school vs disneyworld

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New Member
i live in texas and school starts in aug. we are going to the world the last week of sept, i have custody of my 14 year old bro this will be his first year of high school. hes not the best student ....ok he doesnt get good grade but he trys....sometimes. we will be go from school for 5 days he can miss only 9 before he looses credit, hes never had a problem with attendance. my question is has anyone ever pulled thier kids out of school before? do i have to lie and say we have to vist our sick aunt or something.
this is the only time of year we can go
springbeak-too much money, husband can't get work off(plus star tours is closed)
summer-hotter and stickier than the devils ball sack!- husband cant get off work
winter break- way to much money! husband can't get off work
my husband is a chef in a tourist spot downtown san antonio and anytime anything is going on holidays and whenever kids out of school he has to work!


Active Member
i live in texas and school starts in aug. we are going to the world the last week of sept, i have custody of my 14 year old bro this will be his first year of high school. hes not the best student ....ok he doesnt get good grade but he trys....sometimes. we will be go from school for 5 days he can miss only 9 before he looses credit, hes never had a problem with attendance. my question is has anyone ever pulled thier kids out of school before? do i have to lie and say we have to vist our sick aunt or something.
this is the only time of year we can go
springbeak-too much money, husband can't get work off(plus star tours is closed)
summer-hotter and stickier than the devils ball sack!- husband cant get off work
winter break- way to much money! husband can't get off work
my husband is a chef in a tourist spot downtown san antonio and anytime anything is going on holidays and whenever kids out of school he has to work!

Was that necessary?

Regarding your question: I wouldn't pull a kid from high school, but that's just me. Second or third grade is another story.
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Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Was that necessary?

Regarding your question: I wouldn't pull a kid from high school, but that's just me. Second or third grade is another story.

Necessary? Maybe not...but pretty darn funny.....and true

I foresee this thread being closed very shortly as this topic NEVER stays very nice for long.

BTW...MONSTER....your brother possibly losing a year of school for absences surely isn't worth the trip if you tell the truth. (take that as you may)
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If, as you say, he's not the best student, it's probably a bad idea. Especially if it's high school, since those grades count towards college admission. If it was elementary school I'd say differently (my parents did that for me in 4th or 5th grade), but missing one of the first weeks of high school isn't a good idea.
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New Member
i live in texas and school starts in aug. we are going to the world the last week of sept, i have custody of my 14 year old bro this will be his first year of high school. hes not the best student ....ok he doesnt get good grade but he trys....sometimes. we will be go from school for 5 days he can miss only 9 before he looses credit, hes never had a problem with attendance. my question is has anyone ever pulled thier kids out of school before? do i have to lie and say we have to vist our sick aunt or something.
this is the only time of year we can go
springbeak-too much money, husband can't get work off(plus star tours is closed)
summer-hotter and stickier than the devils ball sack!- husband cant get off work
winter break- way to much money! husband can't get off work
my husband is a chef in a tourist spot downtown san antonio and anytime anything is going on holidays and whenever kids out of school he has to work!

Wow can tell you it's a different story in Florida the only attendance limit is 5 days if you want to exempt your final exams. but after that you can miss as many days and still get credit if you pass.

My advice is YOUR the parent if he misses days, he misses days. I don't know why saying he's on vacation would be a problem. As a parent you shouldn't have to give the school reasons as to why he missed. I always call the school when my kid is out and say "I know my kid was absence and I gave them permission" and my child is always marked Excused.
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Well-Known Member
Was that necessary?

Regarding your question: I wouldn't pull a kid from high school, but that's just me. Second or third grade is another story.

It may not have been necessary, and it probably isn't even theologically correct (since the Devil is a fallen angel, and angels don't have gender), but I got a good laugh out of it! :ROFLOL:

I'm not so sure it's a good idea to pull him out of school. He may have pretty good attendance, but you never know when he may get sick all of the sudden, or some other unforseen circumstance. If he's only allowed so many absences and you use up more than half of them in one shot, that doesn't leave him much leeway in the event that unforseen circumstances arise.
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Well-Known Member
First of all let me say I thought the devil comment was funny. As for taking a kid out of school, I have taken my son to wdw every Oct for eight years. He is in sixth grade now. It has never been a problem. We write a letter to principal explaining that I don't get time off in Summer because of work. Which is true. This has not bothered his grades at all. I don't think a week off is going to destroy his life, so I say go. Others on here, especially the teachers, will see things differently.
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Well-Known Member
Well I have no kids so I can only speak from my experience as the student.

My parents pulled me out when I was in 7th grade, 2 weeks after February break. We told the teachers we were going to disney because my school policy is "do what you want on the days you can 'have' off, but you better make sure to do the work." In that one week I was gone I fell so far behind in Spanish it was ridiculous. I had a B average before going to WDW and because I missed so much, and then had tests the week I was back, I went down to a D+ average by the end of the year.

