Seriously, how hard would it be to redo The Great Movie Ride ending movie?


Active Member
Original Poster
I was at DHS yesterday and rode TGMR for the first time in about five years. I was appalled to see the same horrendous quality film at the end. The film's color is completely washed out and pinkish. Much of it is blurry. What a sad way to end one of the great attractions out there. Is it really that hard to redo this film in a digital format? I could probably make one on Final Cut in 3-4 hours.


Active Member
I agree that the video needs to be updated, I was actualy just posting on another thread how they need to update the videos on the land aswell.


Well-Known Member
It was actually updated with new movie footage not too long ago...a few years at most.

I personally think the whole ride needs to be refurbed in a big way though. I love the attraction, but it could use some love.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
It was actually updated with new movie footage not too long ago...a few years at most.

I personally think the whole ride needs to be refurbed in a big way though. I love the attraction, but it could use some love.

Yeah, it's from 2003 at least, Pirates is in there.

And when did you last ride? Save for the neon in the beginning, it looks quite good 2 months ago.

Honest John

New Member
It was actually updated with new movie footage not too long ago...a few years at most.

This is true. Finding Nemo, Shanghai Knights, PotC: Black Pearl, Chicago, and The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (perhaps others that I'm forgetting) were added during a 'recent' rehab, which was circa 2005 IIRC, while other film clips were taken out (Cocoon, Crocodile Dundee, The Band Wagon, etc.)

Call me a contrarian, but I like the finale and the fact that the film quality is a little grainy. It's reminiscent of The Golden Age of Hollywood. That sounds like a slight, but I think it adds to the charm.


Well-Known Member
Digital projection will not change the quality of the film stock used. Disney would have to go back to the various film libraries (both their and others) in order to use restored clips.


Well-Known Member
With alot of movies now available on blu-ray, surely it wouldn't be too difficult to get better quality clips - maybe a bit expensive though.

I'm sure Disney paid or pays a fee to have the rights to show the various movies in the clip. I don't think it would cost them more to get better quality clips (such as Warner's "Ultra Resolution" transfers), but it would be time consuming to assemble them. Pus the tilt and scan clips wouldn't be as good a quality by default of them begin a zoomed in portion of the original frame.

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
I guess I am less critical of some people on here but I was there in October and saw nothing wrong with the film at the end. Great Movie Ride is still one of the better attractions at DHS. I would have noticed the quality being bad if it was, but considering the way Disney pampers it's guests in the first place is it not bordering on being spoiled/nitpicky to complain about the movie at the end?


Active Member
Original Poster
This is true. Finding Nemo, Shanghai Knights, PotC: Black Pearl, Chicago, and The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (perhaps others that I'm forgetting) were added during a 'recent' rehab, which was circa 2005 IIRC, while other film clips were taken out (Cocoon, Crocodile Dundee, The Band Wagon, etc.)

Call me a contrarian, but I like the finale and the fact that the film quality is a little grainy. It's reminiscent of The Golden Age of Hollywood. That sounds like a slight, but I think it adds to the charm.

You have a point if you're talking about the REALLY old footage. The Charlie Chaplin and 3 Stooges stuff I can understand. But Three Men And A Baby, Who Framed Roger Rabbit etc should not look that crappy. I have a standard def DVD of the latter that is ten years old and it looks infinitely better than what they play on that big screen.
Ah screw it. Re-do the whole thing in 3D (it's all the rage). Give everyone 3D glasses and instruct them to put them on at the start of the clips - money schmoney! :sohappy:

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