR CM's, sine there is virtually no margin of error, the parents cant cheat and cant complain. Also, from what they told me, if they see a child they feel may be too short, and has no wristband, they will simply deny that child admission onto the attraction until they get a wristband (simple huh?)


New Member
ok...I understood (I think) what you are talking about untill James posted the second time...ok...What would the wristbands be used for?

The Mom

Premium Member
Re: Let's Go For The Big Picture

Just one more thing. I've seen many complaints about how slow the lines move upon entrance to the various WDW parks either due to finger scans or other delays. Just "imagine" the wristband procedure. You wave your hand and you're in the park! Think about it! [/B]

Would this be a daily occurrence? That is, unless you received a "length of stay" wristband, guests would have to be banded every morning as they entered the parks. This would make the early morning admission just as, if not more, time consuming. I agree it would save time for park hopping. I'm just not thrilled about wearing a wristband for 24 hrs x length of stay.

I do agree that the finger scans are awful! Fortunately, I haven't had a problem yet with exempting my son from them (he has had, and will continue to have, surgeries on his hands)...most CMs are very understanding. I have been starting to have problems the scans due to increased arthritis changes in my fingers, and will ask for an exemption on my next pass.


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Original Poster
Re: Re: Let's Go For The Big Picture

Originally posted by marciahahn

Would this be a daily occurrence? That is, unless you received a "length of stay" wristband, guests would have to be banded every morning as they entered the parks. This would make the early morning admission just as, if not more, time consuming. I agree it would save time for park hopping. I'm just not thrilled about wearing a wristband for 24 hrs x length of stay.

I do agree that the finger scans are awful! Fortunately, I haven't had a problem yet with exempting my son from them (he has had, and will continue to have, surgeries on his hands)...most CMs are very understanding. I have been starting to have problems the scans due to increased arthritis changes in my fingers, and will ask for an exemption on my next pass.

WDW has taken great steps over the years to foil "the evil ticket resellers". Florida even passed a law on behalf of WDW that makes it illegal to resell admission media. Disney has tried photo ID's, finger scans, computer checks and other methods to prevent dishonest use of admission media. The idea is to make sure that only one person can use the admission media. Well, the wristband does just that! It's the next best thing to putting a microchip in your head. Instead the chip is in the wristband and it "learns who you are" and only you. You can take it off and put it back on just like a wristwatch but it only works when it's on your wrist. Once programmed, it won't work for anyone else but you and it can do anything the current admission media can do and much more! It's not a passive system in that it will "talk back" to WDW. It will track you all over the property. Sure, I know it sounds like Orwell's "1984", but it will help Disney to respond to the needs of the guests as well as providing WDW with a wealth of information. I'll provide just a few examples because I'm sure you can think of many more. Just imagine if a dispatcher in "transportation central" was able to look at a map of WDW and see the location of every guest in real time as they moved about the resort. Just imagine if there was a disaster such as a fire. Just imagine not having to wait more than 3 minutes to ride Test Track or more than 2 minutes to wait for a bus back to your resort. And imagine if Tramp did punch a CM in the groin. WDW could track him down!


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by Tramp
I think short people are at a perfect height to punch CMs in the groin....don't you?:hammer:

yup.. just like the tall CM's are the perfect height to either:

A-kick the short guest in the face after being kicked in the groin

B-pick up the guest and fling them to universal

I don't put up w/ CM abuse.. whether real or implied.

back to the topic at hand :D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mktiggerman

yup.. just like the tall CM's are the perfect height to either:

A-kick the short guest in the face after being kicked in the groin

B-pick up the guest and fling them to universal

I don't put up w/ CM abuse.. whether real or implied.

back to the topic at hand :D should make T-Shirts thst say "CM abuse must STOP!"
Re: Re: Re: Let's Go For The Big Picture

Danger, small book ahead...

