Shopping or better resort?

I recently came into a little extra cash and now it seems the disney vacation that I had planned is once again in turmoil.:eek:
we are staying in the all star music resort but I have a chance to upgrade to a mod. or stay at all star and get more stuff?:veryconfu
We would really like to stay in the cabins but aaa screwed that up for us.:hammer:


Well-Known Member
tinkgrl1685 said:
definately Port Orleans French Quarter...i've heard nothing but nice things about that resort...I, myslef havent stayed there though. I did stay at CBR and wasn't too impressed if that helps any

We stayed at POFQ on our first visit. The hotel is great very roomy and well themed. We really enjoyed it, but we turned to the value resorts to have more $$$ for all the stuff we bring back. After all... A room is a place to shower, store your stuff while there, and get rested up for your next run at the parks. It's all about the stuff.......:sohappy:
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Yeah, I wouldn't call it a "waste of money" to upgrade hotel class. But as people have said, the answer really lies in what type of vacation you're planning. If you're in the parks from morning until night, it really doesn't make a difference other than the thread count. But the moderate and deluxe hotels DO offer alot more for the people that want spend time by the pool, dining, or just enjoying the theming and setting.
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I'd say upgrade to a Moderate resort because I enjoy having a nicer atmosphere. We've stayed at almost every Disney resort and POFQ is my favorite (along with Poly). We stay there almost every time now. The atmostphere is beautiful and relaxing, really fun pool, nice food court, and within walking distance of POR. I can only accumulate so much stuff before it's just too much. There's never too much of staying at a nice resort IMO. Whatever you decide have a wonderful time and be happy with your choice :)
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New Member
I agree with some of the previous posts. It depends on what you want to do during your time there. If you are like my family, we go to the parks every minute we can, so it doesn't matter where you stay. Kind of like Las Vegas. As long as you have a bed and bathroom at night, who cares where you stay. You are never there anyway.

We stayed at the Boardwalk Villas last year and we were hardly in the room or at the resort. We used the pool once in 8 days and that was for a couple hours.

But, if you want to relax more away from the parks it is worth it to upgrade to a nicer resort.
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Active Member
If you plan on spending a lot of time at the resort pool relaxing or eating at the restaurant at the hotel then I would say upgrade. If you plan on spending all of your time at the parks, then save your money to buy cool things or have some nice dinners in the parks.
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
sbkline said:
If you have all that extra money, maybe you should extend your stay by a day or two, rather than spend it on a higher priced resort.

Unless of course, you can't take the time off of work, or you already booked airfare...

I have no idea, I'm just saying...

I'm also saying the OP should've started a poll, would've made things easier...

Anyway, put me down in the camp of asking how much do you enjoy spending time in the resorts? Or do you spend all your time in the parks, going back to the room for sleep showers and maybe the occasional BM? And if you DO only spend the bare bones minimum time at the resort, do you think you'd spend more time at the resort if there were more to do? If the extra amenities would be wasted on you, then you might want to just use the extra money elsewhere. However, I personally think the PO-R is an awesome resort, with some of the best theming in any of the resorts. Most of the deluxes are nicer, but PO-R rivals or bests many of the deluxes in making you feel like you're truly in a whole 'nother world, and if I were in your shoes, that's what I'd do. Most souveneirs, while fun to use or wear, don't last for long. I have some awesome memories of boating and swimming and biking and just walking the grounds at WDW, and I'll probably have those memories long after the orderlies at the retirement home I'm forced to move in to steal all my cool WDW swag.
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
wdwfanatic2004 said:
kind of off topic but what kind of place is the california grill? I mean do you dress casual, shorts + t-shirt or what?

Cali Grill is one of the nicest restaurants in WDW. It sits on top of the Contemporary resort, with views of the Magic Kingdom. If you're there during the fireworks display and don't have a window seat, they have balconies where everyone can go out and enjoy the view. They even pipe in the music. The dress is supposed to be, at the very least, "casual-dressy." Not necessarily suits and ties and evening gowns, but not typical park-going gear either. However, I don't know how strict they are with the dress code. I suspect, as long as you weren't wearing cutoffs or a t-shirt with a vulgar saying on it, they'd probably not refuse service. has sample menus of every restaurant in WDW. Feel free to take a gander and see if there's anything in Cali Grill to your liking. The food is incredible, but also really...REALLY filling. You don't want to try to dance or jog after a meal there. And also, the prices? :eek: :eek: :eek: It might be second only to Victoria & Albert's as the most expensive restaurant on-property. But totally worth it, at least for grownups, and kids who like to act grownup once in a while.
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