In fact, let me rhapsodize about Stuart (or Stewart, depending on how you prefer his name to be spelled. I personally prefer Stewart, but have been outvoted by Em, Grant, my vet and possibly Jack, even though he can't spell yet). This wee love of a cat, who is laying on the table next to the computer, chose us. We were not looking for him, but he found us. He has weathered all kinds of storms, and yet looked at our crazy family and decided we were the safe port. He is gentle, kind, funny and open to every living being that comes across his path. He is not graceful (sorry, love, but you aren't) but he thinks he is. He puts up with more nonsense than any person I've ever known (except for my Mom, but that's a whole different post) and still just thinks we are all the cat's meow (high praise indeed). I love you, my ootzy footzy kitty baby.