Safari Changes

My whole problem with the ride is the one time I rode it they refused to slow the crap down and let us see anything. It was the first week in May 06 and it was packed and they were driving like insane people on something and I felt like I was on Dinosaur:the ride and not a safari. What I think they need to do is have like little pull offs that if the driver wants to show you something they can pull off and let the other drivers pass and they need to do away with that crazy stupid storyline.


My whole problem with the ride is the one time I rode it they refused to slow the crap down and let us see anything. It was the first week in May 06 and it was packed and they were driving like insane people on something and I felt like I was on Dinosaur:the ride and not a safari. What I think they need to do is have like little pull offs that if the driver wants to show you something they can pull off and let the other drivers pass and they need to do away with that crazy stupid storyline.

Two problems with that though, first is if theres somthing worth stoping for, then they will all stop, second one is although for the guests on it at that point, yes that would be best, but for the overall health of the line, they need to keep moving. Not very magical, but true.


New Member
Original Poster
Many of you who don't like the story, please hear me out. The majority of the people on this board are repeat park goers....even cast members. We go on safari and all the rides at WDW fairly often. As a result, it's not as magical. Think of the families that save for years and years just to make a 5 day trip to WDW. For those people, the story is not contrived, tacked on or whatever. It's a real experience. Many of them may never be able to return. Also, there is a good percentage of people who go to Animal Kingdom who are not usual Zoo visitors. The whole purpose of the park is to take the park goers who came to WDW mostly for MK Epcot and MGM and try and educate them at DAK. You'll notice that the whole educational aspect of things is much stronger at DAK than anywhere else. Do you know how many small children know what poachers are, or why we should even pay attention to them? Do you know how many children I've talked to after riding safari were truly concerned there were poachers in the park? They wanted to stop the poachers when hours before they didn't even know what a poacher was. It's a powerful thing and I find it discouraging that so many of you wish to discount that.


New Member
Many of you who don't like the story, please hear me out. The majority of the people on this board are repeat park goers....even cast members. We go on safari and all the rides at WDW fairly often. As a result, it's not as magical. Think of the families that save for years and years just to make a 5 day trip to WDW. For those people, the story is not contrived, tacked on or whatever. It's a real experience. Many of them may never be able to return. Also, there is a good percentage of people who go to Animal Kingdom who are not usual Zoo visitors. The whole purpose of the park is to take the park goers who came to WDW mostly for MK Epcot and MGM and try and educate them at DAK. You'll notice that the whole educational aspect of things is much stronger at DAK than anywhere else. Do you know how many small children know what poachers are, or why we should even pay attention to them? Do you know how many children I've talked to after riding safari were truly concerned there were poachers in the park? They wanted to stop the poachers when hours before they didn't even know what a poacher was. It's a powerful thing and I find it discouraging that so many of you wish to discount that.
Bingo, that is probably the best post in this thread so far.


. For those people, the story is not contrived, tacked on or whatever. It's a real experience.

I understand its a little different for people who only see it once. And I love the ride itself. But it was always contrived and it always detracted from one of the best rides in WDW. The first time I saw it and the 20th time too.


Well-Known Member
Many of you who don't like the story, please hear me out. The majority of the people on this board are repeat park goers....even cast members. We go on safari and all the rides at WDW fairly often. As a result, it's not as magical. Think of the families that save for years and years just to make a 5 day trip to WDW. For those people, the story is not contrived, tacked on or whatever. It's a real experience. Many of them may never be able to return. Also, there is a good percentage of people who go to Animal Kingdom who are not usual Zoo visitors. The whole purpose of the park is to take the park goers who came to WDW mostly for MK Epcot and MGM and try and educate them at DAK. You'll notice that the whole educational aspect of things is much stronger at DAK than anywhere else. Do you know how many small children know what poachers are, or why we should even pay attention to them? Do you know how many children I've talked to after riding safari were truly concerned there were poachers in the park? They wanted to stop the poachers when hours before they didn't even know what a poacher was. It's a powerful thing and I find it discouraging that so many of you wish to discount that.

Could not agree more. I have said that on so many of the "CHANGE SOMETHING NOW" threads but it seems to fall on deaf ears. We are not the people Disney make attractions for, the families that have saved all there life for the one trip to see the magic...those are the people Disney wants.

But back on topic....So NO changes have been made to the attraction at this time!?!?!?!


New Member
Original Poster
But back on topic....So NO changes have been made to the attraction at this time!?!?!?!

As of yet, no changes have been made at all, however, the loading dock that is closest to the actual entrance of the ride path is currently down to expand for the extra row. Script changes and what not should come in the next few months.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
Could not agree more. I have said that on so many of the "CHANGE SOMETHING NOW" threads but it seems to fall on deaf ears. We are not the people Disney make attractions for, the families that have saved all there life for the one trip to see the magic...those are the people Disney wants.

But back on topic....So NO changes have been made to the attraction at this time!?!?!?!

Not to veer off-topic again, but from an economic standpoint, doesn't it make more sense for Disney to cater to the repeat guests? These are the ones who pump the most money into the park. Don't you want to keep the family happy that comes every year, moreso than the family who comes once in their lives?


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Not to veer off-topic again, but from an economic standpoint, doesn't it make more sense for Disney to cater to the repeat guests? These are the ones who pump the most money into the park. Don't you want to keep the family happy that comes every year, moreso than the family who comes once in their lives?

