Sentinel: Disney policy requiring character confidentiality comes under fire


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I was supposed to go this past year, but backed out. My Dad used the badges instead.

It's pretty (unlike most of the rest of the city, and as I lived there over 10 years of my life, I'm educated enough to say that <grin>)...but it's also not that amusing. I'll stick with Practice Rounds and the Par 3 Tourney myself. I hate going during the actual tournament.

I've been 4 times...and it was exciting in the late 90s during the rise of Tiger, and watching Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus play., I really have no interest.

Now, Pebble Beach or Torrey Pines I'd love to see in person!

My former boss has an Augusta coffee shop now; I believe theyre the exclusive coffee people for the Masters. I Think. Mighta been told wrong.

Anyways, I've covered enough golf and its a PITA. Lotsa walkin.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
Theres simply no way to understand the management culture in entertainment until you've worked there. There is not one iota of consistency among them, and there exists a great deal of favoritism.

That's why it needs to be spelled out, not because anyone in entertainment doesn't care about character integrity. They all do.


Well-Known Member
Speaking from other places I've worked/been involved in (smaller amusement parks and seasonal entertainment) - the situation lends itself to be a culture of cliques, strong personalities, inflated egos and favoritism - and if there's inconsistent messages from management - it's a hot mess.

Am I correct in assuming/thinking this is the case? I hope I am wrong.

I'm hoping the ones who are true professionals, that keep character integrity and live for those magic interactions dont lose out in the end - they are ones who should be put into management (should they want it).

When you have great management and actors with a team (or theatre "company" approach - it's "the show" over everything), then you have an amazingly FUN atmosphere and it's like working with friends/family. I've been lucky to have that experience. One of the best gigs ever and I'm good friends with those folks to this day.
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Speaking from other places I've worked/been involved in (smaller amusement parks and seasonal entertainment) - It tends to be a culture of cliques, inflated egos and favoritism.

People are told they are performing on the largest stage in the world, paid little, made instant dis-celeb via social media personalities trying to make a name for themselves and you throw cliques into the hot mess.

Am I correct in assuming/thinking this is the case at WDW too?

I'm hoping the ones who are true professionals, that keep character integrity and live for those magic interactions with the littles and special needs folks do not lose out in the end, but something tells some do. :(

Yes.... based on observations, both in-park and in-bar. From my POV, anyways.


Well-Known Member
That's why it needs to be spelled out, not because anyone in entertainment doesn't care about character integrity. They all do.

I have a really hard time believing that. I'd like to believe it, but picking a battle over this is a bad move, even if it's true. It makes Unions as a whole look bad that this is what they are choosing to make a stink over (not things that truly matter - better pay, better treatment, and so on). I believe strongly in Unions, but things like this just make me sigh because it just gives ammunition to the anti-Union folks.

I also don't get what it is folks want - do they want them to list every website in particular? Do they really need to lay them all out? Keep your mouth shut shouldn't require ten pages of legalese, and as I said earlier - if folks get things "spelled out" much more, then the complainers will complain that the policies are too difficult to understand and use the page counts as a way to get out of them.

Basically, they are just using the wrong issue to push this, if it indeed is just about general dissatisfaction about favoritism, etc.


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I have a really hard time believing that. I'd like to believe it, but picking a battle over this is a bad move, even if it's true. It makes Unions as a whole look bad that this is what they are choosing to make a stink over (not things that truly matter - better pay, better treatment, and so on). I believe strongly in Unions, but things like this just make me sigh because it just gives ammunition to the anti-Union folks.

I also don't get what it is folks want - do they want them to list every website in particular? Do they really need to lay them all out? Keep your mouth shut shouldn't require ten pages of legalese, and as I said earlier - if folks get things "spelled out" much more, then the complainers will complain that the policies are too difficult to understand and use the page counts as a way to get out of them.

Basically, they are just using the wrong issue to push this, if it indeed is just about general dissatisfaction about favoritism, etc.

Hey, I had at least 2 people reach out to me unsolicited about this and this being the case. They want the policy spelled out in the contract.

Personally, I'd be much more strict (No Public IG, No Public FB photos)


Well-Known Member
Hey, I had at least 2 people reach out to me unsolicited about this and this being the case. They want the policy spelled out in the contract.

