News Shareholders Reject Bob Iger Compensation Package


Premium Member
Let's just remember how they won't originally going to pay their WDW Union post Hurricane Irma for the 2 days, and are currently using the $1000 bonus as a bargaining chip to have the union cave in.

Those that don't see this for what it is...simply don't have the maturity to associate the cut throat nature of business with their "happy place"...nothing more.

Some things won't change.


Well-Known Member
I agree that Murdochwould be much worse but I think the shareholders will want someone already 'in house' at Disney he seems why I'm still hedging towards Chapek.

Saying that, there's no immediate rush now Igor is staying on for longer


Well-Known Member
I am a parks fan and for his tenure I believe Iger certainly did not improve the parks experience.

But the one thing I may really despise about Iger is the way Disney has corrupted the movie industry. By transforming the whole industry into these giant tentpole productions, there is no longer room for a major studio to put out a thoughtful and adult oriented feature.

Films like Rainman would never be made in today's Hollywood, because star power is not enough to drive a movie any more, they want marketable franchises. It's a real shame and this is leading to consolidation in studios because they cannot survive in this climate. Add in Fox Searchlight possibly going under the Disney umbrella...

Tom P.

Well-Known Member
Robert Iger isn't the flip side of Walt - he's way over in the dark side of a galaxy far, far away. All that SOB cares about is profit and stockholders. It's pretty obvious he only cares for Disney for the money it generates. He lets a broken ride (Everest) operate FOR YEARS with a static AA that he "fixed" by putting a strobe light on it, he cuts corners on new rides so that park guests' common reaction to them is "That's it?" and keeps buying up properties the company DOESN'T NEED just because he can. He sold out the company's legacy of quality and innovation to increase the bottom line, and I will always despise him for it. It's rumored he's thinking of running for office, and I hope he does because if he does, every little bit of dirt he ever did will be dredged up for all to see - including the fact that he wanted to sell Disneyland to a foreign country. Watching him crash and burn over that alone would be SWEET.
There are many legitimate things to criticize Bob Iger for. But do you really think that he, personally, gets involved in making decisions about repairs to individual rides at an individual theme park? I think as the CEO of the entire Disney company, he has bigger things to worry about than calling up the folks at Animal Kingdom and telling them not to fix Everest.


Resident Curmudgeon
Alot of things would be nice. Affordable healthcare would be nice some eight years after it was legislated as affordable. Economical transportation that doesnt melt the polar ice caps and cause sharknados would be awesome. Common sense mortar legislation would be the bees knees.

For that particular market until the labor supply gets thin, wages will remain slim.

Considering Disney uses H1a visa's to dilute the labor pool wages will not be increasing soon.


Resident Curmudgeon
There are many legitimate things to criticize Bob Iger for. But do you really think that he, personally, gets involved in making decisions about repairs to individual rides at an individual theme park? I think as the CEO of the entire Disney company, he has bigger things to worry about than calling up the folks at Animal Kingdom and telling them not to fix Everest.

It's Iger's PHILOSOPHY which drives lower level decisions, So is the broken Yeti Iger's fault, Yes it is because it's his philosophy which drives the decision NOT to fix it.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I know that those jobs aren't meant to make anyone rich but a livable wage would be nice. When you have employees living in extended stay hotels/cheap hotels and eating those 50 cent peanut butter crackers just to survive, you really have to question things.
I agree with the sentiment but the employee has to bare most of the responsibility. The job might be fun but there has to be a point when on realizes continued employment will not allow one to achieve their life goals.

If you are not reaching your life's goals, don't rely on someone else to give it to you.

My point of clarity came when working ski lifts. The job was fun. Free lift tickets, front line customer interaction, the girls from the ticket counter, etc. But a career it could not be. So I got a ChemE degree.


I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
There are many legitimate things to criticize Bob Iger for. But do you really think that he, personally, gets involved in making decisions about repairs to individual rides at an individual theme park? I think as the CEO of the entire Disney company, he has bigger things to worry about than calling up the folks at Animal Kingdom and telling them not to fix Everest.
But he certainly has the clout to call them up and tell them to fix it, should he so decide...


Resident Curmudgeon
Bottom line is Iger has his raise.. They said they would take the vote under advisement, which is a fancy way of saying ' we heard you, but we will do as we please'

In all likelihood the BoD will now authorize an even larger pay package as a way of telling activist investors their opinions are not welcome.

US should have passed the law that made shareholder action on executive pay binding on companies.

Ie executive compensation final approval would be up to the OWNERS of the company.

The Mom

Premium Member
I do not get paid to moderate this forum - it's strictly a hobby. By the same token, if you do not like the way I moderate, you are free to go elsewhere - no one from wdwmagic is paying anyone to post here.

Most people enjoy civil discussions, although there are some who seem to enjoy being confrontational. There are thousands of discussion forums/websites that delight in having running arguments, insults flying, etc. This isn't one of them.

There is a politics/social issues subforum for those who just can't keep help bringing those topics up. Please use it.


Well-Known Member
But the one thing I may really despise about Iger is the way Disney has corrupted the movie industry. By transforming the whole industry into these giant tentpole productions, there is no longer room for a major studio to put out a thoughtful and adult oriented feature.

Films like Rainman would never be made in today's Hollywood, because star power is not enough to drive a movie any more, they want marketable franchises. It's a real shame and this is leading to consolidation in studios because they cannot survive in this climate. Add in Fox Searchlight possibly going under the Disney umbrella...

Bob Iger had about as much to do with the creation of the "tentpole" situation within the theatrical film industry as Elvis Presley had to do with inventing Rock'n'Roll, or Bill Gates creating the PC.

It's to Iger's credit that he has ridden/navigated the wave as spectacularly as he has, making Disney the #1 studio in the world. but he doesn't get any credit for the decades it took in shaping it, back when he was dicking around in television. That largely happened on its own due to myriad circumstances far beyond one man's, or one studio's, release slate. In fact, audiences themselves share a large portion of the "blame" as anyone in how the industry has evolved.

That aside, I think your concern for Fox Searchlight is also misplaced - Miramax had its golden years under the "Disney umbrella".

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
It's Iger's PHILOSOPHY which drives lower level decisions, So is the broken Yeti Iger's fault, Yes it is because it's his philosophy which drives the decision NOT to fix it.

The Orlando Sentinel even wrote a story on the broken yeti. The official reaction: "The yeti still has a powerful impact in the Expedition Everest story," said Finger, the Disney World spokeswoman. Everest, she added, "continues to be a guest favorite at Disney's Animal Kingdom."

So yeah, the official position seems to be that, hey, if the dumb tourists don't care, screw quality. The bottom line is all that matters.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the sentiment but the employee has to bare most of the responsibility. The job might be fun but there has to be a point when on realizes continued employment will not allow one to achieve their life goals.

If you are not reaching your life's goals, don't rely on someone else to give it to you.

My point of clarity came when working ski lifts. The job was fun. Free lift tickets, front line customer interaction, the girls from the ticket counter, etc. But a career it could not be. So I got a ChemE degree.
It’s true. I’m not heartless. I did the CP and was overworked and underpaid; I sympathize. But working frontline in a theme park is no more a career than working a register at McD’s or Target. I’ve seen many CPs get starry-eyed at the magic, forget that it’s manufactured entertainment, and drop out of school to keep flipping burgers or operating rides. Over the years, the bitterness builds and begins to show, but they forget that these were never intended to be careers in the first place.

Should Disney pay its CMs more? Yes. Should line-level jobs be sustainable careers? No. The answer is somewhere in the middle.
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