
Premium Member
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A note from the SAVEDISNEY.COM Web Team:

Would you please help support Roy E. Disney and Stanley P. Gold in their efforts to preserve the legacy of The Walt Disney Company?

We ask you to visit and evaluate our site. We're certain you'll agree this is a worthwhile effort in preserving the integrity of the company that has entertained, enlightened and inspired so many of us over the years. Please register to "Join Our Fight." In this way, we will be able to contact you immediately with news, announcements, and calls-to-action. has articles, links, and resources relevant to Families, Consumers, Employees, Shareholders, and about Walt's Vision-important information for everyone!

We all have a stake in Disney's future.

Bring back the Magic

For Future Generations!

Thank you for your assistance.


The Save Disney Web Site Team.


Trophy Husband
This is really fascinating. Has the internet advanced to the point that a grass-roots movement like this can really make a difference?

March 3rd should be very interesting.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
hey steve... wanna allow me to use a savedisney banner on my sig ;)


New Member
Originally posted by wdwmagic
A note from the SAVEDISNEY.COM Web Team:

Would you please help support Roy E. Disney and Stanley P. Gold in their efforts to preserve the legacy of The Walt Disney Company?

You know, just to playd evil's advocate (so please, easy on the flamethrowers), what have Roy and Stan done to preserve that legacy up to now?

In Walt's day, for example, park management worked IN the park, where they saw guests every day. One of the biggest driving factors behind the way Disney is now run is that front-line managers aren't on the front lines anymore, they're making decisions from the ivory "Team Disney" towers.

Roy and Stan have never gon on record as being particularly concerned with this, and they've had ample time - management was withdrawn from the parks early in Eisner's reign.

That's just ONE example of what's wrong with the company. I'm not saying Eisner's some angel come from heaven; his management style is confrontational and well-documented, and he's definitely made decisions that have been unpopular (with fans, at least). But, other than having the family name, what makes us think that Roy and Stan have got what it takes to save the day? I'm not being sarcastic or suggesting they don't, in fact, have "it" - I'm genuinely curious as the two were practically stealth boardmembers before they resigned.

If there's blame to be laid for the state of the company - and their assuredly IS blame - then there are plenty of feet in the entire Board to share that blame. And Roy and Stan were on that Board, too, and until fairly recently seemed fat dumb and happy with the way things were going. So what makes us all believe that they can, in fact, "Save Disney?" If Roy were given carte blanche by the Blue Fairy to fix the company, what specifically would he do (not what would YOU do... what would ROY do)?

Last time this happened, Roy hired Eisner to save the day. Obviously, that isn't going to work this time...


Well-Known Member
Re: Re:

Originally posted by swrdfghtr
You know, just to playd evil's advocate (so please, easy on the flamethrowers), what have Roy and Stan done to preserve that legacy up to now?

If there's blame to be laid for the state of the company - and their assuredly IS blame - then there are plenty of feet in the entire Board to share that blame. And Roy and Stan were on that Board, too, and until fairly recently seemed fat dumb and happy with the way things were going. So what makes us all believe that they can, in fact, "Save Disney?" If Roy were given carte blanche by the Blue Fairy to fix the company, what specifically would he do (not what would YOU do... what would ROY do)?

Last time this happened, Roy hired Eisner to save the day. Obviously, that isn't going to work this time...

I appreciate your honesty. First, remember that Roy was gradually restricted from speaking of his dissent as a board member and employee... eventually to the point that others (like David Stainton, his direct employee as Director of Feature Animaiton while Roy was VP of Animation) were told to report any conversations that they had with him to Michael Eisner himself. [This was documented on Roy's letter of resignation.]

But before that, he worked within the system. But he saw the system eventually tip toward an unbridled Eisner and to where the business was running the show, instead of serving to support the show. He worked from within, probably believing that Eisner would return to what brought him success in the first place. But, for whatever reason, he stayed on and tried to work from within; but the board turned against him as Michael and his cronies worked to replace known dissidents. This is evidenced by federal and Wall Street pushes for "independence" at the Disney Board (again, the side Roy sides on).

