I just want to post to vent. I'm feeling sorry for myself so don't be too mean. I know with everything going on, our disney trip being cancelled is nothing. We were supposed to be leaving this Saturday, the 9th. We were originally scheduled to go September 2019, but found out we were pregnant and due end of August so we cancelled. Well our sweet boy was born via emergency C-section and passed shortly after in June. When the dust settled I told my husband all I wanted was to be in Disney world for mother's day this year. The first one without our boy. It's my happy place and it gave me something to plan and a distraction while offering all of us something to look forward to. Now that it's cancelled it's just though. Honestly, if all we could do is stay in the cabins for the week, we would have gone. Like I said, I know my trip being cancelled is one of thousands and I can't help but think of kids that had trips planned with Make a Wish or people getting married there or people taking their last family trip before kids move away....I know I'm one of thousands, but it still sucks