Scooter accident


Well-Known Member
Oh where in the heck did the OP say anything that would provoke this knee jerk rant? Questioning the speed of something doesn't have ANYTHING to do with this. And to imply blame to a parent or child that they should " pay attention..." and "Take responsibility for ourselves" is just trollish. Lot of people trying to shoehorn their agendas or drama into a question.
They don't speed, let's leave the Drama out of this. And yes, I said it and I will say it again YOU are responsible for keeping YOURSELF safe. It isn't everyone else's job to make sure no harm comes to you. Also try and know the difference between a rant and a explanation of fact and also what constitutes trolling.Thank you!


$4 billion for EPCOT
They don't speed, let's leave the Drama out of this. And yes, I said it and I will say it again YOU are responsible for keeping YOURSELF safe. It isn't everyone else's job to make sure no harm comes to you. Also try and know the difference between a rant and a explanation of fact and also what constitutes trolling.Thank you!
Now, since neither of us know the situation, I just want to clarify your point. So if a girl has a back to something and somebody drives up and hits her, it's the girl's fault.That's as asinine as your tangent that the OP must have struck a nerve for daring to critique someone's driving or speed. Gasp.

And for the record, yes those things can go far too fast for crowds, narrow areas.


Well-Known Member
It's not anybody's responsibility to get out of her way, and yelling out a demand for such doesn't make it so. It's the scooter driver's responsibility not to run into anyone.
Then I guess the point is there is no issue to report to someone. The issue was the poor driver. End. My son was ran over as a child by one of these reckless drivers, Leg literally ran over while he was standing still by a passing scooter to the point the scooter had to be lifted off of his leg as he was wedged so badly....and he was really injured. It's in a previous thread of scooter rants, of which there is no shortage. But, I didn't think complaining to Disney was appropriate as it was the driver who was responsible, not Disney. As for a governor or speed limit, the scooters are brought from home, rented from many places, etc. this is really a manufacturers thing. Disney can't control that. Just like cars, there are good drivers, there are bad drivers. Drive defensively. Unfortunately anywhere scooters are in abundance one must walk defensively.


Well-Known Member
To the OP's point, yes anything that affects safety should be reported to Disney. They might not be able to do anything but they have shown that they can and will intervene when needed even on ADA issues (DAS passes for example.)


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your child. However, she was hit by a motorized vehicle being driven by an individual. If this happens to anyone in my family, I will call Disney Security to detain the person until the Orange Count Sheriff can arrive and fill out an accident report. I will then sue the driver to recover any medical expenses. I don't care if it looks like I'm persecuting them.


Well-Known Member

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
On Tuesday at Epcot a woman yelled watch out as she ran over my daughter's foot with her scooter.
We had to go to first aid and we filled out an incident report. Today we called claims and they said that since it was a person to person incident, that Disney probably wouldn't do anything. Does anybody know of anybody else to contact?


Well-Known Member
The good news is that the vast majority of people who use ECV's do so in a safe and reasonable manner. Of course there are always going to be a few people who operate them with little regard for others. These are the rare people who will honk the horn when navigating a crowded walk way. The only real "solution" is that we need to maintain our own situational awareness.


Well-Known Member
What would be the new regulation for scooters? Perhaps to not run over anyones foot. I think that is already an assumed regulation. That's why they call them accidents, it's because they are unplanned events. Things happen.
An accident is when something happens beyond anyones control... This was likely negligence by some idiot that had no experience on a scooter until they decide to rent one for a Disney trip.

I would like it if Disney would stop allowing rental companies from dropping them off. If someone is really disabled its one thing and it would be difficult for that person to show need of a scooter by showing the handicapped hang tag... but probably half the people I see using scooters are just insanely obese people that are only confined to a scooter because they eat too much and don't want to walk. A human body cannot gain weight unless it has the calories from food... and when someone reaches the point where they can't walk on their own because of their weight I think its fair to say they need to stop eating. I've had multiple idiots in scooter hit me over the years and I'm tired of it. I'm tempted to start grabbing the keys of these things and tossing them in the trash.