I'm sure that they have done extensive research on this, and while I don't know what the research shows, I'm sure that Disney doesn't want to lose either family. The once in a lifetime family may spend alot more on their trip than the once a year family.:shrug:


Well-Known Member
Not to veer off-topic again, but from an economic standpoint, doesn't it make more sense for Disney to cater to the repeat guests? These are the ones who pump the most money into the park. Don't you want to keep the family happy that comes every year, moreso than the family who comes once in their lives?
yes, the repeat visitors spend more, but they will come back anyway. Disney doesn't really need to cater to people like us. They know we'll come back regardless. We don't usually plan our vacations around these lame marketing campaigns, but the hope is that if Disney can convince non-regulars that "now is the best time to come," they will book. One exception to the rule was Disneyland's 50th (note Disneyland's, not WDW's ploy to profit off of it). That event was so well done and well-marketed that it did draw regulars back to Disneyland and was extremely profitable (and my favorite celebration Disney has done in a while...they really pulled out all the stops at Disneyland).


Well-Known Member
yes, the repeat visitors spend more, but they will come back anyway. Disney doesn't really need to cater to people like us. They know we'll come back regardless.

But what if we come back less often than before? Disney should care about something like that, but as you've said before they don't.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I like the idea of fitting sensors to the animals and giving guests weapons laser firing attachments ( a bit like battlefield training weapons), the ride could then be themed to a Big Game hunt of the early 20s and 30s. The animals could be graded in a points system with the harder to hit creatures being worth more. If you get to a certain score you get a free pin.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I like the idea of fitting sensors to the animals and giving guests weapons laser firing attachments ( a bit like battlefield training weapons), the ride could then be themed to a Big Game hunt of the early 20s and 30s. The animals could be graded in a points system with the harder to hit creatures being worth more. If you get to a certain score you get a free pin.

How TOTALLY politically incorrect.

But, it does sound fun:lookaroun

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
I like the idea of fitting sensors to the animals and giving guests weapons laser firing attachments ( a bit like battlefield training weapons), the ride could then be themed to a Big Game hunt of the early 20s and 30s. The animals could be graded in a points system with the harder to hit creatures being worth more. If you get to a certain score you get a free pin.

With Teddy Roosevelt serving as your guide!!



Frankly I would love it if they skipped the story altogether. Let me ride through it in peace and quiet. They can tell me if there is an animal to see but I am more annoyed by the silly story.
If they take the story out, Do you know what we get? I will tell you Disney's California Adventure.:hammer:
I like the idea of fitting sensors to the animals and giving guests weapons laser firing attachments ( a bit like battlefield training weapons), the ride could then be themed to a Big Game hunt of the early 20s and 30s. The animals could be graded in a points system with the harder to hit creatures being worth more. If you get to a certain score you get a free pin.

It would probably be inhumane to put sensors on the animals. I recommend they rent riders paint ball guns.
Many of you who don't like the story, please hear me out. The majority of the people on this board are repeat park goers....even cast members. We go on safari and all the rides at WDW fairly often. As a result, it's not as magical. Think of the families that save for years and years just to make a 5 day trip to WDW. For those people, the story is not contrived, tacked on or whatever. It's a real experience. Many of them may never be able to return. Also, there is a good percentage of people who go to Animal Kingdom who are not usual Zoo visitors. The whole purpose of the park is to take the park goers who came to WDW mostly for MK Epcot and MGM and try and educate them at DAK. You'll notice that the whole educational aspect of things is much stronger at DAK than anywhere else. Do you know how many small children know what poachers are, or why we should even pay attention to them? Do you know how many children I've talked to after riding safari were truly concerned there were poachers in the park? They wanted to stop the poachers when hours before they didn't even know what a poacher was. It's a powerful thing and I find it discouraging that so many of you wish to discount that.

Sorry but I am simply offended when a company like Disney tried to "educate" regarding animal welfare. This is the same Disney that released the totally bogus movie showing little lemmings jumping off into the sea. The audience was led to believe that lemmings would do such a thing of their own accord. They ignored the fact that bulldozers had to be used to herd them to their death. So thinking I or anyone else should learn about conservation from Disney is like asking doctors to learn ethics from Dr. Mengele.

The bottom line is I go to Disney for entertainment and the loud squawking story disturbs my entertainment. It disturbed it the first time I rode the ride and I'm sure it will the 10th time I ride it.


New Member
Sorry but I am simply offended when a company like Disney tried to "educate" regarding animal welfare. This is the same Disney that released the totally bogus movie showing little lemmings jumping off into the sea. The audience was led to believe that lemmings would do such a thing of their own accord. They ignored the fact that bulldozers had to be used to herd them to their death. So thinking I or anyone else should learn about conservation from Disney is like asking doctors to learn ethics from Dr. Mengele.

The bottom line is I go to Disney for entertainment and the loud squawking story disturbs my entertainment. It disturbed it the first time I rode the ride and I'm sure it will the 10th time I ride it.

Ok the thing with the lemmings was bad but that was a long time ago and I would say that the company has a different out look on the environment at this time.

I don't think they are forcing environmentalism on any body with this ride. If they were making me watch Al Gore's Documentary before they let me ride test track I would have some serious issues but I don't think that anybody can label the threat that poachers pose as controversial. People that trespass onto protected grounds and kill protected animals are really just as bad as some body coming into your yard and killing your pet. Those animals are on a reserve for a reason, they are not meant to be killed.

I don't have a problem with the story, I really do like it and I feel that the driver of the truck is very important in making the trip special each time. Just like the CMs on GMR and Jungle Cruise, they most likely have some of the hardest jobs in the parks.

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