Personally, I'd be much more strict (No Public IG, No Public FB photos)

That's great, but it sucks that they will be stuck with the same crappy pay, the same benefits, and the same working conditions they had before - I just don't personally see the worth in using what leverage they have on something that is pretty blatantly obvious to begin with and already pretty clear.


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That's great, but it sucks that they will be stuck with the same crappy pay, the same benefits, and the same working conditions they had before - I just don't personally see the worth in using what leverage they have on something that is pretty blatantly obvious to begin with and already pretty clear.

Because the Union has ZERO leverage at the Walt Disney World Resort anyways.

I cant remember if the entertainment Union is the same that covers the Service Trade Council. The last contract lasted 5 years yet only had raises for the first 3 years. They promised a $1.50/hr raise under the contract spread out over three years.... but all the housekeepers who voted for the contract didn't hear the second part. All the Teamsters voted against it.


Well-Known Member
I always weaseled my way out of having to photograph the Masters. Always a giant PITA and not worth the 12 hour days, etc.

My former boss has an Augusta coffee shop now; I believe theyre the exclusive coffee people for the Masters. I Think. Mighta been told wrong.

Anyways, I've covered enough golf and its a PITA. Lotsa walkin.
I loved seeing the place in person and TV does not do it justice, but, absolutely a "giant PITA". You are expected to toe the line and be on your feet and walking 12 hours a day and honestly I am to damn old for that. Another thing that TV doesn't pick up is just how hilly that place is as well. From Amen Corner to the clubhouse you might as well be climbing Everest. (except much warmer) The only memorable moment that I had was when I walked around a bush and came within inches of being run over by Arnold Palmer in his cart. As a worker there I didn't get to see anything along the lines of golf except the practice rounds, but I didn't care. The only thing I wanted to see was the Big Three Teeing off to start the tournament, but, had to work.
Theres simply no way to understand the management culture in entertainment until you've worked there. There is not one iota of consistency among them, and there exists a great deal of favoritism.
News flash... I have never found a place were that doesn't apply. It a human nature thing, but, I have never worked for Disney and I know the rules and the reasons for them. Explain why actual employee's don't know them or think they are above it all.


Well-Known Member
Did a bit of digging on this and found out a bit more details:

Apparently this clarification of policy is 3 fold: To help maintain the "magic", to prevent CM favoritism (as I predicted), protect CMs from stalkers (seriously).

Anyone who has been to Star Wars weekends has inevitably seen "Mrs. Linda Skywalker" strolling through with a rolling suitcase behind her and an X-Wing hair clip in her hair. Shes a bit.....passionate..about Star Wars. Did you know that because of social media she was able to find out who plays Luke Skywalker and GET HIS ADDRESS and start sending him fan mail? To the point where Disney had to send her a Cease and Desist? Because that happened (according to two separate sources I have spoken to).

Its also sad that CMs aren't taking it at all seriously, as my GF was just at SWW and CMs were in lines for characters boasting about who they play to any guest who would talk to them, and letting guests take selfies with them saying "I found *insert character name here* at DHS!". It's just bad show all around.

Side note: Ferdalump and a few other "Social Media Celebrities" were out yesterday at SWW and amazingly enough they had PERFECT TIMING for some "Random Magic" for characters that are out, all being "escorted" by front line CMs. Ferdalumps mom was very eager to leave her daughter by herself in line with strangers while she went to "get info" from CMs as to what characters are coming out and when. Amazing parenting.


Well-Known Member protect CMs from stalkers (seriously).

Anyone who has been to Star Wars weekends has inevitably seen "Mrs. Linda Skywalker" strolling through with a rolling suitcase behind her and an X-Wing hair clip in her hair. Shes a bit.....passionate..about Star Wars. Did you know that because of social media she was able to find out who plays Luke Skywalker and GET HIS ADDRESS and start sending him fan mail? To the point where Disney had to send her a Cease and Desist? Because that happened (according to two separate sources I have spoken to.)

"Enter the crazies."
Seriously not surprised.

It's all fun until you have to yell "Security?!?" It's all "hilarious" until restraint orders have to be issued.

They'll take it seriously after someone gets followed home or has a stranger sitting in front of their residence trying to "meet" them.

I had personal experience with this at a fall seasonal attraction I worked at - I was followed home to my apartment one night by a weirdo and his friend - and I lived 30 miles away. That's a whole other creepy story but this wasn't an isolated incident.