Well-Known Member
I am sorry that your daughter got hurt.:( My 76 year old Mom needs a scooter to get around. She and I are very careful how she drives the scooter. We keep it on "turtle speed" especially in crowds. But, mostly people walk in front of my Mom. If that is the case, then it's not my Mom's fault if someone gets hurt ( these are people of all ages just not paying attention). She feels bad enough that she needs a scooter to get around now, but sometimes others are so engrossed in their own little world that they just don't seem to have respect for others ( especially the elderly).:( Occasionally you'll hear someone say " I'm sorry" for bumping into you ( that goes for strollers too, especially the huge double ones!):(
The "parties" before the parade and fireworks at night have always been "open". The CMs usually do a decent job of directing traffic. I am sorry this happened.:(

People walk in front of other people all the time, that's what happens in a crowded park. If your mom doesn't have the reflexes to stop when it happens maybe its time for her to be pushed in a wheel chair. Do you think it is safe for your mom to drive a car on the highway? If you would have reservations about that then do everyone at the parks a favor and don't let her drive a scooter but push her in a wheel chair - when we have taken my wife's mom that's what we do because we know she would be running over people if we let her drive one.


Well-Known Member
Now, since neither of us know the situation, I just want to clarify your point. So if a girl has a back to something and somebody drives up and hits her, it's the girl's fault.That's as asinine as your tangent that the OP must have struck a nerve for daring to critique someone's driving or speed. Gasp.

And for the record, yes those things can go far too fast for crowds, narrow areas.
Never said anything like that. I didn't even say that in this particular case the scooter rider wasn't at fault. My response is about the regulation aspect. What I said was that a huge percentage of the accidents with scooters are due to walking people not being aware of what is going on in the area where they are walking. I have seen many incidents where there was a scooter/walker situation and only one was stupidity of the operator. You cannot regulate stupidity. All the rest were people just stepped out in front of them. They don't have to regulate speed for what ever scooters that Disney rents out. All they have to do is set them up so they won't go any faster. But, it would just create another problem if you set them up to be slower then people walk. Even then someone stopping to admire the castle isn't moving so even set at a crawl they are moving faster then the one that is stopped. Those that bring their own cannot be regulated unless you would like to see the "scooter" patrol standing out on Main Street USA with radar guns.

Maybe I worded it wrong, so let me try again. You, as a pedestrian, are the first line in your own defense. To adopt the attitude that pedestrians have the right of way can be a painful stance to take. There are many gravestones that could read "But, I had the right of way!". I can only speak for myself here, but, I have been going to WDW for 33 years. I have never been hit by a scooter or a stroller. There may have been many times that might have happened if I hadn't been aware of what was around me. Yet, you hear reports of people getting hit three and four times a trip. What is the common denominator in that scenario? It is easy to try and blame the scooter/stroller operator for one's own carelessness, but, most of the time it just isn't true. So let's move on. I can't explain it any better then that.


Well-Known Member
On Tuesday at Epcot a woman yelled watch out as she ran over my daughter's foot with her scooter.
We had to go to first aid and we filled out an incident report. Today we called claims and they said that since it was a person to person incident, that Disney probably wouldn't do anything. Does anybody know of anybody else to contact?


Well-Known Member
I literally was standing still once on Main St in the crowd to watch Wishes. I then felt a pain on my heel and turned around to react to it and see what it was and it was a fat woman on a scooter and I just looked at her like "It's ok. Don't worry about it." and she then says "I was hitting your foot because I need you to move because you're in my way". Yeah....seriously! I was completely stunned but instead of going off I just sorta shook my head and moved over. Honestly I would have liked to have tipped her off that thing like and told her to walk around like the rest of the able bodied people. I realize there are people that need them like elderly or recently injured people. But what ticks me off the most about them are when they hold up a bus line and then you watch the moron get off of it and basically lift it in to the bus. I've seen that happen too and I think most of the crowd was wanting to straight up murder that dude.