I'm sure many people can go and not worry about falling behind but after that trip, my parents never pulled us out of school for WDW for a whole week; Two days was our maximum.
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Well-Known Member
I'm in Texas, too, & know the system. It's generally __ number of unexcused absences before the truancy authorities start kicking in. You can have as many excused absences as you need. Sick = excused. Still, pulling kids from school for vacation should be addressed by each kid. If my student didn't get the best grades & was starting high school I don't know that pulling him for a week would be the thing to do. You don't get good grades for showing up. (although in our neck of the woods I'm certain if a kid is involved in athletics it'd be a lot of hard work for him/her to fail since these tend to be the coddled golden kids who can do no wrong). It's up to each parent to make the right choice for their kid. End of story. Most importantly, don't lie. That's just bad karma all the way around. Plus, you don't want to send the message to your student that lying is okay as long as you can get by with it. Ya know? It's an impressionable age full of symbolism & stuff. It could create more headache than you think.

To the OP, take this thread with a grain of salt. This is one of those crazy highly combustible topics. :)
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Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Ask the school. My son is 15 and his school had no problem with me taking him to Disney for a week in grade 10. The next two years they worry more and the student has to be doing really well, but they'll consider it.

It all depends on the local rules. I wouldn't recommend lying, if you're going to Disney, say so. If they say no, then don't take him or don't go.
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Disney Dawg88

Active Member
i have custody of my 14 year old bro this will be his first year of high school. hes not the best student ....ok he doesnt get good grade but he trys....sometimes.

I'll just say this, if he's not the best student I would have him in school for as many days as possible. The first year of high school is so important because if you don't get good grades the first year you spend the next three years trying to make up for it . . . and it takes a lot longer and it's a lot harder to pull that GPA up.
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Premium Member
if your going to do it, the beginning of the school year is probably the best time. my daughter will be in 7th grade when we go in October this year, we've already told some teachers and her volleyball coach and they all seemed fine with it. plus, we don't have any attendance rules that I am aware of. also, we're taking my parents with us this year and they won't go in the summer and their work is to crazy in the winter.
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Well-Known Member
i live in texas and school starts in aug. we are going to the world the last week of sept, i have custody of my 14 year old bro this will be his first year of high school. hes not the best student ....ok he doesnt get good grade but he trys....sometimes. we will be go from school for 5 days he can miss only 9 before he looses credit, hes never had a problem with attendance. my question is has anyone ever pulled thier kids out of school before? do i have to lie and say we have to vist our sick aunt or something.
this is the only time of year we can go
springbeak-too much money, husband can't get work off(plus star tours is closed)
summer-hotter and stickier than the devils ball sack!- husband cant get off work
winter break- way to much money! husband can't get off work
my husband is a chef in a tourist spot downtown san antonio and anytime anything is going on holidays and whenever kids out of school he has to work!

I grew up in jersey, so we went to disney during jersey week and missed like a day or two of school.

I would advise not to lie and schools are going to need reason that your brother was unexcused for so long. If the limit for unexcused absences is only 9 days and he is going to only have 4 left, I would say that you should save the money for a better time next year. Going to disney is not worth falling a year behind in HS.
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Well-Known Member
We are pulling my son out for a few days here next month for our March/Spring Break trip to the World and I have already talked to one of his teachers at his school about it. He is in Grade 9 (first year of high school up here) and just started his second semester this week. I was advised to call the vice principal in a couple of weeks to kinda let him know what days my son would be absent so that he could notify his teachers for us. He is gonna miss the Friday before Spring Break (not really a big deal, since most classes are half empty usually this day anyways) and 2-3 max after it. I am apprehensive on one hand, because he has had a hard time with his school work the last couple of years really. But I have talked to a few teachers at different schools and they seem to think that the benefits of family bonding through family vacations may be just important to a child's growth and development and maturity as anything they could possibly learn in the classroom those couple of days. We haven't done it often and this will probably be our last big family "hurrah" for a while now that the kids are teenagers.

On one hand, you feel like a bad parent for doing it. But like I said, the teachers I've talked to understand that it is hard for families to get away together these days with both parents working full-time and what not. They don't encourage it, but they don't condemn you for wanting to do it. I just hope my son is able to stay ahead a bit here before we leave and get caught up quickly when we get back.
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Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
I took my kids out of school to go to Disney World throughout their school years with no problems. Sometimes we took school work with us, sometimes they just had to write (journal) about their trips etc. It can be a learning experience as well, meeting people, learning about other cultures, etc. Go and have fun!
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Active Member
I don't have a problem with taking kids out of school. Family vacations are part of growing up and something he will remember for the rest of his life and maybe tell his grandkids about. I doubt very much he will be doing that with the events that occur that week in school.

Of course that changes should he fail to pass his classes due to the time off. You know the child and people here don't so you have to know that he will be able to make up the work or not.
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Well-Known Member
My wife is a tacher. She said to let them know in advance (2-3) weeks of your intentions. They will be willing to work with you. Are you driving or flying? Car rides especially long ones, are good for students to do reading or make up work. We personally take our kids out every year. The problem comes in when parents don't enforce their children doing the make up work.

Be upfront, let the school know your intentions, and everything should be fine.
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Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
My wife is a tacher. She said to let them know in advance (2-3) weeks of your intentions. They will be willing to work with you. Are you driving or flying? Car rides especially long ones, are good for students to do reading or make up work. We personally take our kids out every year. The problem comes in when parents don't enforce their children doing the make up work.

Be upfront, let the school know your intentions, and everything should be fine.
2-3 weeks' notice isn't much time to change Disney plans if they say no... :shrug:
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