But, as for what Roy might do, I think it is best and most straightforwardly stated here below, in an article that starts by going BACK and looking at turning points and points then to the only way to turn it around: a new emphasis on innovative leadership and the primacy of creativity in the arc of investment.

Read the article: It was filed today with the SEC on behalf of Roy Disney and Shamrock holdings.

I think it answers your very legitimate question.


Well-Known Member
Also.. in Roy's own words: (from

[The last three paragraphs say it all for me! The b-school suits have truly turned the company upside down. I thought I was the only one who never wanted to hear "branding" or "synergy" again! And these days, for me, the marketing of "magic" is about to do the same thing to that word in the Disney company. And I am a business school graduate (The College of William and Mary, 1988).]

The Vision: A Work In Progress
By Roy E. Disney

Maybe one of the most difficult tasks I have ahead of me is to set out a simple, clear vision of what I see as the idealized future of the Disney Company. I've found it's a lot easier to talk about what it's not, and what is wrong (because there have been so many examples of that lately) than what it is. But I'll try not to do that.

I believe the Disney ideal is, as it has always been, about the future and about the people who will form that future. I believe it's about hope, about a belief in the essential goodness in all of us, about trusting one another, about the idea that knowledge is invaluable to growth, and that happiness is something we all aspire to and all too seldom have ... and that it's not only possible, but necessary, to have fun along the way.

I believe that our mission has always been to be bringers of joy, to be affirmers of the good in each of us, to be—in subtle ways—teachers, and to speak, as Walt once aid, "not to children but to the child in each of us," by way of great storytelling, by way of giving our guests a few hours in another world where their cares can be momentarily put aside, and by way of the memories of those moments that remain with people forever.

I believe that is the core of what we've come to call "Disney," and that our single biggest need is to get back to that core. I believe we need to get back to doing the things we do best, and that our real power as a positive member of world society is in those things.

I believe that the innermost core of who we are is, as it has always been, the business (and please note, and never forget, that it is indeed a business ... we all need to make a living) of film and especially animation, and the stories, characters, music and humor that well-told stories generate through that medium. I believe that this is the engine that drives the train and the company basically flows from that.

My Dad was quoted once as saying, "It's easy to make decisions, once you know what your values are." That speaks volumes about what's gone wrong with the company.

But I also believe that our identity, as I've described, has been compromised by many factors: the addition of unrelated assets which live by different value systems; the perception that, in the absence of ideas, the road to success is to cut, slowly and cruelly, back on everyone and everything that once made us successful, no longer giving our guests value for money; the shifting moral grounds that this conglomeration of companies has created. Try this one: "The Walt Disney Company's ABC Presents the Victoria's Secret Lingerie Show." I'm not making that up, in case you wondered.

We need to remember that the product itself is important, not just the selling of a "brand" name.

I also believe in the idea of synergy, as long as you'll promise never to use the word again ... synergy was a wonderful thing until it had a name ...

I certainly have no monopoly on these beliefs. In fact, I believe they represent the feelings of millions of our friends around the world. They're also a bit of a work in progress. Clearly defining the notion of "Disney" could take many more words than these, and I welcome your thoughts and suggestions.


New Member
Originally posted by objr
Speaking of which...has anyone received their bumper sticker yet? :lookaroun

I ordered mine of of the first few days that was up on the site, and just got it today! Hooray!! The top half says "Goodbye Michael... Bring Back Roy" and the bottom half says "".

(runs out to put it on her car)



New Member
Here's a hasty scan!!




When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
I got mine this evening!! I'll be putting it on Monty tomorrow.. I'm scotch-taping it to the inside though, to protect it from the elements


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
here's a pic..


  • savedisneysticker.jpg
    47.2 KB · Views: 177

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