Well-Known Member
I just wanted to let you guys know that my last and final trip that was suppose to take place in September 2019 has now been confirmed and canceled! Ther4e is no hope in salvaging it in any way! I have enjoyed my time on the board, giving advice and making friends. I will pop in once in awhile, but not as often as I did(everyday!). I am a little sad abut the decision, but I have my eye on the prize...since I won't be going "home", I have decided to continue to save each week as usual but with the goal to buy a new, used car in July 2020! Waiting until then gives me a good strong $2,000.00-$3,000.00 to go in with! I guess a new car is more important!? (I keep telling myself that and maybe I'll believe it!) If anyone needs help planning your trip, I will be more than happy to help you in anyway I can, although I am a novice, there are many others on here that can be more helpful...kingdom konsultants raise your hands! Take care, and be kind to one another!