Well-Known Member
Never said anything like that. I didn't even say that in this particular case the scooter rider wasn't at fault. My response is about the regulation aspect. What I said was that a huge percentage of the accidents with scooters are due to walking people not being aware of what is going on in the area where they are walking. I have seen many incidents where there was a scooter/walker situation and only one was stupidity of the operator. You cannot regulate stupidity. All the rest were people just stepped out in front of them. They don't have to regulate speed for what ever scooters that Disney rents out. All they have to do is set them up so they won't go any faster. But, it would just create another problem if you set them up to be slower then people walk. Even then someone stopping to admire the castle isn't moving so even set at a crawl they are moving faster then the one that is stopped. Those that bring their own cannot be regulated unless you would like to see the "scooter" patrol standing out on Main Street USA with radar guns.

Maybe I worded it wrong, so let me try again. You, as a pedestrian, are the first line in your own defense. To adopt the attitude that pedestrians have the right of way can be a painful stance to take. There are many gravestones that could read "But, I had the right of way!". I can only speak for myself here, but, I have been going to WDW for 33 years. I have never been hit by a scooter or a stroller. There may have been many times that might have happened if I hadn't been aware of what was around me. Yet, you hear reports of people getting hit three and four times a trip. What is the common denominator in that scenario? It is easy to try and blame the scooter/stroller operator for one's own carelessness, but, most of the time it just isn't true. So let's move on. I can't explain it any better then that.

If a scooter is being using on a pedestrian path, it should have the stopping and starting capabilities of a pedestrian. And it should not travel any faster than a pedestrian. And if a pedestrian is in the way they do not have the right to plow through.

There is a reason you cannot bike or motorcycle on a sidewalk and you cannot walk in the road.


Well-Known Member
If a scooter is being using on a pedestrian path, it should have the stopping and starting capabilities of a pedestrian. And it should not travel any faster than a pedestrian. And if a pedestrian is in the way they do not have the right to plow through.

There is a reason you cannot bike or motorcycle on a sidewalk and you cannot walk in the road.

Yes. The fact is if you run into someone, it's your fault. Very few exceptions. It's like rear-ending someone on the road. (The only reason it is sometimes not your fault to hit someone from another direction on the road is because they might not have had right of way. But there is no right of way in pedestrian areas.) If a pedestrian stops dead in their tracks and is hit from behind by a scooter, whose fault is that? The scooter driver's. They should be leaving enough distance that they can stop at the speed they're going. The only kind of exception I can think of is if a pedestrian swerves into the scooter's path. The scooter driver cannot be expected to anticipate that.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
My daughter used a scooter for our trip to Universal last summer; she'd torn the meniscus in her left knee two weeks before our trip. Certainly gave us a different perspective about the use of ECVs at crowded theme parks. She said that several times people walked right in front of her and she had to take measures to not run over them. And they just stared at her. And then there was the group of South American teenagers trying to access the lockers at MiB. We were both standing in front of our locker, trying to get it to open, when one of those impatient !@%%***** grabbed the back of her scooter and started to pull it back over my foot. Guess he couldn't wait for us to get our things out of our locker. Fortunately, he pulled it over the tip of my shoe and didn't do any real damage. However, I let him know in very clear and concise English what I thought of him. And my Spanish speaking son in law let loose some choice words in a language this kid understood. I thought my son in law was going to punch him. He was afraid the kid was going to pull the scooter over with my daughter in it... she was yelling at the jerk to stop. And the kid just stood there, with this smug look on his face.

Later that day, I was trying to get out of the path of a woman riding one who clearly needed to have her DL revoked she was such a poor driver and she keep turning into my path as I tried to get out of her way. I finally yelled at her to stop. She gave me this blank stare.

So it's both... unaware or inconsiderate pedestrians and the same for ECV riders. As a pedestrian, I have the right of way in a crosswalk. However, I'm not going to argue that point with the driver of a one ton vehicle who doesn't look like they're going to honor that right.....

Is it Disney's responsibility? Only if they provided the vehicle... and that means how to operate it and make you ride it before they let you take it. Along with instructions to be courteous and not run into/over people. And if CMs witnessed operators using a ECV in a reckless manner, stopping that person and telling them to be careful.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your child. However, she was hit by a motorized vehicle being driven by an individual. If this happens to anyone in my family, I will call Disney Security to detain the person until the Orange Count Sheriff can arrive and fill out an accident report. I will then sue the driver to recover any medical expenses. I don't care if it looks like I'm persecuting them.

I agree, same as a motor vehicle accident, something should have happened before they drove off.

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