Saving hockey


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Original Poster
Things are picking up in the NHL talks. I don't wanna jinx it, but... there's a small chance hockey can be saved this season. If hockey returns, how do you think it'll look? I mean, how will the season be played out? Too many games have been lost already to have a legitimate season. Not to mention, many teams aren't whole, there are still many big name free agents without a team and tons of players signed to Europe. So even if the owners and players reach an agreement soon, they can't jump into hockey right away. There needs to be time for everyone to assemble their teams and decide how to determine a champion. One idea I've heard a few times is not having a season but putting all 30 teams into a playoff tournament. But how will that work? How do you determine seeding? Also, 30 teams aren't easily divided into brackets. Do some get byes? So many questions.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
you ever see that movie, The Replacements?

That's right folks. Keanu Reeves will be playing hockey :lol:


Well-Known Member
All I can say is, AHL.... lol

I think this season is sunk for the NHL, cause all the players are in Europe and other things. A playoff tourney, I dunno. I just don't know.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Orlando doesn't get AHL. We have the Florida Seals (which play in Orlando), which are in the SPHL
FutureCEO said:
owners make too much money and players too

You have no clue what you are talking about...on average the four major sports...all others sports have an average salary of over 1 is barely over, if not under. Read the news, and know the reason for the lockout before you say something. It's not a strike, its an owners lockout.

As for the's pretty much over, maybe next year too. And if it were to come back this year, it would be the normal players, no replacements ROB. 95% of the players playing in the European and Russian leagues have escape clauses if the NHL resumes play.


Well-Known Member
I've heard there are plans for a 24 or 30 game season. 24 games would entail playing only within your division; 30 games only in your conference. How fast could they pull the teams together? And how many people would really care? Hockey has really shot themselves in the foot.
SpongeScott said:
I've heard there are plans for a 24 or 30 game season. 24 games would entail playing only within your division; 30 games only in your conference. How fast could they pull the teams together? And how many people would really care? Hockey has really shot themselves in the foot.

Depends, in the Cities with teams the markets are strong, so there are about 30 markets...but no strong unified fan base like the other major sports have.


Well-Known Member
Well I dont know if they make any deals if there are going to be any games played. If the talks go well I am sure the next season will start off well. I've been watching a few AHL games here and they are quite amusing to me. Go Aeros........:lookaroun....


Account Suspended
Well, there is just one problem: how are we going to get the foreign players back to the NHL when they are under contract with teams over-seas? Trust me I miss the NHL as much as anyone but I'm just facing reality.
Well, there is just one problem: how are we going to get the foreign players back to the NHL when they are under contract with teams over-seas? Trust me I miss the NHL as much as anyone but I'm just facing reality.



New Member
I heard if they settle today, they should start about the middle of feb. Like 20 something games.
The only players that might not come back from europe are free agents and they would probably get out of their contracts to sign a bigger nhl contract.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Another big question is how are they gonna determine draft order? The NHL said there would be no draft without a new CBA, but they have to draft eventually. And there's a big prize for whoever gets the number 1 pick, Sydney Crosby.


Well-Known Member
Atta83 said:
Well I dont know if they make any deals if there are going to be any games played. If the talks go well I am sure the next season will start off well.
IF they don't get this settled and salvage some sort of a season, this will stretch into next year. There will be no urgency for a resolution and it will give each side more time to dig their heels in and stand firm in their position.

Dan and Vince, who do you side with on this and why? Just curious since I view you guys as someone who are very knowledgeable of the NHL around here.


Well, today's meeting ended after only 4 hours without any new proposal and they've cancelled tomorow's meeting. Really does'nt look like anything is getting better.

Winter is getting really colder up here without our national sport!


New Member
Hockey... come back! :cry:

I miss it dearly... its very boring without Hockey.

I mean last year when the Calgary Flames went to the Cup.. wow... they shoulda won too. Grrrr Tampa.

But yep, it does look like Hockey's pretty much screwed for this season.


New Member
TAC said:
Errr.. the national sport of Canada is Lacrosse. :wave:

I know but it should be Hockey. Honestly over here all they talk about is hockey, hockey hockey hockey... never Lacrosse. Because nobody watches Lacrosse.


New Member
Christina said:
I know but it should be Hockey. Honestly over here all they talk about is hockey, hockey hockey hockey... never Lacrosse. Because nobody watches Lacrosse.

I do. I'm a HUGH lax fan. I wish I was closer to the OLA, WLA, and BCLA, but that would also mean freezing my patooties off in the winter. :D


TAC said:
Errr.. the national sport of Canada is Lacrosse. :wave:

Yeah, but i don't think any of us even knows the rules or anyone who plays it... So we kindda adopt hockey as the national one...:animwink:

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