Scariest Ride


New Member
I´m not sure if I´ve posted on here before -too lazy to check the whole thread- but I don´t think I get scared on any ride at WDW. As someone said, some are "mean spirited", but not really scary. :animwink:

Tomorrowland Ga

New Member
You have to picture this because I am the kind of person who loves thrill rides. The bigger, the taller, the faster, the better!!!! No, If, ands or butts about it. But, there was something about the Tower of Power <Terror> that really had me freaked out.

My oldest Son finally convinced me to go on it. We went through the queue, the library and onto the service elevator. Got in our row, doors opened. We were row #6, the first to go in. As I sat there and watched everyone else get in. I totally lost it, I jumped up pushing old ladies and small children out of my so I could get out of there before the doors closes and trapped me.

As the last person was entering I came flying out of the door way and fell to my knees in front a whole crowd of waiting guests. You would think I would of been embarassed, but I was not. I was so relieved to get the heck off that ride. That I got up and did a Chicken Dance for all Guests waiting in line as the CM lead me to the escape elevator.

The CM was great reassuring me it wasn't as bad as I thought. He gave me a fast pass ticket to come back anytime during the remainder of my vacation.

Well it was nearing the end of our stay and I started to think about going back home, me the evil kneviel of Thrill Rides. Having to tell eveyrone I chickened out. The fear of that was even more than the fear I had about going on the ride. So on the second to the last day my Son and I rode it. OMG I never had been so scared or laughed so hard when the ride was finally in progress of it's drop cycle. My son and I rode it about 15 times that day and then alternated back and forth between TOT and RRC the last day we were there. :)


Alen Encounter has never really scared me. I think the scariest ride Ive been on is Space Mountain. Ive only ridden once, I went on and I swear that If they wanted to get me out of the car they would have had to use the Jaws of Life, I was hanging on for dear life, I guess it was because I sat in the front.


New Member
I was 18 never before did I do space mountain I am very very afraid of heights (go figure i can do tower of terror with no problem maybe because i am inclosed in it or something) well anyway my ex fiance made me go on it with him and made me sit in the front i screamed bloody murder and when it was over i walked out of there crying and shaking all over I still get very nervous on it but I dont cry


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I love rollercoasters, and most every ride I can think of...but something about dinosaurs scares me!

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Nothing really scares me that badly, but I do get a little freaked out on Snow White. It's based on a "Disney Movie" and they have to put up a warning saying it's scary for KIDS??? :hammer: Geesh...

General Grizz

New Member
I find Snow White's Scary Adventures 10x scarier than Alien Encounter -- really, I was nervous about AE, but I just found it nothing more than hilarious!


New Member
alien encount and tower of terror. the part were the alien is breathing on your neck still freaks me out. tot of terror it isnt the drop that gets me its the slow ride up to that point.

:eek: :lookaroun :eek: :lookaroun :eek: :lookaroun

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