One Little Spark...
Luke is the naive home schooled genius. Han is the hard nosed, lived a rough life but always survived sort.
And yet they become friends.
It's the same character story arch as the Artful Dodger and Oliver Twist, and is classic and works.
This is why "Han shot first"...Luke, would never have done that. It's embedded in the story (he even had trouble striking out at the drone when he was practicing with his light saber, and whined to Ben Kenobi...Han would have just said "ow, that hurt" and shot it with his gun.)
And yet they become friends.
It's the same character story arch as the Artful Dodger and Oliver Twist, and is classic and works.
This is why "Han shot first"...Luke, would never have done that. It's embedded in the story (he even had trouble striking out at the drone when he was practicing with his light saber, and whined to Ben Kenobi...Han would have just said "ow, that hurt" and shot it with his gun.)