Originally posted by James

WDW has taken great steps over the years to foil "the evil ticket resellers". Florida even passed a law on behalf of WDW that makes it illegal to resell admission media. Disney has tried photo ID's, finger scans, computer checks and other methods to prevent dishonest use of admission media. The idea is to make sure that only one person can use the admission media.

This is, at best, moronic (I realise that you, James, are not personally defending this belief in your statements). What a ticket purchaser acquires is a number of admissions to the theme parks. Who *CARES* about the identity of the user? Following this thought, it MUST be illegal for my wife to use the tickets that I buy. Or, I MUST NOT give my unused tickets to my friends. (But, I hear you cry, these other people aren't buying the tickets from me -- don't get me started on the rights that were originally purchased and how those must, logically -- if not legally -- transferrable).

Well, the wristband does just that! It's the next best thing to putting a microchip in your head. Instead the chip is in the wristband and it "learns who you are" and only you. You can take it off and put it back on just like a wristwatch but it only works when it's on your wrist. Once programmed, it won't work for anyone else but you and it can do anything the current admission media can do and much more! It's not a passive system in that it will "talk back" to WDW. It will track you all over the property. Sure, I know it sounds like Orwell's "1984", but it will help Disney to respond to the needs of the guests as well as providing WDW with a wealth of information.

I am unwilling to trade my privacy and information for a little more convience that WDW *MIGHT* be able to provide to me. Let me dissect your examples...

I'll provide just a few examples because I'm sure you can think of many more. Just imagine if a dispatcher in "transportation central" was able to look at a map of WDW and see the location of every guest in real time as they moved about the resort. Just imagine if there was a disaster such as a fire.

In this case, it is unimportant where I, as an individual, am standing. What matters is where the the crowds are with respect to any particular disaster. Cameras manage this much better than any computer-controlled display ever could.

Just imagine not having to wait more than 3 minutes to ride Test Track or more than 2 minutes to wait for a bus back to your resort.

These are bull**** arguments. Any popular ride will, by definition and design, have more people waiting to use it than there are positions to ride. The only way to have REALLY short wait times are to limit the number of people who may wait in line, and have someone else plan your day down to the minute. Along with privacy issues, I won't allow anyone (not even my wife) to plan my time for me that tightly.

Nearly the same comment can be made about the busses. There are a (very) finite number of busses and seats. With any finite resource, the only way to guarantee a "couple of minute" wait is to have busses sitting idle waiting for a user. This is contrary to any resource utilization scheme I have ever seen or used. Disney would be absolutely insane to consider this resource scheme.

And imagine if Tramp did punch a CM in the groin. WDW could track him down!

This point has, at least, *SOME* small amout of merit associated with it. The wristband *could* be used to track down an individual, but that is based upon an assumption that only one person was near some offense, or that all possible parties are easily traceable, and that the system is indeed, as some have suggested in this thread, virtually error free. Mind you the RMS Titanic had been described as "virtually unsinkable."

In any event, the wristband data would be worthless from a legal standpoint -- if such an event were to go to court. And besides this, you are suggesting that I surrender my privacy simply so that SOME offenders MIGHT be caught more easily? I know the world has changed greatly since 9/11/2001, and that law enforcement agencies have been given unprecedented, and probably unconstitutional, powers; like Benjamin Franklin, I am unwilling to surrender my freedom for a little security (Fade to American flags waving as patriotic music swells...).

Beauty and the

New Member
Originally posted by Tramp
I think short people are at a perfect height to punch CMs in the groin....don't you?:hammer:


Standing a magnificent 4foot 11inches, once again you have appealed to my sick sense of humour. Keep 'em coming my dear friend:lol: :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by Beauty and the


Standing a magnificent 4foot 11inches, once again you have appealed to my sick sense of humour. Keep 'em coming my dear friend:lol: :lol:

whew.....for a second there, I thought there was no semblance of a sense of humor left in the many serious, thoughtful people makes me feel out of place...

