To the OP, I don't know if your party has any adults or not (I know you wrote you were taking your parents but I don't know if you're bringing kids, too). So potential word of warning, it might not apply to you - last time we went to Scifi, our oldest was almost 4 (our baby was six months). We thought our oldest would love eating in a car and having a milkshake and see the cartoons and the trailers for what people used to think was scary. But what "people used to think was scary?" Yeah, that stuff scared the crap out of her. We almost left but she agreed to stay IF we sat all the way in the back, at a table opposed to a car, so she could sit with her back to the screen. Even then the music would creep her out and we kept telling her we could go. I think the lure of the milkshake overrode the fear factor. Eventually, she warmed to watching some of the stuff, I'd tell her when it was a cartoon and she'd turn back around when the cartoon would end and I'd let her know if it was "Safe" to watch again. Ironically, I think our baby (who will be nearly 3 our next trip) would be fine there and our eldest, soon to be 6, would still be scared. So while we still have ADRs for the moment for lunch at Scifi, we will probably nix them and stick to dinner at 50s.
If you have any small kids in the party, 50s might be a better bet, if they're young or in general big ol' fraidy-cats