I am sorry that your daughter got hurt.

My 76 year old Mom needs a scooter to get around. She and I are very careful how she drives the scooter. We keep it on "turtle speed" especially in crowds. But, mostly people walk in front of my Mom. If that is the case, then it's not my Mom's fault if someone gets hurt ( these are people of all ages just not paying attention). She feels bad enough that she needs a scooter to get around now, but sometimes others are so engrossed in their own little world that they just don't seem to have respect for others ( especially the elderly).

Occasionally you'll hear someone say " I'm sorry" for bumping into you ( that goes for strollers too, especially the huge double ones!)

The "parties" before the parade and fireworks at night have always been "open". The CMs usually do a decent job of directing traffic. I am sorry this happened.