I can always count on you to appreciate my stupidity and that's why I like you...:animwink:

by the way...I hear Mickey and company sometimes get clocked in the gonads by anxious kids.....oooo...that's gotta hurt...:eek:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Tramp

whew.....for a second there, I thought there was no semblance of a sense of humor left in the many serious, thoughtful people makes me feel out of place...

I can always count on you to appreciate my stupidity and that's why I like you...:animwink:

by the way...I hear Mickey and company sometimes get clocked in the gonads by anxious kids.....oooo...that's gotta hurt...:eek:

Kicked? if that was all thta happened...they got off lucky...

I am sure MKTiggerman can do a better job on explaining what I mean...

I have heard some horror stories from my friends who used to work there (have long since quit)


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by NowInc
I have heard some horror stories from my friends who used to work there (have long since quit)

lets see... time for my horror stories!!!

1-one day I was coordinator in Toontown, and some brat kid comes up to tigger. He punches tigger in the nose, and tigger goes straight down. I help him up and escort him backstage. Meanwhile kid from hell is raising all sorts of hell in the room, and in the end, we kicked his 13 yr old butt out of the park, and yanked his tickets from him.

2-south american tour groups.. need I say more?? Negative character interactions are the sole reason that they are now required to attend politeness classes and speak a minimal amount of english before the tour company is allowed to host tours @ WDW (and disney has on several ocassions revoked the tour guides passes until the tou groups behave). At least now they've gone from dangerous to just annoying

3-Middle of July, and mickey is doing a set in MK outside. I give the call... "Mickey will be leaving in 10 minutes," "Mickey will be leaving in 7 minutes," "Mickey will be leaving in 5 minutes," "Mickey will be leaving in 3 minutes," etc. So as I am escorting Mickey backstage, a guest approaches me and says: "I have just spent $400 on 50 cents worth of Disney, now you let me have my picture with him or else. I tell the guest that Micket will return in 2 minutes, and he can be the first one to see him.
not good enough. He proceeds to push me aside onto the ground (i'm 5'11, and 170lbs.. i'm not a little guy, so you can imagine how big this guy was) and grabs Mickey by the shoulder and neck to get his picture taken. Thankfully a security CM witnessed the whole thing, and assists me up and assists me in restraining the guest. He threatened to sue, have my job, have Eisners job, the whole 9 yards. We kicked him out and he is now banned from all US Disney parks


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mktiggerman

lets see... time for my horror stories!!!

1-one day I was coordinator in Toontown, and some brat kid comes up to tigger. He punches tigger in the nose, and tigger goes straight down. I help him up and escort him backstage. Meanwhile kid from hell is raising all sorts of hell in the room, and in the end, we kicked his 13 yr old butt out of the park, and yanked his tickets from him.

2-south american tour groups.. need I say more?? Negative character interactions are the sole reason that they are now required to attend politeness classes and speak a minimal amount of english before the tour company is allowed to host tours @ WDW (and disney has on several ocassions revoked the tour guides passes until the tou groups behave). At least now they've gone from dangerous to just annoying

3-Middle of July, and mickey is doing a set in MK outside. I give the call... "Mickey will be leaving in 10 minutes," "Mickey will be leaving in 7 minutes," "Mickey will be leaving in 5 minutes," "Mickey will be leaving in 3 minutes," etc. So as I am escorting Mickey backstage, a guest approaches me and says: "I have just spent $400 on 50 cents worth of Disney, now you let me have my picture with him or else. I tell the guest that Micket will return in 2 minutes, and he can be the first one to see him.
not good enough. He proceeds to push me aside onto the ground (i'm 5'11, and 170lbs.. i'm not a little guy, so you can imagine how big this guy was) and grabs Mickey by the shoulder and neck to get his picture taken. Thankfully a security CM witnessed the whole thing, and assists me up and assists me in restraining the guest. He threatened to sue, have my job, have Eisners job, the whole 9 yards. We kicked him out and he is now banned from all US Disney parks

I knew you wouldnt let me down ;)

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