After that happened, we had off-duty sheriff's police escort us to our cars and they would make sure that guest didn't "hang out" after going through the attraction - we were in the middle of nowhere, and we had no other attractions nor gift shop - no reason for them to stay.

We once even had grown men hiding in the parking lot. They held them there so we could leave the premises (they were worried we'd be followed home). That sh*t is downright scary - especially since most of us were ages 18 to 25.

Something is wrong when a few 30-year olds are hiding in a parking lot waiting for young girls to come out to their cars at 1:00a.m. Further creepy weird crap happened - and women, especially older women, were downright nasty with our guys - but I digress.

It's not only good for the show but for personal safety, it's a good policy to keep ID's hush. IG wasn't big back then - now it's easier for creepers to find out personal details the way social media is now.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Did a bit of digging on this and found out a bit more details:

Apparently this clarification of policy is 3 fold: To help maintain the "magic", to prevent CM favoritism (as I predicted), protect CMs from stalkers (seriously).

Anyone who has been to Star Wars weekends has inevitably seen "Mrs. Linda Skywalker" strolling through with a rolling suitcase behind her and an X-Wing hair clip in her hair. Shes a bit.....passionate..about Star Wars. Did you know that because of social media she was able to find out who plays Luke Skywalker and GET HIS ADDRESS and start sending him fan mail? To the point where Disney had to send her a Cease and Desist? Because that happened (according to two separate sources I have spoken to).

Its also sad that CMs aren't taking it at all seriously, as my GF was just at SWW and CMs were in lines for characters boasting about who they play to any guest who would talk to them, and letting guests take selfies with them saying "I found *insert character name here* at DHS!". It's just bad show all around.

Side note: Ferdalump and a few other "Social Media Celebrities" were out yesterday at SWW and amazingly enough they had PERFECT TIMING for some "Random Magic" for characters that are out, all being "escorted" by front line CMs. Ferdalumps mom was very eager to leave her daughter by herself in line with strangers while she went to "get info" from CMs as to what characters are coming out and when. Amazing parenting.

I actually talked to Linda last year. I was curious. She's.... she has special needs, to put it gently. I would categorize her as "mostly harmless" tho find out someones address is a bit much.

As for the CMs in line? Likely CPs. I messaged a friend about their behavior earlier in the week.... I'll send another.

I havent any idea who Ferdalump is.


Well-Known Member
How is this any different then the whole facial hair debate? If it's company policy... you follow it. Even off the clock you still represent the company!
Very different from facial hair. Having a beard doesn't kill your kids dreams of who Mickey is. Also the company changed their policy very recently on facial hair. It's now allowed cause they realized that was a rather outdated practice.


Well-Known Member
Not to make this political, but I would note that, given the current anti-employer makeup of the National Labor Relations Board, there is a not insignificant chance that Disney's policy--at least as described in the Sentinel article from the OP--could be declared unlawful if the union really files an unfair labor practice charge. Social media policies and confidentiality policies are two of the major hot button issues before the Board right now, and here you're combining both of them (and potentially with a policy that at least allegedly was not bargained with the union).


Well-Known Member
My employer has work rules, a code of ethics, and a contract that spells out that I must follow work rules and the code of ethics. The work rules are never "negotiated" they just are and can be changed from time to take to take into consideration things like the proliferation of social media or employee concerns over privacy. They are not part of collective bargaining. The code of ethics is non-negotiable. The contract? I can sign it and work or not sign and not work.

I read the article and saw this earlier on another Theme Park site. Certainly it should be more clearly spelled out but where is the question. I'm sure a reasonable solution can be reached such as "resume' yes, facebook no".


Well-Known Member
I joined Facebook early on because my campus tour guides preferred it as a place to keep contact (we had a group page for news/announcements).

Then as my friends and I had our kids it was a nice place to share pics. I have a love/hate relationship with it. It's been good reconnecting with old friends who live far away but easy to get sucked in. People carry out their personal dramas on there and it's a cause of major bullying among middle school/high school.

I blog for our visitor convention bureau and I've managed to help them get followers to their page and it's been helpful for promoting my blog and my tutoring business (LinkedIn has been helpful too).

Instagram is just for posting my hobby photography.

I gave up on Twitter - it becomes too much.

Pinterest is where I horde/organize recipes and stuff - that is addictive but if you actually do the pins it can be very productive! :)
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