Shades Of Green


Well-Known Member
Just heard thet shades of green just reopened. Anyone been buy and taken any pictures of the addition/remodel? They also added wdws first parking garage! Wondering if there is any disney touches or if it is just a plain old mall garage.


Well-Known Member
Hi optj! I don't think it's opened yet. It should be soon. Their website has cameras that update themselves every 30 minutes or so and it definately does not look open. They did say it would open in March. I don't know if they gave a specific date or not. Of course they've changed their predicted month 3 times now! :lol: Can't wait to see it when it does open though!
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Well-Known Member
Sorry, I don't know anything about the garage!:lol:

If anyone from the boards goes to visit SOG anytime soon, they must take lots of pictures to show us! Please Please!
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Well-Known Member
Thanks Itbeach those are great! I can't figure out where SOG camera is located but the pictures on its website still look fairly bad. Wdwigs make it look much more finished.

My one complaint with allearsnet is their SOG info. They take soooo long to update it. I emailed them once to let them know opening was delayed and they took weeks to update their fact sheet. Now their fact sheet still lists it as closed when their photos show people swimming in the pool!:lol:

I would like a shot of the front of the building where you used to drive up, check in, catch the bus etc. Then I could put it in a better perspective. Can anyone tell if that's what any of these are?
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none of the pictures so far are from the front of the building. The web cam from the website is still updating daily, but that one whole side isnt open yet. you can see on the webcam that all the room windows still have the stickers on them.
and the landscaping on that side isnt done yet. I guess the only parking garage on WDW isnt open yet and they are parking the cars on the grass.
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I wish it was 6 yeas from now...cause then i would be retired from the military working my new career as monorail pilot :lol: :lol:

then i could just walk over to the SOG and take a few pics for everyone.
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Well-Known Member
I wish it was 6 yeas from now...cause then i would be retired from the military working my new career as monorail pilot

:lol: We're right there with you Itbeach! My husband has 5 years left and we have always joked that he's going to be a monorail driver when he retires!

I'd like to be Minnie :D or I'd like to take over their scrapbooking line!

Hmmm, this could be a good thread what's your Disney dream job? Maybe I'll start that!:sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
Oops just found a thread from a year ago with that title. Anybody know what proper etiquette is here i.e. resurrect an OLD thread that already has 7 pages, or start a new one?:)

Don't want to be flamed for not searching before posting!:D

Of course now I could be flamed for completely leaving the thread topic!:lookaroun
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i wouldnt worry too much about getting flamed in this thread. seems there is only two people reading this one anyway. :lol: I dont think there is much interest in a "military only hotel" on these boards.

maybe instead of "what is your dream job at Disney", it should be "what is your dream job at disney after retirement". but then again you may only get 2 people posting in that one too. :lol:
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Thanks for posting this. There is a least one more military family member on this board! Seeing those photos makes me want to book a room at SOG. Speaking of retirement, my husband is talking seriously about putting that letter in, maybe we'll see you all down there. He's Coast Guard so we've always joked he would captain the ferry! With the latest thread about the launch to WL nearly sinking, I think they could use a retired coastie to beef up their SOP's, don't you?:)
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Well-Known Member
You are so right Itbeach, I was laughing to myself how only three people were interested in this topic. But now that Grumpy's here ... Yea, there's four of us on this thread now!:lol:

If I asked what's your dream job after retirement, I'd probably only get retired military since that means something different to us! So that'd be you, me and Grumpy and I already know what you guys want to do!:lol:

And by the way, you're right Grumpy they could use someone with seafaring skills for their boat transportation and the jungle cruise!:lol:
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Active Member
I am here too. I am not in the military but loved the pictures. I went to Disney every summer as a kid and stayed at "The Golf Resort". Amazing to see how things have changed.
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maybe we could start a who on this board is in the military thread, or a even better a "military discounts available" thread that we can post all the things we find that give military discounts in orlando.

P.S. Disneyfalcon, i just realized that you keep typing Itbeach, when its actually LTBeach. I typed it in lowercase and now i cant change it.

No Biggy Brada
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Well-Known Member
Oops, sorry Ltbeach! I should have noticed that.:) Does that stand for Lt. Beach? You must be a Lt. Col. That's funny because my hubby and Grumpy's hubbys are also 05s. And we all long to retire at Disney! Is there something about the military at the 15 year point that drives you to want to escape to the magic?:lol:

Those are great ideas for threads! I wonder if there's only 4 military here?

Military discounts is a good idea too, because we could compare whether you should buy tickets at SOG for places, or if there's better deals out there. And we could speculate on whether Disney will be doing another armed forces salute in the next couple of years! Please, please!!!!:D
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Actually no, Im not an 0-5, but I am an E-6. The L.T. stands for Larry Thomas. I know, not very creative for a disney message board, but when i joined, i figured i would just be reading, not really posting much, so i figured i would use something simple to remember. But now i wish i could change it, just havent figured it out yet.

:veryconfu :confused:
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Well-Known Member
Gotcha Larry Thomas. Really I should have noticed that my "I" does not look like your "l". I don't know the rules for changing your name (or capitalizing), but if you email Steve maybe he could help.

We've used falcon in our email address ever since we first married. On ebay I have always been Tammyfalcon. When I joined WDWmagic, I decided on Disneyfalcon!

Riveting stuff, I know...:lol:
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